Friday, February 13, 2009

My Take Of The Upcoming City Budget On Education

The draconian NYC budget by Mayor Bloomberg and the cronies at Tweed tried to make the case that it would lay off 15,000 teachers. Of course since these teachers would be "newbie teachers" the Bloomberg Administration was just shouting empty threats. However, what is real are the cuts to the schools. Already Principals are looking. to find out which teachers are retiring or leaving the system and what programs to eliminate.

Look for teacher positions who have non-classroom duties to be eliminated and yes, those "F" status people to be few as Principals just can't afford them. Finally, per-session activities will be vastly reduced and many clubs will cease to exist. The result is a bare bones school environment and even less enrichment programs that keep studens on the right path to adulthood.

However, these cuts will not affect Tweed where the Central Administration will continue requiring more paperwork using a poorly run computer system that costs millions of dollars and costly, time-consuming mandates by non-educators. Like usual it is "children last" when it comes to either cutting the school budget or the Bureaucracy at Tweed.

Sorry, I have not blogged for three weeks but issues beyond my control required my full attention.


  1. hope everything is okay--you were missed

  2. Pissed Off

    Thanks for the kind words. I am back to blogging again. Watch out Joel and Randi!

  3. Glad to see you back- hope things have calmed down.

  4. I also missed your incisive take on things. Welcome back and enjoy the midwinter recess.

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Back in the New York Groove. Welcome back. Hope all is well.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for all your concerns. I am now back and plan to continue to blog my thoughts.

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    glad to see you writing again
    the day wife

  9. You are a breath of fresh air in this fetid Educational Facist Complex as run by Chancellor Klein and his royal highness Michael R. Bloomberg. Keep doing what you are doing!

  10. Chaz,
    Hope all is well.

    Would it pay for principals to hire more F status people and excess regular people?

    Thinks 2 F-status for one teacher for clusters. Is that cheaper?
