Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Queens High Schools That Students Avoid.

One of the most informative data that tells a parent and child which schools to select and which one to avoid is the amount of vacancies a school has  Schools with vacancies are a warning sign that the school is not academically appropriate for an academically proficient child. While many Queens high schools still had vacancies after the first round, the largest amount of vacancies were reported at the Renewal High Schools and the schools located in Southeast Queens.  The list below are the "dirty dozen" of schools that had the largest amount of vacancies and should be avoided at all costs.

High School..................Vacancies

Long Island City................570
John Adams......................500
Grover Cleveland..............405
August Martin...................200
Martin Van Buren..............175
Humanities & Arts.............165
Rockaway Park..................130
William Cullen Bryant........120
Math, Science, Research....110

For all high schools in New York City ou can find the complete list for 2017 Here.  Also the previous lists for 2016 and 2015 can be found Here and Here.

The vacancies for August Martin was significantly reduced from last year due to the downsizing of the school, while the highest vacancies were associated with the Renewal Schools.  The highest amount of vacancies, relative to their size can be found at Campus Magnet which had a total of 425 vacancies as all four schools have had trouble attracting students due to their poor reputation.   The schools with many vacancies are prome candidates of receiving "over-the-counter" students who are usually "high needs" with limited academic or language skills/

To help you with your school selection search please read my posts about Queens high schools to avoid in 2016 and 2015 Here and Here.


  1. Chaz I've been reading you for years . Your blog has been very informative but this is absolutely the most ridiculous article ever . I'm actually insulted cause I teach in one of those schools and it's not even close to bad schools to the others mentioned . Just cause there are vacancies in a school doesn't mean a thing . Educate yourself chaz certain neighborhoods are changing quickly with younger single hipsters with zero kids . So my area the child population is down . Second, 2 other HS schools opened up in the last 6 yrs in my area . Of course our vacanies in my schools will be higher and honestly my school is 10x better with discipline and truancy for it . My school have one varies acedemic and athletic awards over the years. So please this info is cherry picked info . Lastly I thought you were against "SCHOOL CHOICE" DeVos style system and for zoned schools. Bloomberg created this mess and now you jump all over it with miss information .

  2. So I looked at the info and it's comical . My academy i teach in at my school can not hold another 50 10th graders. Hahaha , we don't have enough teachers to teach the classes if we added 50 more students or the money for the classes. Every class is full . Yeah if we went back in 2002 when my school was over 3,000 kids and there were chaos everyday .

  3. Chrs

    If your school is full, that means either the DOE has your school's vacancy rate wrong or that your school, to save on teacher salaries, have less classes then they should.

  4. Or they took in a large number of over the counter students.

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Mr, Sullivan
    Chaz is right. I work in a school with loads of student vacancies and we fill them by begging the DOE to allocate over the counter students and almost all of these students bring with them various problems, both academically nd behaviorally.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    If vacancies does not tell one about the high school? Why is it schools like Francis Lewis, Forest Hills, and Bayside have no vacancies?

    tHE ANSWER IS THAT VACANCIES TELL US HOW SOUGHT AFTER A HIGH SCHOOL is and schools with large student vacancies should be avoided at all costs.

  7. Chris:

    School vacancies tell us which schools students walk away from and that has to do h academics and the school's reputation.

  8. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Unfortunately students do not want to go to Bryant High School because of the bad reputation of the proncipal.

  9. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Boy, that anon 920 AM is really sharp!

  10. he or she certainly is.

  11. Right!!! Haha. It must be the teachers at those schools why all those kids go to forest hills , Franics and Bayside . Further if you think those schools don't have big problems at their school with disclipline problems , I've got 5 bridges to sell you my great grandfather and grandfather made with their crane company . Give me a break . I have close friends in those schools and tell me all their problems. But keep promoting school choice chaz you sound like DeVos and a teacher hater with this post . You want your fellow uft teacher to lose their job over BS stats the Doe pulls out ??? Got it . Fake News like our racist president you voted for .

  12. Chris

    First, I did not vote for Donald Trump.

    Second, accept the fact your Renewal schools are losing students, every year.

    Third, fact, the Renewal schools cannot attract veteran teachers or proficient students.

    Finally, the every increasing student vacancies confirm the other three.

  13. btw my school is not a renewal school but is on your list for vancanies and I gave you the reasons why we have them . It's not cause it's a bad school , new teacher, bad admins . It's our location to other new schools around the corner and the population change (hipsters) . Try to read what people write . Everything you write doesn't make it fact . With this article You're telling parents to avoid my school at all costs is crap! You never been to my school and don't know the dynamic , so you are judging my school . We have veteran teachers and aren't getting squeezed out . There's been great articles written about my school . We have the best bridge competition team in NYC . 2 yrs ago we had the national winner in it . We have the biggest lifegaurd program . If it wasn't for our school nyc would have a shortage . Ask the parks and recreation dept about my school . Our EMT program has 40 students in it with 100% certification . So please judging schools based on vacanies . Again if school choice was erased we wouldn't be having this discussion

  14. Chris

    The only school that has a decent reputation is Hillcrest and there's no parking at that school. All the other schools on the list I have been to and they are TERRIBLE!!!!!

  15. Well I taught in the so called great schools of Nassau county for 5 years and I've been teaching in this school for 15 years . I had a job again in 2009 at Port Washington and turned it down cause my kids are Amazing . I even would say it's better then the school I graduated high school from in Nassau . I've coached lacrosse at various Nassau schools for over 22 years and my kids are more respectful . I've won county championships and I've also won Psal champshiops at my school in soccer . so you're one month or whatever at my school doesn't hold water . Further my wife teaches at top district in the state GREAT NECK schools for 10 years and she's been to my school to watch me coach for many years . She thinks the kids at the school are amazing . So what classifies a school as TERRIBLE? Kids , teachers , admins ? I'm curious . Since you're experience is more knowledgeable then my wife and me . Cause again vacancies in my school aren't cause its a bad school sorry you're wrong . I've explained why we have them . Have a great weekend .

  16. Chris

    Obviously we disagree and let's stop beating a dead horse and move on to other issues.

  17. We do and that's fine. I still and will always respect your blog . Very informative.

  18. Anonymous8:28 AM

    You make a lot of assumptions in this post. High vacancies does not automatically equal poor school. There are so many variables that affect school size. Furthermore, I attend one of the schools on this list and we can not physically accommodate more students because we are on a shared campus and occupy one floor. My school is currently the largest on campus and we have a limited number of classrooms. What greatly annoys me is that parents will see this and take your misinformed rhetoric as factual. Do your due diligence! Not sure what your agenda is but you are hurting the reputation of my school and your fellow UFT members working their butts off in these schools.
