Once these Administrator hijinks were exposed and the three Administrators, presented with the overwhelming evidence after first denying it, admitted to their trysts with female subordinates. According to the 3020-a law any educator found guilty of sexual misconduct is automatically terminated. However, the DOE in its usual application of the "double standard" between teachers and Administrators simply demoted the three. No 3020-a hearings in which termination would be the only penalty by the Arbitrator, if presented with the cases. I guess it is only "zero tolerance" of alleged sexual misconduct when it comes to teachers. .
Is this the first time the DOE let Principals off the hook for sexual misconduct? Remember the stories of Principal John Chase Jr? Or Robert Bost? Unfortunately, the "double standard" is a fact of life at the DOE whee zero tolerance only applies to teachers, even when there is no sexual misconduct but is ignored when it comes to their Administrators.