Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How To Deny The Union Your COPE Money.

I have made no secret for my contempt of the UFT leadership's use of our union dues and COPE money for questionable causes and political action that gives its members no say in the matter.  Since the union leadership feels that its members don't count when it comes how they spend our money, this post is dedicated to those members, who believe as I do, that our hard earned money should not go to our quail eating leadership or supporting a racial arsonist like Al Sharpton, who has never apologized for his false rape accusations, anti-Semitic statements, or his failure to pay his overdue taxes, like the rest of us are required to do.  All our money should be going to making our profession better and the classroom a less hostile place. The union took in $6 million dollars of COPE contributions last year and that should be used for the members, nobody else!

If you want to withdraw your COPE contributions, one of my anonymous commenters was kind enough to supply the information. Below, in red is the procedure.

How to cancel your COPE contributions from your paychecks:

Please send a fax requesting to cancel your COPE contribution. The information they need from you is displayed below.

They will send a cancellation card to your address on file along with a pre-paid return envelope so that you can fill out the card and send it back right away. As part of procedure, they must also receive the following fax from you:

RE: COPE Cancellation
TO: Danny Corum, COPE Coordinator

My name is ___________, File # _______________. I would like to cancel my COPE contribution as soon as possible.


Please do not forget to sign and print your name on the fax. The fax should be sent to (212)510-6435. Your contribution will be cancelled when they receive the fax and the cancellation card back from you. Please do not hesitate to contact them at (212)598-6826 or at should you have further questions.

Danny Corum
COPE Coordinator
United Federation of Teachers
Legislation & Political Action
52 Broadway, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10004
phone: (212)598-6826
fax: (212)510-6435

 Maybe if enough of the members stop contributing to COPE, our union leadership might get the message and start listening to member concerns and not misuse money for their own personal ideology and needs.


  1. Thank you very much for this information. I was under the impression that it was not possible to stop COPE contibutions. I disagree with much of what our union does/represents. I was duped into contributing by my chaper leader/mentor 25 years and 450.00 dollars ago. Wish I had more foresight then.

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I am proud that as a retired member I never contributed to COPE since MY personal political beliefs were never taken into account. I urge everyone to do likewise. This support of "Rev" Al is a travesty.

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    CHAZ you are 100% correct It is the only way the message gets through STOP supporting this weak ass union. The union supporting Sharpton may have been the best thing that has happened to us. Perhaps now the UNION will get the message THE UFT does not represent everyone especially the ATRs..what goes around comes around

  4. Anonymous11:03 PM

    It's about time my friends. I have been so busy trying to figure out the rules of this game and canceling my COPE and yes it has been done. All the steps are correct to cancel this squeeze. Pennies add up.

    In regard to Sharpton and this illegal choke hold and attempt to cover it up by many of the parties involved, how could any of us turn away to injustice and call ourselves educators of our youth? It is possibly political motivated, but we need to "Say something" or else we will pay the consequence in our schools and they (blacks) will suffer more deadly casualties. it's so easy to turn and look away when it is not us who suffer, but maybe we are in some way, but we just don't know it.

    Thanks Chaz!

  5. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Thank you very much for this info. Staff members in my high school have been wondering how to do it.

  6. Anonymous8:33 AM

    This is an abuse of power. Misuse of funds should be investigated by the state attorney general's office. In addition taking our dues and not providing services to teachers like a step two grievance is comparable to stealing. Sounds like they are a bunch of crooks.

  7. Anonymous8:43 AM


    Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the information on how to stop COPE. I will be doing it this week.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Thank you Chaz for letting us know how we can drop COPE from our paychecks. I hope enough people read your blog and send that fax to the union. It is disgusting that our union has a pattern of conducting themselves in a renegade way without regard to the members. I hope as many teachers as possible drop COPE. Send the union a message and let your voice be heard.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      There are too many members who are very busy in attending to life to read blogs. I strongly suggest that you email your colleagues to read this blog or print out this article and leave copies in the staff lounge. This is the only way to inform the members. No COPE will change the politics and direction of our union.

  9. I'd like my money to go toward a march against Mulgrew and Weingarten. And by the way, they don't give a f--k if you take away your COPE contributions - they'll just use your member dues.

  10. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Great post chaz. I'm sure the union leadership has you on their enemies list since you will reduce their money coming in.

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    It is hypocritical that teachers are held to an EXTREMELY high level of accountability and the union leadership isn't. I guess the union leadership does not like being held accountable the same the way a teacher is. I highly recommend that any teacher how gets ineffective or developing stop their COPE payment and complain to the union without respite.

  12. Anonymous6:27 PM

    It would be nice to see ALL of the money cutoff. However whatever the union loses is a victory for teachers. We will not be manipulated by a corrupt union anymore.

  13. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Its amazing to me how ignorant people on this blog are. Do you have any idea what COPE money is used for? This is the only money that the Union can use to fight the deformers. That is the money used to fight against tenure attacks, last in first out, turning our pensions into 401 k plans. You have all reacted exactly the way the Post intended. It is sad how easily you all have been manipulated.

    1. Only money they have to fight deformers? Have you seen how much our union dues are lately?

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Dues can not be used for political action.

    3. Why not? Or do they need the dues as rent for that fancy building on PARK Avenue?

  14. No one has explained the most basic thing here: How do you know if you are contributing to COPE? Is it automatically taken from your check when you begin as a teacher or do you have to agree to it?

  15. retired teacher9:59 AM

    Chaz - You need to add Freddy's record store to the list of Sharpton misadventures. It's a complex story and people can find out about it on Wiki. The main issue is that Sharpton referred to white store owners on 125th street as "white interlopers." Later, after demonstrations, a local came in to Freddy's, killed people and burned Freddy's to the ground. Sharpton denied any responsibility but did apologize for the "white interloper" remark.
    Keep posting the COPE opt out information.

  16. Anon 9:12

    Does that include inviting 24 of your union friends for booze and quail at $40 a person using COPE money?

    Does it include co-sponsoring a police bashing march by paying for buses?

    Maybe you should be holding our union leadership accountable for spending the money for improvements for the members.

    You are the ignorant one if you ask me.

  17. Rggie:

    COPE is taken out when you approve it, usually under pressure from the Chapter Leader.

    1. Agreed. I was a gullible newbie 25 years ago...only to be taken advantage of by one ofmy own

  18. Anonymous2:26 PM

    You might want to try using facts instead of what you "think".The UFT is not providing buses to the rally. What proof do you have that COPE money is going to this event? By the way there are many UFT members that support the Unions participation in this rally. Withdrawing from COPE does not hurt the UFT it will only hurt members .

  19. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Despite my extreme dislike for Sharpton's ongoing act for the past 25 years and the poor contract deal by Mulgrew, Anon 9:12 has a valid point about COPE contributions/NY POST manipulation.They are used to lobby politicians. Also,NCAAP members will march-and have shown ongoing support for UFT teacher jobs vs.charter school expansion.

  20. Anon 2:26

    The facts are that in the UFT action alert the UFT will provide transportation to the event. That's the facts!

    Anon 2:54 Like spending $40 apiece for 24 of his union friends for quail and booze? That's appropriate?

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      I know we got 55/25 because of COPE. I will be happily taking advantage in a year. When I retire I will have a decent pension, my tda and I dont even need to worry about living without social security.

    2. 55/25 (which I will also be taking advantage of soon) was a result of politicians wanting to rid themselves of "high priced" veterans like us. Not much effort was needed by the UFT, as it was dropped on our laps by NYC. It would have foolish not ro take it.

  21. Since before the march issue Chaz has noted the problems with the UFT and COPE.
    To what end did the hundred$ on quail and booze?
    To support Gov. Andrew "I war on teachers" Cuomo!
    Never forget that Mulgrew hand-held with Cuomo, all through New York State's application to the Race to the Top, including the blind adoption of the Common Core.
    Don't listen to Mulgrew when he gripes about the Common Core roll-out when he welcomed its adoption, ignoring the perfectly valid standards NY State used before John King came in.
    Read here, how he linked up with Cuomo on Race to the Top, and how he welcomed John King's imposition of the 2013-2014 teacher eval system:
    And here, how he lauded the Common Core last summer,

    For anyone on the fence, your COPE has paid for Mulgrew's love affair with Cuomo.

  22. Anon 9:12 PM
    "Do you have any idea what COPE money is used for? This is the only money that the Union can use to fight the deformers."


    Are you trying to distract people from the fact that Mulgrew has been cooperating with the reformers in Albany and by taking money from Gates to be a yes-man for the Common Core?
    He dominates the AFT, and the AFT took money from Gates to implement the Common Core Gates --ehr-- States Standards:

  23. Off topic but did the letter we got this week about receiving our first assignment in an e mail on the 28th, goes on to say the weekly rotation will begin on Oct. 20th. It has the phrase "Under the new contract ." However it says nothing about being placed for the year.

  24. Anonymous8:03 PM


    Tell that to the union leadership? How is the union paying for the transportation to the march?

  25. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I called the UFT and was told they were not providing buses. They suggested I take the ferry because it is close to the starting point. Did you hear something different?

  26. Anonymous9:35 PM

    To Reggie Jackson

    I asked a union official about your question. He told me that after October 17 you can be placed in a school where there is a vacancy. You have no say in the matter.

  27. Anon 8:40

    If true, then the UFT backtracked on the transportation they claimed to be providing in their action alert. I wonder why?

  28. Hey kids, I'm changing my bumper sticker to read, "No Hope in Cope".

  29. Anonymous10:40 PM

    No need to backtrack chaz, I read the UFT action alert and it clearly states that there will be complimentary transportation provided to get to the march.

    It seems the UFT is trying to deny they are using their own money because of the blowback.

  30. Anonymous10:40 PM

    No need to backtrack chaz, I read the UFT action alert and it clearly states that there will be complimentary transportation provided to get to the march.

    It seems the UFT is trying to deny they are using their own money because of the blowback.

  31. Anonymous10:41 PM

    No need to backtrack chaz, I read the UFT action alert and it clearly states that there will be complimentary transportation provided to get to the march.

    It seems the UFT is trying to deny they are using their own money because of the blowback.

  32. Well that's no different than last year. I thought every one except 3020 winners would be placed

  33. Ellen9:20 AM

    Thank you Chaz. I plan on bringing the information into school on Sept 2nd and putting it in everyone's mailbox. I am not the chapter leader but I will lead this effort in the building. Mulgrew will hear this message loud and clear!

  34. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I intend to make copies of your blog and post it to every school I am assigned weekly to.

  35. Anonymous8:51 AM

    You have a link or resource of the breakdown of how the COPE is used by them? Is this public knowledge, to see the breakdown of how our COPE monies are used?

  36. What is the file #? Will this work for Long Island teachers?
