Monday, September 12, 2016

When Will The DOE Remove Bad Principals? Apparently Never!

One of the best kept secret on why some schools struggle both academically and safety wise is the poor quality of the school's administration. There are far too many principals who have no business leading their school.  In fact Chancellor Carmen Farina stated that she believed that 400 principals are not capable of leading their school.  However, she apparently forgot to tell her Superintendents and few, if any principals were removed.

Many of the principals that need to be removed are graduates from the infamous "Leadership Academy", which until recently, the graduates didn't even have to be a classroom teacher!  Instead of being an instructional leader they became the CEO of their school and saw the Principal position as a stepping stone into higher paying positions in the educational policy field. The result was that the school administration refused to collaborate with the staff and teachers viewed the administration as the enemy rather than instructional leaders.

Under both Mayor Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio, the educational priority is how to remove "bad teachers" from the system rather than improve the hostile classroom and school environments.  Therefore, it suited their purpose to retain vindictive administrators as they were the tool to get veteran teachers to resign or retire.  Sure they also refused to give tenure to new teachers who dared to challenge their unwise decisions concerning students but who cared since there was always a fresh supply of inexpensive "newbie" teachers to abuse or hire an ATR provisionally for the remainder of the year.

Therefore, its in the DOE's best interest to protect these bad principals since they do the dirty work of removing veteran teachers and their institutional memory on how good schools work while using faulty statistics to claim improved student academic achievement is ongoing.  Of course, there has been little or no academic improvement in years. Remember, its not about what's best for the students but for these principals its how to protect themselves by manipulating graduation rates, hide school safety incidents, and blame staff for their shortcomings or unwise decisions for far too many principals in the system.


  1. Hi Chaz,

    In July there was a story about Principal Steve Dorcely and his AP who were accused of cheating on the Regents exams in June. Is there any known follow-up to the investigation?

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I've given up on karma coming to get the evil bastards that pose as principals and assistant principals these days. They had enough on my interim acting principal last year to, at the very least, pull her and move her to another school (the case was documented in the NY Post). Not only did she get appointed, but the teacher in question was removed.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This is why you have piece of sh*t administrators like Neil Ganesh and Christine Peterson of Richmond Hill high School.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    A few years back, I taught in a middle school with a leadership academy principal. Prior to becoming a principal he worked as a dean and NO teaching experience whatsoever. Only in NYC, Only in NYC!

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Can we name some current principals on here or is that really bad? I've got some very current stories.

  6. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)12:17 PM

    If anyone questions this, I direct your attention to John Bowne High School, where the current principal has had NYC Department of Education, settle TWO sexual harassment lawsuits. Think about that, not one, TWO. If after pondering that for awhile, if you don't think "educational reform" is about anything but breaking the teachers' union, then you are burying your head in the sand.

  7. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Chaz there has been 2 vacancies for guidance counselor. I am a bilingual spanish teacher in the school both times i applied. The first time i was given a fake interview found out later girl they hired had connection with the AP.This AP has connections to suoerintendant, Another vacancy this year i applied didnt get it. The girl they hired is fresh out of college is not bilingual at all. Found out she is friends with one of the assistant principals.They should have hired someone who represents the student population which is asian, muslim and hispanic.
    I have 25 years experience, know the school system. Nobody cares about the children Its all who you know in the DOE and yes there is age discrimination.

  8. Anon 12:00

    Look at my bad principals section on the right of my post. Of course you can always nominate others in my comment section.

  9. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Looking forward to my September 20th per session check

  10. Dwarka. Dwarka. Dwarka.

    Ok, got her in.

  11. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Yes, the evil Namita Dwarka of Bryant...

    We cant believe that Dwarka is still in charge of our school (Bryant). The woman "misplaced" nearly $200,000 in cash, has recently lost a federal lawsuit presented by gym teacher Maliarakis, is double dipping kids to make her graduation stats look good, and covers up all sorts of evil wrong doings.

    If a teacher misplaces their $50 in teachers choice receipts, a LTF.

    Hey UFT/DOE....wake up!

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM


  12. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Everything's grand here in mom's basement. I just made 2 large bagging three crowns as a pretend dentist. Now it is cha-ching time with my pretend teacher happy time. Oh yes. Big bucks (fat pension, per session handout, free medical, blah blah blah) easy peasy. Next week I'm a fake doctor but I'll keep posting as a fake teacher too.

  13. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Dwarka is going to need a lot of ATRS, since many teachers are abandoning her ship which is sinking.

  14. Anonymous8:37 PM


    Get the full story on Namita Dwarka of Bryant, tear down the wall, get a Pulitzer! I'm not joking......the skank is the tip of a spectacular iceberg, snatching BIG public cash from deserving students.

    Hey Namita, how's that Caribbean place down the street?

    Signed: On the perimeter of your trusted circle.

  15. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I miss MORM.

  16. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Cruz should be exterminated like a roach

  17. Anonymous9:02 PM

    There are no consequences for Dwarka.

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Ever. Won't be with her latest trick, either.

  18. Anonymous12:16 PM

    what happened top morm?
