Thursday, November 13, 2014

Its Time For ATRs To Have Their Own Chapter.

Before the signing of the new contract, the UFT said the reason there was no need for a Chapter for ATRs was that the ATR was transitional and temporary and that once Mayor Bloomberg was gone the ATR situation would be resolved.  However, instead of the ATR crisis being resolved, under the new contract the ATRs are now a separate class of educators and in too many cases, are no longer temporary or transitional. Now, the ATRs have different rules when it comes to interviews and discipline and are afforded  reduced "due process rights".

For example if an ATR misses two mandatory interviews or not show up to work for two days, they will be considered to have voluntarily resigned.  Moreover, if an ATR shouts in the halls or refuses an administrator's order to do more than one circular six chore, the ATR is accused of "problematic behavior" and if two consecutive principals say so, the ATR is terminated after an expedited one day 3020-a hearing, or the DOE so hopes is the case.  Finally, the UFT and DOE have agreed to allow field supervisors to give "unsatisfactory observations"  to ATRs who are not teaching in their subject area and have faced a class for the first time that day.  Therefore, it's necessary for the ATRs to have one of their own to represent the ATRs at the Executive Board,  Delegate Assembly, and at Chapter Leader meetings.

As of November 11, 2014,  the Absent Teacher Reserve Alliance (ATRA) was formed to push for such ATR representation at the UFT.  This group is open to all and includes all of the different caucuses, ICE, New Action, MORE, Solidarity, and yes even "Unity". The elected President of the ATR Alliance is James Eterno, a past Presidential candidate for the UFT and one of the most knowledgeable UFT members when it comes to member contract rights.  Mr Eterno will meet with a committee of five elected Borough  representatives to discuss issues concerning ATRs and the ATR process and advocate for fair treatment for all ATRs.  Furthermore, the ATR Alliance (ATRA) will give guidance, advice, and prepare grievances for any ATR who has been wronged by the school or field administrators.

All ATRs past, present, and future are encouraged to join the ATR Alliance and give us a voice in protecting our rights as educators.  More information on how to join and who to contact will be published in this, the UFTICE blog, and DTOE Blog as well as other NYC education blogs.


  1. STOP TELLING PEOPLE THEY CAN DO A 1 day 3020a. That's BS. A Memorandum of Agreement CANNOT override state law. They try that shit on anyone and they will have so many lawsuits we will own them. Don't believe me: Ask any attorney. Ask Betsy. It's intimidation to make people so stressed they will quit.

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Great Job!!!! The time has come to have representation. Our union should have done this for us, but if you want something done you must do it yourself. Lazy UFT!!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Best of luck to you guys...but I doubt you will make a dent.....hell, not even a scratch. The main one in your group is politically adept based on reading the blog posts of the major players in your group...the only one that comes even close is James Eterno...pissing people off and bitching and moaning is not going to work...and Portelos trying to become UFT President in 2016....yeah right...he is just as arrogant as

  4. ReadyToRetireNow6:15 PM

    Politically adept? At what? Screwing over certain groups in favor of others? Please elaborate. I do agree that an ATR chapter probably won't make much difference, but it is better than having no representation at all. These are the members of our profession who the city, media, elitists and union are trying to eradicate and forget. Many are unfairly labeled as "bad" teachers...many are looked down upon by our own "colleagues". Where is their support?

  5. has been created.

    Organized. Stronger.

  6. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I thought the contract says the MOA will override state law?
