Wednesday, November 14, 2018

With A Democratic State Senate, This Should Freeze The Charter School Cap.

The blue wave hit the NYS Senate and the Democrats will control the Senate in January.  One of the changes will be that the Senate Republicans cannot demand an increase in the charter school cap.   Moreover, with many Democrats agreeing with Mayor Bill de Blasio on keeping a freeze on the charter school cap, there are few available openings for new charter schools in New York City.   Finally, even our charter school Governor, Andrew Cuomo, will be hesitant to push for an expansion of the charter school cap since he has presidential ambitions and will not risk alienating the teachers unions and their traditional allies.

Presently, in New York City there is only 8 open spots available for new charter schools and the Democrat controlled legislature is unwilling to expand the cap.  Further, its highly unlikely the charter friendly Governor will waste political capitol to actively push to expand the charter cap.  Finally, the linking of Wall Street hedge fund billionaires with the charter movement  as well as President Donald Trumps support has alienated the general public in New York City and makes it extremely difficult to support expanding the charter school cap.

Read the New York Times article Here.  The New York City Charter School Center has the statistics on the charter school cap.

Goodbye Bloomberg and Klein.  So long the Republican controlled Senate.  No more charter school supporters getting their way.  The heyday for education reformers and their charter school allies are over.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    That’s what you think !
    I will believe it when we get 8 1/4% back in our TDA,
    Which the governors supported .

  2. The Governor never promised the 8.25% and anything over 7% is funded by the City anyway.

  3. I hope this means "Bye Eva!" (Done in the vein of "Bye Felicia!")

  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Also, these are totally unrelated issues.

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Let's just remember that there are a bunch of uft member charters, and even a few conversion charters that were new visions doe in the 90s and converted to charter.... I'm all for charter bashing... just not the good ones!

  6. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Obama and many Dems also supported charter schools.

  7. Anonymous6:20 AM

    To 7:38
    I meant the Cavanagh support at 7% .

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    sure chaz, just like all the other things that were going to change with a new mayor a new chancellor and new governor you get my point. keep dreaming but most importantly keep whining. you know what they say laughter is the best medicine!

  9. There have been Dems that have supported Charters in the past--and don't put it past Cuomo and the next NYC Mayor in 2021--to revisit the Charter issue

  10. Anon 6:40

    I am optimistic.
