Monday, February 03, 2014

Contact Your State Representative To Appoint Real Reform Candidates To The State Board Of Regents.

 Shortly, four members of the current Board of Regents  have their terms expire.  Unfortunately, these members want their term renewed and continue the destructive Cuomo/King education reform policy.    To counter that Diane Ravitch has requested that everybody email their State representatives and oppose renewing the four members of the Regents Board.  Instead, request that we want real reformers in those important positions.

Ed Notes Online has a list of those candidates and why they should be selected to the Regents Board and can be found Here.  Just as important is how do you contact your State representatives.  Lucky for us the Diane Ravitch Blog show's us how to do just hat Here.

We need new blood on the NYS Regents Board and select people whom are responsible to the schools of the State and not the Corporate education reform groups that seem to dominate the board presently.  Please send your emails ASAP to both your State Senator and Assemblyman. Let's have some real reformers on the Regents Board.


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Does someone have to get killed going to or coming from school before DeBozo gives another snow day? I guess the criticism from the Post is getting to him.

  2. I agree. You would think that de Blasio would be more sensitive to having children traveling on icy and treacherous roads.

    It should be safety first.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    He said on the news schools are a safe haven for children and Farina added they shouldn't close cause kids need to be fed and parents work. Smh.
