Sunday, September 17, 2017

The New York Post Editorial Board Continues Its Hypocrocy.

In today's New York Post, the Editorial Board claims that New York State Regents watered down the teacher certification requirements and rightly so.  The reason the State Regents eliminated one teacher certification test was the looming teacher shortage and the State Regents wanted more applicants to pass the teacher certification test.  However, the New York Post Editorial Board then should their true hypocrisy by supporting  the SUNY Charter Institute's teacher program that would allow uncertified and inferior teacher candidates to teach in SUNY Charter schools.  You can read my analysis of the SUNY proposal Here.

Teacher turnover is extremely high in Charter Schools and in New York State only a maximum of 15% of all charter school teachers can be uncertified.  By the end of the school year, due to teacher turnover caused by the long hours, inadequate pay, and lack of a social life beyond the charter school, many charter schools are out of compliance. The SUNY proposal would allow for a major lowering of teaching standards and increase the applicant pool of cheap and replaceable educators for their Charter Schools.

The bottom line is that the New York Post's Editorial Board's position is a hypocrisy.  First, they complain that New York State Regents has watered down their teacher certification requirements.  Then they recommend that the vastly inferior SUNY proposal be approved.  Go figure?  


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    So what they want seems to be smart people who have no intention of teaching more than 3 or 4 years.

    No smart person would go through all those certification requirements for a short career as a teacher.

    They can't have it both ways!!!

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    1130 AM

    Sadly, the DOE can have it both ways. As a rotating ATR I've met multiple teaching fellows that plan on finishing their commitment and going to medical/law school.....

  3. Anonymous11:54 PM

    It is a numbers game for the City. They need Someone with a pulse to be in the classroom with the students. They lowered the standards for the pupils, why not lower the standards for the educators? This suits the city just fine....Passing percentages will go up, Quality educators will leave via retirement or the newer ones will get so fed up with the BS and get they will replace them with people who have a pulse.... The city wants to make Teaching a Temporary Job, it alleviates the city and state's responsibility of pensions as well as medical for their employees. All of the talk about standards and Quality Education for the Children, it is all a facade, a scam!

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    A cheap teacher with lower standards is the new type of teacher they want.

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    A cheap teacher they won't have to pay pensions and benefits to is what they want.

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    This is what socialism does, it pulls everyone down to the same level, not everyone up

  7. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Gotta give it to Bloomberg...a shrewd businessman; fixed it so that we are moving towards a system in which we will have a revolving door of teachers which will, along with the eventual elimination of senior teachers, reduce the amount of monies applied towards public schools thereby saving the city money in the long run - or more accurately diverting those monies to investors who back him up and promote his policies and ensure that they be rewarded financially in the long run. There are higher forces at play here.

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Anon 418...

    What we are witnessing is fascism, not socialism. A spectacular difference.

  9. Anonymous7:47 PM

    got my buyout check today and with all taxes and fees and doe shenanigans that 50,000 turned into 30,000. what 4 finger rectal exam that turned out to be. way to go nyshitty doe!

  10. Anonymous11:59 PM

    It is the right formula chase older teachers out while they hire new ones.

  11. Anon 5:40, this is definitely what fascism is.

  12. Anon 5:40, this is definitely what fascism is.

  13. Anonymous6:01 PM

    This is not Fascism, all this has nothing to do with a dictator. This has been going on for a long time and is all coming to a head now. Stop with Trump stuff. He has had nothing to do with any of the problems we are dealing with now. There has been a war against working people in this country this entire century.

  14. Anonymous6:24 PM

    To 6:01 agreed. People are throwing the word fascism around without even knowing what it is!

  15. Anonymous8:34 AM

    A defining characteristic of fascism is when private sector takes over public sector, and siphons off public money for a hand full of "chosen ones". The Nazis were not the only fascist regime, they were the first.
