Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Most NYC High School Students Are Not College Ready.


Over the years, fewer that 25% of NYC high school graduates were college ready and must take no-  credit remedial courses at the seven community colleges.  However, this year, only 62.5% of the NYC high school graduates were subject to remedial college courses, down from 80% the year before.  Did the students get smarter?  No, the reason for the drop was that CUNY loosened the Math requirements.

Just like the State who lowered the cut scores on their Math test, CUNY used the SATs or allowed the student to take the exam again if she or he failed the first time.  Moreover, the student no longer needs to take or pass Algebra II (Trigonometry).  CUNY's dumbing down the Math requirements does not make the entering students anysmarter.

While the NYC high school graduation rate keeps rising, only 22% of the students complete three years at the CUNY Community colleges.

Read the New York Post article Here.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The Smart Phone 'revolution' has contributed a lot to drops in student skills, attention spans and overall willingness to do anything that resembles academic work.

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    They're not ready for colege and they're not ready for anything else. They don't read and write. They're handwriting is malformed. They can't add or subtract. They have very poor social skillls. And should I go on?

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    This all stems from White guilt. Push every kid into a college regardless of readiness. Bloomberg closed all large vocational high schools and no one knows how to hammer a nail (or read a book).

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    And this is news? You cannot have real standards in the NYC public schools. If you did, tens upon tens of thousands turning 30 would never make it out of high school in today's world. The city just can't have that can they now. Everyone knows this from the Mayor on down the line. It's really that simple.

  5. Shady9:58 PM

    This has to be "fake news". What proof does the media have? I can honestly tell you that I have passed dead students, students who have left the country, hospitalized students and students currently in jail. I can also tell you these students are and/or were college ready but there is and/or was no way for the media and/or for anyone else to know. The angry media needs to stop hating on our students. We have an 80 percent graduation rate in NYC.

    Next year, NYC will reach 90 percent graduation. I personally have already asked my principal to give me every online class and any LTA student that needs to get credits. I will do credit recoveries and even do online classes myself to help out my students.

    Other teachers are doing the same thing at other schools too. One nice dedicated teacher called my son, DeShawn, and asked him to go to school and to change his grade in order to pass. My son, DeShawn, said "Bitch just change my grade for me. Why do I have to come in for that?" The teacher did and my son passed. Thank you, dedicated teacher. Hopefully, Carmen comes back.

  6. Shady1:49 AM

    Hate to get political but it is July and Independence month. It is also making me sick how nobody in our country is defending our President. Whatever happened to Americanism, country first and patriotism? No matter what happened in Helsinki we should never criticize the victim and blame the victim. Putin is a predator and took advantage of our weak one. The name Put-IN speaks for itself. This is a 10th degree black belt who can handle himself in our worse and toughest prison. Many of men would not come out of a room with virgin buttholes after meeting Putin one on one. Did anyone see Trump's face afterwards? He was trembling, no eye contact and begging to go home. People stop blaming the victim. We are better than that!!! Plus, whose fault was it he forgot to use a double negative?? English f'in teachers and unions who blame these teachers.

  7. Shady1:50 AM

    @ Shady from Shady - you are one sick F but I still love you or love myself.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    ...yup...ergo the coroorate drive to monetize and automate this debacle with much cheaper labor...low pay and no pensions...see ..a fireman still is needed to put out the fire and rescue people...that cant be automated...yet...and cops are.still needed to do...whatever they do...but teachers...?...waste of money and efficiency...this is how a Bloomberg thinks...anyway...why train native born
    Kids to learn trades when you already have a hundred wetbacks with skills already waiting to do those jobs without the sense if entitlement Americans have...the illegals work and shut up...sad...but the commie/libtards have ruined this country, except for the gilded class...just lime Bolshevek Russia...control the slaves...incarcerate them when necessary.. and the 1% live it up...

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Trump is a GREAT President, not merely average or good. He will win in a lansdslide (outside of Demtard cities), if they don't kill him first. The reason why the neocons/Demoncrats villify Russia to this hysterical pitch? Putin kicked the demon squid Goldman Sachs type bankers out of his Fn country...ergo...our "central bankers" (read between the lines on that one)got kicked the F out of Russia. That's one reason...the other is that the Military I.Complex needs its Boogey Man to continue to rape our country here, and everywhere else. Remember "weapons of mass destruction", Vietnam, etc, etc...well NOW it's Russia...funny...I remember a time when the Left loved Motha so much, eh?

    By the did that Secret Service man die the other day, protecting the Prez.?

  10. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Trump has more balls than O'bamba, Bush/Cheney, and The Rapist-In-Chief combined...none of those cretins did ANYTHING in the real world b4 they were chosen to BS our citizens. Pleeeease on Trump shaking in front of Putin...Trump is sacrificing everything for this job...and most humans wouldn't subject themselves for this constant abuse. Wouldn't be surprised at all if he says "Hasta La Vista, Babeee"" with his middle finger after another 2 years of this BS.

    Shitlery couldn't even win a COMPLETELY RIGGED ELECTION...therefore all of this faux outrage.
    Like a bad fungus, she will never go away...

  11. Anonymous5:01 PM

    @shady those who know you feel for you. we know your really hurting over the fact that most black and brown students don't do well in school. dumblasio is not helping by dumblasiing down the test to get into the specialized high schools. you keep doing what you do, you will eventually make that difference.

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    @10:40 you sound like you want to have sex with the "liar in chief" first ask stormy if he is any good. trump is taking care of trump he is trying to work deals all over the globe to benefit himself and his family. 1. learn to spell moron, you don't have to advertise that your a nyc teacher! 2. trump does have more balls than Obama but they are golf balls! 3. real teachers tell the students don't call others names don't be a bully, well we have one of those in the white house how sad! 4. most important... glad your a nyshitty teacher and cant affect the real teaching of my children in the suburbs

  13. @5:01 Thank you. I feel you too. Been hurtin for awhile till earlier today. Finally, got some traction with trying to figure out ways we can increase graduation rates. I am in the middle of writing a proposal in order to meet with Gov Cuomo and Carranza about teacher ratings.

    I am proposing 30% of teacher ratings should be based on their effective proctoring skills. Imagine the increases in Regents results. This might be the way to finally achieve 90 percent regents passing. Give me your honest opinion? Pros & Cons.

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I just want to publicly thank former mayor Michael Bloomberg. I was very upset over the years to see my high school and all other large comprehensive neighborhood schools destroyed by the implementation of multiple little shit schools carving up hallways and floors within a building. Now a realize it was a golden opportunity on many levels. "There is opportunity in Chaos" best quote ever. Seven principals in my campus who cant stand one another. We hate them, they hate us. We wear blue, they wear red, others wear green, orange. It's like seven gangs. No one knows what the hell is going on which is amazing!!! Thanks Mike!!! So much money coming in and it's so chaotic, I honestly feel that this year I will easily clear 140K. So many opportunities because of the chaos. I hope the high schools never ever go back to one principal. I also hope the high schools never ever go back to zoning of neighborhoods. I love when kids tell me that they travel on a train and then to a bus and then walk from there to arrive at the school for a total of an hour commute to take the same exact classes that are offered at the high school two blocks from their home. Again more chaos. Please keep it this way DeBlaz. It is a pleasure to witness the school system and its systematic organization where I reside with my family. The difference is light years of separation.

  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    @ 7:17...So every teacher in NYC is shitty? By your tone, it sounds like YOU'RE the bully. "Big" man hiding behind a computer screen. Have a nice day in the suburbs pal.

  16. Anonymous11:10 AM

    @ shady
    im with it as long as atrs are assigned to a school for a year, and they are rating based on the average for that school.
    give an honest opinion,pros and cons.

  17. Shady1:46 AM

    @9:23 a.m. So true about chaos. Every building has principals who despise each other. The whole system is shot. Under the Bloomberg years we would give out gym credits to hall walkers. Our gym department had the best passing rate in school.

    Listen to what I went through tonight. I am not sure what to do with my son, DeShawn. He is out of control. A teacher from his school just spent the last 6 hours at my house trying to convince me of a plan that he and DeShawn created. He is willing to pay DeShawn 10k to have DeShawn punch him out in September. He is also willing to pay for any legal fees DeShawn incurs and will make sure DeShawn does not spend one day in jail.

    What the hell has the DOE gone to? Where are these teachers coming from? After six hours of negotiating on behalf of DeShawn - I got DeShawn 25k plus 1 percent of the teacher's disability pension but this teacher was a piece of work and you guys know me I never trash teachers.

  18. Anonymous6:38 AM

    9:23. Yes Bloomberg destroyed the comprehensive HS model! It is very sad to see! For all the comprehensive schools that are still around my hope is the DOE will overhaul the mini schools and re-create the comprehensive high school model!!!

  19. Anonymous10:34 AM

    hey shady, you and your son are both idiots! you could have done much better. you seem to spent a lot of time with your son, that's rare in the places I have taught. good for you. you say deshawns is out of control maybe change his name to peter or james then he might not feel like he has to fit in with his environment. just something to think about.

  20. Anonymous4:44 PM

    @9:28am NO! not EVERY teacher but 93-97% are! the numbers for atr's are higher. honestly doesn't everyone hide behind a computer screens these days. yes I will have a nice day because I no longer associate myself with the lowest level of teaching NYC.

  21. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Shady Your son will have teachers lining up. Problem was I was a dean for ten years and have been assaulted at least 15 times. I took LODs for a couple of them. A day or two at most. Now I’m an ATR and I saw a teacher knocked out cold last year. His line of duty injury was denied and he was brought up on charges for provoking the honor student. I think it’s because he was on top salary. Maybe the principal had the kid cold cock him? He spent a year in the rubber room and is now an ATR, but he’s off the school’s budget. No joke.

  22. Anonymous2:09 PM


    Your spawn will need Rhodes' Scholars teaching them if they're as stupid as you.
