Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Open Market Transfer System Is A Joke.

Once again, I have checked over ten schools in Queens that advertized for an Earth Science teacher on the Open Market Transfer System (OMTS), and didn't receive one interview.  That's right, not one interview! Maybe because I am part of the "untouchables", ATRs who survived their 3020-a hearings that the DOE doesn't want to see in the classroom.  However, in speaking to many of my teaching colleagues coming from closing schools or programs, they haven't received any interviews either!  According to Gene Mann of the UFT 4,000 teachers change jobs using the OMTS.  What Mr Mann fails to say is few of them are highly experienced and high-salaried teachers. The vast majority are untenured teachers who want to get out of poorly performing schools resulting in a destabalizing of the very schools that need a stable teaching staff.

What do we excessed teachers have in common?  Age and salary/  Most of my colleagues make $80,000 or more and are over 50 years of age.  That's right its age and salary discrimination.  Principals will not hire us because of the "fair student funding" and the bias against ATRs.  Try to get this information from the DOE and UFT and they claim ignorance and a FOIL request to the DOE was ignored since neither organization wants the truth out. Now that there is no "hiring freeze" look for the ATR pool to increase by September from the 2,400+ to as much as 3,000 as few ATRs took the inadequate buyout.

Our union betrayed the ATRs and no matter how our union spins this contract, the union is allowing the DOE to stigmatize excessed teachers and demonize those that won their 3020-a discipline hearings.   No other City union would agree to make some of their members second class citizens and allow the DOE to practice a de facto age and salary discrimination as part of the contract.  However, no other union is like ours that screws some of its members while slapping themselves on the back for an inferior contract that even DC37 beat.


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    the open market is a total farce - totally true!

  2. Bronx ATR3:58 PM

    The contract, (or as I like to call it, "Mike and Carmen make a porno"), is tailor made for the unthinking and naive. Yet, it passed by 75%! There are ramifications for ignoring FOIL and it should be followed up on, (eventually they'll have to give the info, like it or not). I applied to 15 schools and not one interview. Its outrageous what's being done to us by the DOE, but the UFT's involvement is what really stings.


  3. neither are new applicants, specifically thos who applied for the pre-k expansion.

    I think most principals are away on vacation or at conferences or PD.. I have received many emails to this nature

  4. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)5:44 PM

    Good luck getting a response from Mann, WeinGrew and the rest. They do not answer questions, they will talk to you on things like Twitter, but as soon as you ask a tough question the responses from her and her hacks stop. I know you are shocked at that Chaz, but it is true.

  5. Chaz will ATR's who received a U definitely not be placed on Oct. 15? The contract only says 3020 winners

  6. Anonymous8:17 PM

    They are all scoundrels. We do not have a union that supports us even though they helped created this MESS!!! What can we do as ATR's to make the working conditions better?

  7. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Another leadership principal removed from a Bronx High School. Didn't hit the papers yet. Very shocked at that.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My understanding from a DOE source is that"U" rated teachers will not be offered an interview, unless there are no other candidates.

  10. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Sacrifice the ATR's.

  11. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Chaz do you have an idea how many ATR's were rated U this past school year?

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    sarcastically looking forward to being forced placed come oct, while i applied to over 75 schools spanning 4 bourghs.

  13. Anonymous1:59 PM

    the ATR mess is sickening NOT even one interview from the Open Market..its not open market for us its OPEN SEASON on ATRs.. as you have stated Chaz
    I wish I didnt have to go back to the cesspool in September and I have tried to stay away from this blog but this is the only place to get the truth...dont even bother with the useless UFT just let them keep taking our dues...

  14. Anon 12:01

    The UFT leadership already did that. Get with the program!

  15. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Speaking as a veteran assistant principal in the Bronx I would like to offer a view point from the other side. I understand it can be frustrating to those looking for an opportunity but I receive roughly 20-30 resumes a day for my 2 vacancies. Along with my principal, we have had to go through hundreds of resumes for 2 positions. Fair student funding does not play into our selection process. Unfortunately, it is a numbers game and the odds are not in the favor of many of the applicants. My suggestion to those looking for a position is to stand out and go to the school in person. It definitely makes a difference. I wish everyone luck and hope this helped. I would be more than happy to answer Any question as to what the "other side" is really looking for and how to stand out of the hundreds of applicants a principal recieves.

  16. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Sorry to admit it, but if they want to treat this 20yr veteran like a bitch, I'll just take the $cheddah$....

  17. I would think most schools will use ATR's as subs for the year, just like before the weekly rotation when ATR's were placed in one school for the year. Because you can bank the inept, inconsistent DOE won't match each ATR's license with a school's needs. ATR could stand for A Thoughtless Rotation

  18. Another 53 year old ATR7:18 AM

    To 4:48,
    Unfortunately, I think what you've written is a complete crock of shit. If you have X number of dollars to get an itemized list from the grocery store, how does money not come into play? If you've been getting 20- 30 resumes a day for a minimum of 10 days to maximum of 50 days and you haven't chosen someone (out of 2,000-10,000 applicants), that says more about you and your school than it does about the applicants. If only the city would have been as selective with its administrators!

  19. Anon 4:48

    You might be telling the truth in your screened school but for the majority of schools its "education on the cheap" and not what's good for the students.

    The fact the DOE refuses to respond to a FOIL request onhow many ATRs received an appointed and the years they have in the system speaks volumes.

  20. Anonymous9:39 PM

    To 718

    I am sorry you feel this way but its true. I feel sad that you have put yourself in such a bad mental state that you believe every school/administration is poison.

    Truth be told we try to steer clear of brand new teachers as either they do not tend to work out or we have to allocate funds to provide a lot of professional development for them to have a shot at being an effective teacher down the road. In essence what i am saying is i rather pay a teacher 65k that knows how to teach my kids than someone who cost 45k but i need to spend 10k on their professional development who MIGHT eventually be effective.

    As for someone making 100k, yes its true it would be harder to bring them aboard but mostly due to red flags being raised. If i see.a 20 yr teacher with experience, i would want to know why they are leaving their school after being at one place for awhile. And when i have asked that question......boy have a gotten a few interesting answers

  21. Another 53 year old ATR11:47 AM

    To 718,
    My school was shuttered, via the DOE's manipulation of student population. I have never had a U, have many awards and enjoy teaching. I, like many ATRs, have "no red flags" other than the unfair stigmatizing stereotypes perpetrated by the DOE and the media. I don't believe every administrator is poison - I just haven't met any that aren't.

  22. Is the fact that most ATR's became so because their school was closed one of your interesting answers ? Or is the fact that you left that out interesting?

  23. Moreover, if a teacher was at a school for 20 years that means it was a big school since there were no mini schools 20 years ago And since every big school has been closed, they didn't leave their schools at all. I'm sure there are exceptions but most of the answers to your question would have to be their school was closed you represent today's administrator quite well. You leave out anything that disproves your dishonesty. Since you probably never taught more than a few years that is called guile.

  24. Anonymous5:14 PM


    How am i being dishonest? Are you and your fellow bloggers on this site so blinded by your hate of the system that you believe that everyone is dishonest.? I am sure this hatred comes out in your interviews and this is why you are where you are.

    We take our hiring very seriously which is why we do a very intense and thorough check on all people we bring into our school. Trust me, we could take the easy way out and just interview the first few resumes we get and hire one out of those few. But we are out to put the best teacher.....not the one who has been working the longest but the most effective teacher in that classroom. Sorry that there is only 2 (only 1 now) vacancies to be filled and a ton of applicants.

    For example, we invited an atr for an interview who had 7 yrs of experience and 1 school in the bronx. She will not be offered the position for the following reasons

    1) - was unable to give an effective answer on her personal philosophy on how students learn best. She based her answer on what she does....not what students are expected to do

    2)- spoke negatively about her previous administration. She might have had a legit gripe but these Are things that will kill you in any interview in any industry

    3) - when asked about how she manages student behavior she talked about consequences. No mention of parents, no mention of actual systems he has in the class.

    4- when given a chance for her to ask any questions about our school she had 1. That question was about parking. Not about PD opportunities, not about parents or students or other teachers. Parking.

    This woman, this atr, this educator had a well written resume to get her to the interview process. She blew it.

    The applicant who we did give the job to is a teacher with 6 years experience. 2 in Georgia and 4 in an elementary school in the bronx. She is tenured, she is knowledgeable and she earned her job by being positive and well spoken.

    I suggest reggie,you and your fellow bloggers try to do the same instead of complaining how things are unfair and you are victims. And the next time you accuse someone of lying, you better have the facts to back it up.

  25. Anon 4:48

    Maybe in your school, its true but I did notice your "red flag" comment. Many of us had false and frivolous charges filed against us in the hey day of Joel Klein and are "red flagged". However, many of us are effective teachers and it seems you only are looking for teachers with single digit experience, just like many other schools.

    Too bad its more about salary and control then what's best for your students.

  26. Another 53 year old ATR6:07 PM

    To Mr. Administrator,
    One has to agree to be a victim by not fighting back. Our union won't do it. This is why many of us write blogs, keep one another informed and try to help when possible. You're comments on ATRs are biased (I'm not 100% sure you're aware of it) and are offensive. We've paid our dues, earned our tenure, gained experience and have to convince administrators , such as yourself , that we are better than attractive, enthusiastic and inexpensive 25 year olds. Mr. Administrator, knowing what type of person you are, I believe that ATR was very fortunate you didn't hire her.

  27. Anonymous10:12 PM


    "We've paid our dues, earned our tenure, gained experience" does not mean you are what is best for students. What data do you have outside of # of years work that you make a difference ror students and a school. That is what we look at

  28. How are you being dishonest? It's plain. 60% of ATR's were excessed because their schools were closed not your 'interesting answers." Twisting my stating this fact is hatred is more dishonesty. Claiming hatred is why I am an ATR is yet more dishonesty. I became an ATR bc my school was closed. Is it hatred to state this fact?

    You say the teacher you interviewed was rejected because she/he couldn't give an answer to how students learn best. I'll bet my pension you don't know what the word learn means.
    He should make negative comments about previous administrators to see how you react so he can see if you are the same. The DOE is infested with inept, arbitrary Academy principals and inept AP's who taught a few years. He was straight about his past. Were you straight with him?

    What is wrong with stating consequences for classroom management? Johnny tells Mr. to suck his ____. Without consequences why should he not do it again? Any experienced teacher will tell you in most situations calling home does little or nothing. Consequences of course means the administration has to step in. How convenient for you not to support your teacher with progressive discipline. That ought to be the system for management. You obviously have no clue how to run a school or what kids need.
    A 20 year vet isn't interested in useless PD's. They just want to be left alone to do their job and to do teach the way they know works. But I'm sure you're straight with teachers about what to expect from you and the principal, if CFN will be forced on them and anything else unpleasant they can expect as a teacher in your school.

    Parking is a real problem in many areas. But of course you would look out for your teachers by doing anything you could so they don't have to arrive to work at 7:00 am to find a spot.
    You provided the facts that you're lying by claiming I said things are unfair or that I'm a victim. I simply said most 20 year vets were excessed and I stated the fact that you conveniently left this fact out.

  29. Sure, the amount of time in the system does not make you an effective or ineffective teacher but the amount of time tells one that the teacher has been teaching for an extended period of time and deserves the higher salary that goes with it.

    Under present fair funding rules, teachers, no matter how effective they are, will not be interviewed for vacancies. Therefore, its not about what's best for the students but the school budget.

    Its about time you admit the truth and stop with your looking for the best teacher crap.

  30. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I have been teaching for 25 years. How do students learn best? Each student learns differently. What is the oversimplified answer to the question? I have no ------- clue.

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