Friday, March 07, 2014

To Chancellor Camen Farina. How About Placing Eva Moskowitz's Schools In The Trailers?

Now that Chancellor Carmen Farina is trying to find a location to place one of Eva Moskowitz's charter schools, how about putting them in those decrepit, moldy, and dirty trailers that too many public school students are forced to learn in.  I believe that with all the money that Eva rakes in, she can either spruce them up or replace them entirely while paying appropriate rent for the privilege. Meanwhile the public school students can be placed in newly freed space in the schools that would have had charter schools squeezed into their building.

Interestingly all the media outlets, the Governor, and now Regent Meryl Tisch has asked that the City find an appropriate place for the charter schools.  Where were the media outlets and these people when the Bloomberg Administration put thousands of children in trailers that outlived their useful life year after year?  Many of these trailers are cramped, smelly, and require children to face the elements to travel to and from them.  However, I never read a complaint from the media and their editorial boards, about the trailers.  Did anyone hear the Governor, the Commissioner, or the Regents Board complain about the trailers?.

Another thing, had the Moskowitz Success Charter middle school moved into the PS 147 building in Central Harlem would have reduced space and displace students with disabilities as it was projected to have up to a 132% utilization capacity, a totally unacceptable use of building space for learning..  In other words the inclusion of 194 carefully selected students would displace the City's most needy students with disabilities.  While others would receive services in the hallways or common areas. How interesting that the media and the politicians don't seem, to mention that outrage?

The bottom line, all these charter schools should be paying rent for using the City school buildings and use the money to provide the proper resources and instruction that the Bloomberg Administration failed to do for the public school students..


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    great idea - the trailers for the trailer trash that she is

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I understand the love affair the media has with charter schools. After all the media is anti teacher and anti union but I agree with you chaz how about the media start showing a little love for all the children who are still in the real PUBLIC SCHOOLS or perhaps Eva has much more power than we give her credit for.
    Honestly when she is on tv with the other talking heads I just cant take it and change the channel. Too much of a stench coming out of that pie whole

  3. Oh, man. I was thinking the exact same thing and you wrote it first. But I love it anyway.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Fariña is a DISASTER!!!!! She is actually more concerned with Pre K babysitting services than anything else. Screw the charter schools too. What happened DeBlasio?? He approved 29 out of 39 charters with co-locations??? What??
    He was voted in to clear this shit up and give the public schools equality. He's another waste. Fariña should leave this summer and go down to Florida. At least Walcott didn't speak much on the mic. He was at least that smart. This moron Fariña actually keeps shoving her foot in her mouth and it's only been a few months. Pre K Pre K, yes this is so freakin important. The Pre K kids will all be doctors and engineers since they took naps one year earlier in a classroom. This DeBlasio admin is clearly overwhelmed and not that intelligent. I hated Bloomberg but the guy was brilliant. DeBlasio is like a special ed student compared to Bloomberg. I can't wait to retire and just get it over with. Fariña is actually keeping the networks. Really Carmen????? My school just had it's quality review and guess what, yup we're closing. We're actually a school that's closing and they still came for a quality review!!! Ah haha haaaa haha haaa. Everyone's laughing at you Ms. Fariña. You're keeping the networks in place?? Genius idea girlfriend!!

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Look, let's be real here.

    Moskowitz has MONEY, influence, and power. Many of the parents of the public school students housed in those trailers DO NOT.

    As for Farina and deBlasio- haven't they already expressed how they feel about the parents of public school children, and what they think of the public school students with their patronizing comments?

    Very disappointed here with deBlasio and Farina. I thought they would bring about some positive changes, and uplift the public school system. Just seems as if it will be more of the same old, same old......

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Well said Anon at 7:50. Appears that the DB Administration is in well over their heads. Cannot wait to see what happens to City in next few years. SAD!!

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    And you thought Dennis Walcott didn't know what he was doing????? This chancellor Fariña is seriously not turning out to be "the great savior" of public ed. Oh well, gimme my raise already.

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I can't watch television news any more. If I see one more charter school talking head, I am going to throw up. Get someone on there who can show some sympathy for the real public school children.
