I am the son of Chaz and like to inform you that he passed away this afternoon from the COVID virus. My father passed in peace beside his loved ones. We are hoping to have a memorial service for him once we are able to, but for now we are going to have a small private family funeral. Thank you all for reading his blog, following him all these years, and the support you gave him. Thank you.
Standing with Federal Workers? Or backing Trump?
20 hours ago
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»May he rest in peace. I learnt more from his blog than all the years spent in Graduate School or hours spent in worthless PD's. You have a lot to be proud of. He will be greatly missed.
My condolences His blog made a huge difference to so many teachers and reflected his love of teaching and love of education. What a terrible loss for his family and for the NYC community. He will be missed.
I am so sorry for your loss.
So very sorry to hear this. I enjoyed reading your father's informative posts. He will be missed. Prayers to your family. May Chaz rest in peace.
I am so sorry to hear. I will include you and your family in my prayers. I read his blog daily and will miss him.
I am so so sorry to hear this. I am sorry for your loss. Your father was so helpful in sharing information. If you are starting a go fund me please post it. I would like to make a contribution as a way of honoring all his information and advice he provided over the years.
So sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. He will be greatly missed.
I am so sorry to read this. My condolences to you and your family. I will miss this blog and your father's posts. May he RIP.
This horrible news. I find this so hard to believe. Chaz was a great advocate for students and a great friend of his colleagues. His blog was always thought provoking, reliable and always was informative. I will miss candor and good nature. I hope that someone continues his blog going. My thoughts go out to his family. May he RIP.
My best wishes and prayers to your family. I love reading his blog. A big loss.
Words cannot say how sad I am of this news. I never met Chaz but followed his blog religiously for years. I learned so much from him about teachers rights, tda, pension, tiers, managing administration and the list could go on. He was invaluable support to me and so many others. My hear goes out to you and your family. RIP Chaz, you will be missed.
Words cannot say how sad I am of this news. I never met Chaz but followed his blog religiously for years. I learned so much from him about teachers rights, tda, pension, tiers, managing administration and the list could go on. He was invaluable support to me and so many others. My hear goes out to you and your family. RIP Chaz, you will be missed.
Your father ran this blog for a long time - We started blogging around the same time.
We often agreed. We often disagreed. But there was never any doubt that he fought as hard as he did because he cared deeply about our students, our schools, and our teachers.
It was an honor to have known him, and painful to learn of his passing.
My condolences to you and your family.
Jonathan Halabi
I'm sorry for you and your family's loss. I'm sorry for our loss too.
An Earth Science Teacher
You were a tireless advocate for teachers and students. Though we didn't always agree on all the issues, I appreciate your friendship. When I was fired from my job in the DOE in 2013, you gave me a voice to share my story with the education community of NYC. You supported UFT Solidarity in the 2016 and 2019 elections. You never backed away from a debate and you always cared so much about public education. I still refer colleagues and friends to your blog's pages. Thank you Eric.
The UFT Pension Department wishes to express our condolences to Chaz's family during this difficult time. While we may not have always seen eye to eye about the pension, we appreciated Chaz's critical eye and spent many hours dissecting his articles.
If the family would like our assistance, please reach out to dkazansky@uft.org and we will help explain the process of obtaining the pension death benefits from TRS.
Very sorry to hear this. He will be missed.
Thank you for sharing, I never met Chas but as a blogger he was my hero. My condolences to your family in this difficult time.
OMG..so sorry to hear this terrible news..my prayers to you and your family during this difficult time..
Chaz ..you will be missed and thank you for this awesome forum..Rest in Peace
I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I always find this blog educational and looked forward to each entry. Your father's contributions to his colleagues will always be remembered.
Dear Chaz's son,
I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. I am devastated to hear the news!
Not a day goes by that I don't check to see if Chaz has something to say. He was
my lifeline for finding out information. Chaz gave me strength and courage
when I became an ATR. I will miss reading his blog and I feel very badly
that I never met him. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family.
A former ATR
My condolences to you and your family. May he rest in peace.
Dear Chaz's son,
I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. I am devastated to hear the news!
Not a day goes by that I don't check to see if Chaz has something to say.
He was my lifeline for finding out information. Chaz gave me strength and
courage when I became an ATR. I will miss reading his blog and I feel very badly
that I never met him. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family.
A former ATR
RIP Eric......you will be missed
I am sorry for your loss.
This is horrible news. Rest in peace Chaz. A strong fighter who helped countless educators.
I'm sure you are proud of who your father was and what he did for so many. Our condolences to your family.
I am so sorry to hear. I loved reading his blogs and having the privilege of learning from all his wisdom. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Wow. This is heartbreaking. May God bless his soul. I never met this man but I respect him. I pray for him, his family and friends. Our God is amazing. He is all knowing. Dear Father please give Mr. Chaz's family strength, guidance and faith. May Mr. Chaz rest in peace. Man. I'm really bothered.
This is so sad!!! Chaz's post have helped me so much and we truly lost a great member of the community!!!
RIP, Have been an avid reader since the beginning, Very sad, My sympathies and condolences to you and your family. He will be missed.
So, so, sorry for you father's passing.
I read his blog everyday. I am a teacher in my forties, with 10 plus years to go before I retire, and his blog gave me so much information and helped me to feel empowered despite the injustices we are served by the department of education.
This news makes me very, very sad. Your dad shined the light on truth. There is no more noble service. May he rest in peace.
So sorry for your loss. We hope a family member will contact Joe at the UFT so we can include an obituary on the UFT website. 212-598-6840.
My condolences to you and your family. Your father was a LION of the first order when it came to educating teachers and speaking up for them. You must know that. I'm sure you do, but you must understand how true that is, so I will say it as if you were standing right here in front of me.
Your father's blog was the real deal! It was gritty. It was plain and simple - no frills. He talked about the real stuff that teachers wanted to learn about. He brought up topics the other bloggers didn't. He talked the classroom. He talked pensions. He talked TDA. Maybe everyone didn't agree with his politics or tone, but they respected him. He knew his stuff, and he sure as hell taught many of us. I've gotten a lot of, "Where did you find that out?" over the years. I got it from your dad.
My deepers condolences to you and your family. Your father will not be missed - he will be terribly missed in our community. I'm stunned.
I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know him, but every life lost is a time to reflect and remember.
I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I began reading his blog sometime in 2010 or 2011. This is VERY sad to hear.My condolences to you and your whole family.
Tracie Goldman
My condolences to your family. Although I never got to meet your father personally, he provided invaluable information. I will be an eternal fan and know he will be remembered fondly. May Chaz rest in peace.
A musical tribute to Chaz
My sincerest condolences to your family. Chaz was a rare combination of good sense and good humor. All teachers, retired and active, are poorer for his passing
Rest In Peace. Thanks for all, especially enjoyed your TDA information. Condolences to the family.
My heart goes out to you all. I pray the Lord comfort you all in this difficult time. Chazz proclaimed the truth about public education the way most others would not dare to. He was a most powerful light in the midst of the darkness that has become public education.
OMG I am soooo sorry for your loss! I will miss his blog! Prayers sent your way!!!!
I am very shocked and sorry to hear this. He has helped us so much through this blog. He was always thinking of others. I will truly miss his writing and thoughtful insights. I wish i had a chance to say goodbye and to thank him. Sincerely, Peggy, a long-time follower of his blog.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of working, briefly, with your father. He was an amazing person and he will be greatly missed.
So sorry for your loss. Although we realize this is a tough time, we hope you will fill out the form at https://uft.wufoo.com/forms/qv64x6719q797q/
The UFT would like to pay tribute to Mr. Chasanoff on its UFT Honors page at https://ufthonors.uft.org/
Thank you.
So sorry to read this sad news. His blog was the go-to for DOE news, pension info, and of course, fighting back against admins and the crooks at Tweed. Spent my last 8 years as an ATR and I was able to survive in part due to his posts. I actually met him once at an ATR meeting run by Mike Sill. Only a few of us were there, and I came away more impressed by him. I'll be respectful and keep my thoughts about the DOE/UFT to myself out of respect to his family and friends. As with all caring teachers, he certainly reached and affected so many by his short time on this planet. Rest in Peace, Chaz. You certainly earned it.
I am so sorry for your loss. I read this blog to keep abreast of teacher oriented news and have valued your father’s work for a long time. Here I was able to understand and learn many of the issues that affect my job as a NYC educator. Please let us know details of a memorial or donation fund. My deepest condolences to you and your family at this time.
Chaz, thank you for your advice and service to other NYC teachers. You truly were a wonderful resource who cut through a lot of the bureaucratic nonsense of the NYC DOE Monolith. I wish you could have enjoyed more of your retirement. God speed.
Chaz was a great guy. I deeply admire how he spoke his truth and was never afraid to do so. We may all learn a keen lesson from someone so honest in the pursuit of truth and justice.
Rest in Peace Chaz!
So sorry for your loss
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's shocking, and must be very painful. Xoxo
Very sorry and very SAD !
My condolences to you and family and many thanks to your dad for all the information he was able to gather and get out through his various blogs. His influence will not be soon forgotten!
Chaz had an online family and his blog will be missed. My condolences to his family.
Your father helped keep me sane in my first years of teaching. My deepest sympathies.
Chaz was a part of my morning routine. Coffee, email and then on to the chaz school site. I send my condolences to the family and please know that Chaz will be missed deeply... my heart goes out to a great, brilliant man. God Bless.
I only hope that this site continues with the Chaz name... The Chaz site not only gave insight and information from Chaz but the site represents a wealth of information for educators in the NYCDOE with many other resources.
The Chaz site is sort of like a library that needs to keep going with the greatness that Chaz created here. God Bless Chaz and his family.
Chaz was a fighter with clear and concise analytical skills who was able to marshal the facts effectively to deliver indictments of the DOE and The UFT. He helped me immensely in my fight on two fronts. My condolences to you his son and other family members. He was a mensch.
I am so sorry to hear. of the passing of your father. May his blessed memory be remembered in the words he wrote.
My deepest condolences, I wish I could relay to you how helpful your Dad was to so many
My deepest condolences to Chaz's entire family.I never met Chaz but learned so much from reading his blog. He was taken way to soon and his massive contributions to the NYC education system will be sorely missed.
I am very sorry.
My deepest condolences.
I never met chaz but he
was my true friend.
I used his advice on many occasions.
He will always be in our hearts and minds
for the goodness he did.
May he Rest In Peace.
I am terribly saddened by this news. Though I never met the man, his blog made us all feel supported in a job that can be isolating and at times overwhelming. HIs good advice helped many to navigate challenging circumstances and to help plan for better secure futures for ourselves and our families. He was a relentless advocate for teachers and students.
My deepest condolences to you and your family and best wishes to all followers of this blog in these dark times.
So sorry to hear, I have checked this site every day for the past 10 years. I have learned more from Chaz than anyone else, RIP. Please make sure this site stays up with the links to the other bloggers.
I am terribly saddened by this news. Though I never met the man, his blog made us all feel supported in a job that can be isolating and at times overwhelming. HIs good advice helped many to navigate challenging circumstances and to help plan for better secure futures for ourselves and our families. He was a relentless advocate for teachers and students.
My deepest condolences to you and your family and best wishes to all followers of this blog in these dark times.
A voice of clarity and principle. Rest in peace Chaz.
I am sorry; he will be missed. What he posted here was always sensible and wise. It was tremendously helpful. God bless you and may he rest in peace.
I am heart broken,it feels like losing a family member. I have learned so much from this blog over the years. RIP Chaz, you will not be forgotten.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have followed this blog for many years and he gave such great advice and information for educators! He always had our back! I will miss his work but I am so grateful for everything he offered to his readers.
My condolences. RIP, Chaz I will miss your voice. I have looked forward to reading your incites for the past few years. May you rest in peace, my friend.
My deepest condolences to you and your family. I have enjoyed reading the blog for the past 6-7 years. When planning for retirement last year I spent countless hours studying all his posts about retirement, TDA, and the pension. His insights/recommendations were invaluable and now in hindsight I wish I had emailed him a note letting him know how much he had helped me. May he rest in peace.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you.
As a pension consultant I was always a bit weary about his financial posts, but many times he was right on the button. His intentions were always to help UFT members the way he saw fit. May he rest in peace.
I am so sorry for your family's loss. Your father had a unique voice that really cut through disinformation in order to try and help teachers and thereby students. I started reading this blog years ago as a new teacher and felt as though I made major decisions based on some of the insights presented here. Your father not only changed lives in his work but also through this- his passion.
I am so sorry for your family's loss. Your father had a unique voice that really cut through disinformation in order to try and help teachers and thereby students. I started reading this blog years ago as a new teacher and felt as though I made major decisions based on some of the insights presented here. Your father not only changed lives in his work but also through this- his passion.
My sincere condolences to your family. Your father’s blog offered an unbiased avenue for those of us working in the trenches; and for those who have retired from the NYC DOE. He often gave pertinent information regarding the pension, TDA, etc. His insight into the undoing of the UFT and the DOE seemed to parallel the sentiments of myself and many of my fellow colleagues. I believe Chaz took the position of students first, whereas too many look at them as moveable pieces on chessboard. If there is any solace I can offer your family it would be that Chaz gave direction to many fellow educators; he will be greatly missed.
Baruch Dayan Emes ("G-d is the True Judge"). I am overwhelmed with grief at this terrible news. Eric was a caring and knowledgeable educator, whose talents were squandered by the irresponsible cretins at the DOE. Moreover, he was our Navigator, providing a steady hand and a guiding pathway through the dark waters of the criminal enterprise known as the DOE and its henchmen at the UFT. He comforted those newly accused of deeds they never did, statements they never made, and helped them formulate a survival plan. He had access to information from the DOE and UFT that others did not, and generously shared it with others in a clear and concise manner. Even after he retired, he continued to provide invaluable guidance about retirement and pensions. Eric's blog here was always my first stop in the morning, coffee in hand, learning the latest about how far the school system had fallen under the blundering aegis of first Bloomberg and then DeBlasio and just shaking my head in disbelief and disgust.
Eric, you took upon yourself a tremendous responsibility in laying bare the lies of the DOE and UFT and you carried it off brilliantly. Yours will be a hard act indeed to follow. I hope that your family will derive comfort on their tremendous loss and that you rest in peace eternal.
--Esther Goldhammer
Dear Chaz and his beloved family,
This was my go-to place to learn about how to navigate the DOE. I’m so sorry. Please understand how upset I am and can’t imagine what you are going through. My mom died at 69 as well and was a doe employee as well.
Dear Chaz's family,
I was shocked when I read this. Chaz was like an old friend you turned to for comfort. He was always on the teachers' side. He knew how to empathize with everyone. He did a great service. I hope he is mentioned on the UFT cite and by the doe. The doe may not have agreed with him but he helped a lot of teachers get through day after day.
So sorry for your loss. I am currently retired and have learned so much from your father’s blog. He was the only one that I trusted.
RIP Chaz. Your wisdom and insight will be missed.
Such shockingly sad news and I am so very sorry for your loss. As an ATR, I checked into Chaz's school daze daily for the last 10 years as I was rotating around Brooklyn high schools.
This was my safe place to connect for honesty and integrity. I will truly miss the comfort that it provided. Chaz, thank you for all you did and rest in peace.
I got to know your dad when he worked at FLHS. He was kind, fun and a great teacher. I enjoyed our lunches together. I am so sorry for your loss.
Linda Silverman
I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. Reading his column helped me tremendously when I was an ATR and had no idea what was going on. After being hired, I still read his column because of his humor and knowledge.
He will be very missed by me.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Chaz was a voice of sanity.
Condolences to the family of a truly great man. Your Father's blog helped me to keep sane as my school was reorganized, as I was investigated twice on BS charges, and helped me to reach 30/55 with my dignity intact. He explained the TDA and pension system, and was a voice that spoke directly to us. GOD bless you and your family during this difficult time.
I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, was a big follower of his blog. He will truly be missed. May he rest in peace and may you find strength and comfort in the fact that your father was held in high regard by so many of us. God bless.
I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, was a big follower of his blog. He will be truly missed. May he rest in peace and may you find strength and comfort in the fact that your father was held in high regard by so many of us. God bless.
So very sorry for your loss. He will be greatly missed. May his memory be a blessing.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I mourn his passing and will miss him enormously.
I'm crying right now... I've taught for 35 years in the DOE and he was a powerful voice not just in defense of the ATRS, but also the teachers. He will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family. He gave me the courage to persevere.
I'm crying right now... I've taught for 35 years in the DOE and he was a powerful voice not just in defense of the ATRS, but also the teachers. He will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family. He gave me the courage to persevere.
Sorry for your loss! I often found myself on your fathers blog and reading everything I could. His blog has definitely helped many educators over the years. God bless!
I am out in Utah but I have always enjoyed this blog. Chaz was an amazing writer and fearless. The education world, and the world in general, are poorer for his loss. I am so sorry to hear about this. May your family be blessed.
I am so sorry for your loss. Chaz has helped educate many teachers through his blog and he will be missed by many. Deeply saddened to hear of his passing.
Thank you Chaz....and May you Rest In Peace.......
Wow...I am so sorry. Condolences and prayers.
If only monsters like Namita Dwarka would catch COVID and die instead of heroes like Chaz.
Life is certainly not fair.
Your dad's Jamaica High School extended family and the blogger community are all deeply saddened by Eric's passing. He will be missed by so many. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.
I am so sorry for your loss. Chas was very helpful to me when I first became an ETR. I felt like I didn’t even exist. And then I someone told me about his blog. He always spoke for us, he always stood up for us
This makes me sad. I never met Chaz, but found his posts so informative. I will miss this site. I will miss the work he put in. It really feels like such a loss.
Hello good son. I want to tell you how important your father's blog was to educators during the era of Race to the Top.The demonization of teachers by media, Bloomberg/Klein, the US govt, both political parties but led by especially -- yes -- the DEMOCRATS, and Wall Street billionaires looking to privatize the schools, was very painful. We didn't quite understand it all, but your Dad shed much important light on the reasons behind Common Core and the focus on standardized testing, as well as why the establishment was using us as scapegoats for a failed ed system that they had neglected for decades. Reading Chaz's blog gave many of us solace during those difficult years. Much sympathy to you and your family.
He will be missed. I am so sad.
I am so sorry about your loss and all of our losses. Your dad was my go to voice of affirmation in ther face of the gaslighting crazy making of the DOE. May his memory be for a blessing
I am so sorry about your loss and all of our losses. Your dad was my go to voice of affirmation in the face of the gaslighting crazy making of the DOE. May his memory be for a blessing
I am so sorry about your loss and all of our losses. Your dad was my go to voice of affirmation in the face of the gaslighting crazy making of the DOE. May his memory be for a blessing
I find it hypocritical that UFT would reach out to your family after his death and laud him with praise and adoration. While alive he was brought up on bogus 3020 charges, fought them and was given the dilemma of now being an ATR. Where was the outrage or the injustice? In fact where was the UFT for that matter? The reality of your father’s story is that it could be have easily been any one of us in the DOE. I am truly sorry for his passing and wonder who really now has the guts to take on the establishment the way he did.
The UFT has turned their back on teachers a long time ago. They are corrupt and hypocritical.
Corrupt people just get praised by a corrupt UFT and Chancellor.
That is what the DOE does go after innocent teachers like the Gestapo.
A lot of us are fed up with the useless UFT.
The UFT has been very corrupt and useless.
So sorry for your loss.Your dad's blog was one of the most reliable sources for information on all things related to NYC schools.
This is such shocking news to me, I really enjoyed reading his blog.
He was my daily/weekly inspiration!
I will truly miss him, my deepest sympathy.
Sorry for your loss , he was one of the most informative voices out there.
10:17 you hit the nail on the head. Chaze told it like it is. i feel a lost without his guidance as things are getting worse. rip chaze and shine your star.
Goodbye chaz11. Thank you for the many interesting and informative blog reports.
You will be missed.
I am so sorry to hear the news. I had called Chaz in April and he said he was fine. I called yesterday and he didn't pick up and when he called back his wife told me of his passing. I'm still shocked. He was a very funny, kind man and I always enjoyed hearing his rubber room stories. He helped me out a lot at a very difficult time in my life and career and still was giving advice even after he retired.I still can't quite believe that after a rough day at work I can no longer call him up to vent or to hear his advice. RIP and he will be missed.
I am very sad to hear untimely demise of most humble person. He always put teaching community as his first . Very caring . We all miss u as a whole. May his soul rest in peace and God give strength to the members of the bereaved family.
I am very sad to hear untimely demise of most humble person. He always put teaching community as his first . Very caring . We all miss u as a whole. May his soul rest in peace and God give strength to the members of the bereaved family.
A GREAT MAN has died! We all salute you!
RIP Chaz..Thanks for being you!
I met Chaz back in 2015 as a 29 year old ATR excessed from Flushing HS. At the time I was working at Newtown HS. He overheard myself and another ATR complaining about the corruption of the NYC DOE and the unfair treatment, evaluations etc. He sat down with me and started for the next 2 months we discussed all the inequities of NY education. He was a true advocate and leader in our field. An old school soul who did not cave to authoritative leadership. Though I had already been following this blog at that time I had no idea he was the man behind it. Through all our conversations he never mentioned he was the man behind this blog. Lastly Jamaica High School had some serious old school teachers that I met along the way in the ATR and they should be respected instead of thrown to the street for this new way of administration and robot teachers who are fearful of terminations because of failed unions.
I never met the man. However, I have been reading this blog for years. Thank you for your wisdom, effort and service. My condolences to his family and friends.
I had the honor of working with Chaz back the year before I retired, 2011. He taught across the hall from me in the ISS department for one period. He was a very wise, warm, wonderful guy who was great with the kids, and was very upbeat in his approach to working with the conditions he did as an ATR. I’m very sorry for your loss of this great educator and person, father, and friend
Elsa Wiener
I am truly stunned and saddened. May your Dad RIP. Requieascat in pace!!!!
Oh Noooooo!!!
I have followed your father for years and he has helped me on more than one occasion. I am so sorry to hear this terrible news. This cursed virus!
I had commented anonymously before, but since I have so much respect for Eric, I thought I would write something a little more in depth. Eric publicized my letter to my old superintendent Aimee Horowitz who didn't know me from Adam yet ended my career in the DOE and thought nothing of it. Eric was such a knowledgable man, and it is so sad to witness his passing. I will miss him dearly.
This is a man who fought corruption against the DOE and bad Leadership Principals who are negligent in providing a good education to our deserved students.
Eric was the type of person that our useless UFT needs.
Absolutely right they are corrupt.
We all lost a good fighter against the DOE corruption and the silent UFT.
I am going to miss Chaz so much. He was my go to person for information and to calm down my anxieties. My condolences to Chasinoff family.
I am sorry to hear of Chaz's passing. A tremendous loss for teachers in the school system. Chaz was informative with so many things like ATR rights, appointed teacher rights, and every UFT member's contractual rights, pension information, TDA information etc. Thank you for informing us of our protections.
Rip Chad. My condolences to your family.
This blog helped me fight back the beast admins and retire in full glory. Thank you.
Thank you for notifying about Chaz. So sorry for such sad news. I've been reading Chaz's Blog since 2013. It was incredibly supportive and informative for me when I was going thru hard times at school. I'm retired a few years but always kept up with his blog.
Rest in peace.
Words can't express how sad I feel about Chaz passing. We loss a trailblazer and a true solider who fought the good fight and would not allow us to fall for those things that were not true. We could always counts on the information he provided. He will truly be missed. To the family so sorry for your loss, as well as, our loss. May the Lord be with you and comfort you during this very difficult time. You're in my prayers and may the Lord be with you always.
I've learned so much here than anywhere else. From the pension to the health benefits and from being able to sort through different opinions from facts. Such a great loss. I pray that his family remembers him always for his contribution to society, his peers and for the greater good.
Rest in Power.
How NYC Schools Officials Played Down the COVID-19 Threat
Rest in Power Chaz.
No! I read this blog anonymously and lurked for years. Got a lot of great information from it. RIP
I am sorry for your loss. With his blog Chaz was instrumental in keeping me from losing all hope when I was an ATR. He was my favorite education blogger and I will miss his posts
Oh My God:
My deepest and sincerest condolences to you and your family.
I was a fan of reading your father's Blog for years.
May he rest in peace and thanks for the many years of information and reporting.
May Soul Rest In Peace. Your Dad’s blog made me realize that I’m not alone struggling with abusive, conniving, career destroying administrators, who team up across districts to ruin a teacher for no apparent reason, talk about wickedness in high places. Your Dad will be sorely missed. Sorry for your loss.
May he Rest In Peace and May your family find their way through this terrible time. I enjoyed reading his comments and found his knowledge to be spot on. I learned a lot reading his blog. He really supported teachers.
This is very sad. RIP Chaz. Loved your blog.
God blessed us with the gift of your dad and now he has blessed your dad by taking him home.
In the interim, your dad helped a lot of people, made a lot of us laugh and made sure that we knew we were not "crazy" and alone.
May he rest in peace.
Literally sitting here in tears. I never met your Dad but I read his blog religiously. I learned more from this blog than any PD I ever took. Chaz was a gift to the profession. I am truly so very sorry for your loss. The pen truly is mightier than the sword. This blog impacted countless people. I will be praying for your family. You had a father to be proud of.
I saw this in the New York Post and just wanted to express my condolences to you and your family. My father recognized the name and told me Eric was one of his close friends during their time at Belknap College in New Hampshire in the early 1970s.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your dad left such a valuable contribution to school teachers/staff. I never knew him but learned quite a bit from him.
This is so sad to hear. Chaz was such an amazing resource. May his soul rest in peace.
One of the best guys ever. Ran an amazing blog. Hopefully, they can continue the blog.
I was Willard Scott’s secretary during the time your Dad and another meteorologist Nick, from Staten Island, worked at NBC circa 1984-85. We referred to them as “The Weather Kids,” Your Dad was such a nice person and very funny! I am so sad to learn of his passing. May he Rest In Peace among the mourners in Zion.
I came here to read his analysis about Cuomo's collaboration with Gates etc about education going forward which worries me because our union is not even invited to this vision of what education will look like for all of us. This COVID virus is taking so many people like Chaz add so much to humanity. They add to humanity by loving and caring for others but also by thinking in a unique way that helps us to see things in a different light.
Say not in grief 'he is no more' ,but in thankfulness that he was. Goodbye Chaz.
My condolences to the family. He will be forever remembered and you will get through it. He was a good man.
OMG NO way .... I always check on your father's posts. So devastated. Hope he rests in peace. He is a great insider and I learned so much from him.
I haven't come here for awhile and just checked my favorites folder. I am so saddened to hear this. I spent time with your Dad at Linden Place and he helped me SO MUCH!!!!!! He was such a good guy. He helped me prepare for my hearing and I made it through and got my job back. I visited him after his heart issue in the hospital. I also worked with his wife, your mom at 177. Please accept my sincere condolences. Amy B. Your mom knows me. I was the hearing teacher at 177.
May he rest in peace. He was a remarkable man, a true champion of education. He was very instrumental in saving Forest Hills High School.
May he rest in peace. He was a gift to us all.
This is awful news, so very sad to hear of your loss. I too lost my father (Age 66) to a COVID infection this spring, its been nothing but a nightmare. I will miss your fathers post and insight, he was an amazing man for running this blog for so long!
What a terrible loss...
I worked with Erik as an ATR in several schools in Queens. Such a wise, nice and charming person...I can not believe this terrible news. Condolences..
Condolences to all of Eric's family.
Erik was an amazing guy. No matter what he was always ready to help me.
I lost both my parents to covid, Mom first then Dad eight days later. Then heard of Eric passing. It is all one nightmare that has not stopped.
Please does anyone know any service that will take place, etc? I'm guessing not right now, but please update and let us know.
Rest in Peace my good friend Eric. You were one of a kind. I miss you.
You are missed , Eric.
I was just coming to catch up on news and thoughts. I am so so sorry. May he Rest in Power.
WOW, so sorry, this site was a testament to his greatness!
I just saw this. So sorry for your loss. He was an inspiration to NYC teachers. He will be missed.
I keep coming here for guidance out of reflex, even though I read this post weeks back. :(
@2:50 PM. Me too. I keep coming here. This is too so sad.
Very sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences go to you and your family. Your father is a great man. He greatly cares about this community. I have read and followed his advice. He will be greatly missed by this community.
I am so saddened to learn of your father's passing. I read his blog various times throughout the years. When I had a question about something pension related, he offered to call me and took the time to explain it in detail, asking for nothing in return. I extend to you and your entire family my my most sincere and heartfelt condolences. He will be missed by many. May he rest in peace.
So sorry to hear that your father passed away. I have referred to his blog over the years for advice, and greatly appreciate all the knowledge and tips he shared with the teaching community here in NYC. He will be missed.
May his memory be a blessing to you and your family. My deepest condolences
I am so sorry to hear about his passing. It's been awhile since I've been on his blog. On hearing today about this very sad news on FB, I would like the Chasanoff family to know that Eric (Chaz) meant a great deal to all the educators who read his blog or taught with him in the same school with him. He had such a gift to keep his colleagues informed with his much sought after wisdom and his incredible knowledge of so many things and how he loved to share that knowledge with all. He will be missed greatly.
RIP Eric!
I am so sorry for your loss. In a way, it is our loss too because Chaz has been such a clear light in the sometimes not clear world of the DOE. I have been to his website many times and am saddened to hear of his passing. My sincerest condolences.
RIP again RIP
Missing your voice, missing you, Chaz. RIP
Maybe there’s someone who would be interested in taking over the blog. Your father’s blog has/had a lot of readers.
@ 1:19 That would be great, indeed.
@ 1:19 That would be great, indeed.
I am so sorry for your loss and for all our loss. I loved Chad's blog as many of us have been kept informed. Chad will be greatly missed.
I am so sorry for your loss and for all our loss. I loved Chad's blog as many of us have been kept informed. Chad will be greatly missed.
I am so happy that this site continues to provide educational information. So happy for Chaz as his legacy will last a life time. Chaz may have left us but his site remains a beacon for us all in the name of Chaz...the man may he rest in peace.
Nancy its Chaz and not Chad correct?? OK mistakes happen
He will be missed. I, like others, have learned so much from his posts. Thanks Chaz and may he rest in peace.
So sorry for your loss. I worked with your Dad at QIRT as an ATR just before he retired. I and other staff members from there send their condolences.
We miss you, Eric..
October 4, 2020
You're so missed these days , Chaz. RIP
His spot on reporting regarding the union and the DOE were both helpful and informative.
Bless him for the knowledge he has passed unto us.
Thank you for letting us know of his passing.
Thank you
I am so very sorry to hear this. I have gotten such amazing information from his site and only just saw that he had passed. He imparted knowledge that will live on and continue to benefit us through time. Thank you Chaz!!! May you Rest In Peace 🙏
I was researching for another project for school and came ac crossed this blog. I had seen that it was updated recently and went to look, only to find his death announcement. Even though I only viewed this page accidentally I am deeply saddened to know the creator has passed at an earlier age, and his impact is clear and shown here. May this information help others to come rest in peace you will be remembered.
I am so sorry to you and your family. I accidentally found this blog and was amazed by the wealth of information. I am just so grateful for your dad, for sharing so much information with teachers. Losing him is a big loss, and he will always be remembered by many because he truly touched upon the lives of many. May he rest in peace!
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