Sunday, July 05, 2015

Michael Mulgrew's Grade Is An Ineffective.

Most teachers are evaluated and range from "highly effective" to "ineffective".  Therefore, its only fair to evaluate UFT President Michael Mulgrew for his work since Bill de Blasio became Mayor of New York City using the same rating criteria.  Mr. Mulgrew was rated on four major categories, contract negotiation, member rights, transparency,  and truthfulness.

Contract Negotiation:  Michael Mulgrew agreed to a very cheap contract that not only screwed his members but the rest of the city workforce by agreeing to as 10% raise for 7 years, or 1.4% annually.  He also back loaded the contract by giving us our retros from the 2009-10 time period as far down the road as  the year 2020!  The contract also included "givebacks" unlike other union contracts.  The "givebacks" included reduce due process rights for ATRs and no retros for teachers who resigned or were terminated.  Micheal Mulgrew falsely claimed that the City could not afford more and there would be no money left if we rejected the city's offer.  Of course, the city has reported record surpluses of billions of dollars because of the cheap contract that Michael Mulgrew negotiated. 

Member Rights:  The reduced "due process rights" of ATRs, negotiated by the union is legendary, with forced placements, forced resignations, mandatory interviews, and the tweaking of the 3020-a process that tips the scales against teachers who are teachers rated "ineffective" who now must prove they are not "ineffective" rather than the DOE having to prove they are.  Even teachers subject to the old 3020-a rules are discouraged from bringing in character witnesses and to wrap up the hearing right after the final date rather than wait for the transcripts to write a closing statement.   Mulgrew claims that he doesn't go after principals because they are fellow union members but has no qualms about funding an anti cop protest led by Al Sharpton. Finally, to date, the union has not bothered to publish the new contract book, I wonder why?

Transparency:  Under Michael Mulgrew, transparency and democracy is just a fiction.  This year Michael Mulgrew shut off the open mike when James Eterno was speaking about giving ATRs proper representation.  He also made sure his flunkies were strategically placed and recognized to support his agenda.  The Roberts rules were routinely ignored under Michael Mulgrew.  Moreover, when the ATRs clamored for their own chapter, Michael Mulgrew ignored their pleas and claimed that the ATRs are a temporary situation, despite some ATRs being one for almost a decade!

Truthfulness:  There are rumors that each "Unity" member must take an oath to support the leadership, no matter how the member felt.  Michael Mulgrew claims there is no such oath.  However, the entire 750 member "Unity" block votes in lockstep with what the leadership wants, be it at the delegate assembly, or at NYSUT.  As for Michael Mulgrew himself?  He declared victory when the NYSED required that 22 components of Danielson be used to evaluate teachers and then claimed victory again when it was reduced to 8 components, really?   In the latest teacher evaluation, Michael Mulgrew again claimed victory as he was given minor changes in the draconian teacher evaluation system that makes high-stakes testing 50% of a teacher's evaluation and even allowed the Democratic State Assembly to vote for it   Finally, he claims that there is a change of tone at the DOE but ask any classroom teacher if things have changed at their school?  The answer is no.

Using the above criteria of contract negotiation, member rights, transparency, and truthfulness, I find that our UFT President to be "ineffective".


  1. One of your best. (Love the graphic; kudos to the artist.)

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    We are unfortunately, living in a time when "inneffecives" are in positions of power. This system was put in place to help ensure and expedite the destruction of public education. A proper and professional union has traditionally been a voice and safeguard to ensure that due process would follow and provide proper balance in protecting teachers from false accusations, and allowing them to bring individuality and creativity to the classroom.

    Mulgrew is the "ineffective" brought in to march in lock-step with the privatization movement. He has been financially rewarded for using his "muscle" to weaken teachers, and tie them to the Danielson ship whose course has been to rank teachers annually, thereby creating a net to always catch a bottom "5" or "10" or even "20" percent of teachers to be able to label them as failures. Mulgrew sits in his position to run the part of the playbook that creates the fake crisis (that our public education is failing) and provides the tools to fix the fake problem (continue to fire the teachers that will inevitably be ranked the lowest, many through circumstances not under their control, with the eventual goals of weakening public schools to the point of closure, opening more charters that financially steal public money from our children, and enrich and empower those ineffective minions operating under the direction of the privatization movement.

    Mulgrew should not only be removed from the position he is in, but should be taken out in handcuffs and introduced to a couple of roommates that he will find he has much in common with, Silver and Skelos.

    Make their prison cell a suite...with room for another...Cuomo.

  3. We are unfortunately, living in a time when "inneffecives" are in positions of power. This system was put in place to help ensure and expedite the destruction of public education. A proper and professional union has traditionally been a voice and safeguard to ensure that due process would follow and provide proper balance in protecting teachers from false accusations, and allowing them to bring individuality and creativity to the classroom.

    Mulgrew is the "ineffective" brought in to march in lock-step with the privatization movement. He has been financially rewarded for using his "muscle" to weaken teachers, and tie them to the Danielson ship whose course has been to rank teachers annually, thereby creating a net to always catch a bottom "5" or "10" or even "20" percent of teachers to be able to label them as failures. Mulgrew sits in his position to run the part of the playbook that creates the fake crisis (that our public education is failing) and provides the tools to fix the fake problem (continue to fire the teachers that will inevitably be ranked the lowest, many through circumstances not under their control, with the eventual goals of weakening public schools to the point of closure, opening more charters that financially steal public money from our children, and enrich and empower those ineffective minions operating under the direction of the privatization movement.

    Mulgrew should not only be removed from the position he is in, but should be taken out in handcuffs and introduced to a couple of roommates that he will find he has much in common with, Silver and Skelos.

    Make their prison cell a suite...with room for another...Cuomo.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    QUESTION: When will NYC teachers know about who will conduct the announced vs unannounced observations wilt the outside evaluators? My understanding with the new law is there must be at least two total observations and one must be announced and one must be done by the principal with one done by the outside evaluator. Do the details of these observations have to be done through collective bargaining with the DOE/UFT? Also, the new evaluation is supposed to start in November. What happens in regards to observations (if any) during Sept and October? Any info is appreciated. PS-Mulgrew is a joke.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Since they just recently closed down the children first networks don't you think they are going to use their former staff to do the observations?
      What an enormous waste of taxpayer dollars. You don't need to evaluate every teacher with an outside observer. If anything you can chose a random sample of 2%. And save 98% of the cost for the taxpayer. This is a point that I think needs to be addressed in a very serious way.

  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    And Portelos will change of all this!!

    Oh fuck, what am I saying? God, forgive me.

    Excuse me know while I go wash my mouth out with battery acid.

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM

    You're one sick mother-zucker.

    1. I am? Thank you. But sadly your hypothesis is incorrect.

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Except you admitted to using this pseudonym and picture on ICE blog. Take care of your family and get a job Peter.

      FI don't want to have to go through my phone and forward you all of the harassing sexts Zucker sent me in December. I don't want to read them again. Ever. They upset me too much. From female UFT member
      "I don't want to have to go through my phone and forward you all of the harassing sexts Zucker sent me. I don't want to read them again. Ever. They upset me too much. "

  7. Anon 2:28

    I don't know but he can't be worse than Michael Mulgrew has done. If I could elect a President it would be James Eterno hands down.

  8. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Portelos is a friggin' hero in NYC. I would not only vote for him if he gets on the ticket, I would get every single teacher at my school to vote for him. I got every single teacher at my school to vote for Julie Cavenaugh when she ran against Mulgoon.

  9. There's a lot of envy against Portelos from some of the more vociferous bloggers. It's uncalled for and petty.

  10. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Portelos is a self promoting egoist no better than Mulgrew, in fact maybe worse. There is an old guard to hold Mulgrew back. Nothing would stop Portelos from building a cult of personality to himself.

  11. Hey now... My phone number is 347-564-7597 and my address is 52 Wiman Place, Staten Island NY 10305. When you want to be an adult and not hide under an anonymous pseudonym, call me or come by for a bbq and a beer. I'll tell you all about how advocating for a better school system is better when you aren't afraid to take risks, you listen to parents and teachers and take action.

    I know, I know, I'm only in this three years and how dare I have the audacity to run the UFT. Watch us.

    I am a shameless self promoter, but hey courage is contagious and there is only one way to get the word out so people can learn from our struggles.

    "Portelos is the best organizer I've ever met."
    - Norm Scott, June 29, 2015.

    "The Portelos Case and Why Tenure Is Important."
    - Diane Ravitch, May 2014

    "Portelos is the most popular teacher out there. Everyone knows him."
    -Mike Schirtzer MORE, April 2014

    "Information is Portelos' weapon of choice."
    - DOE Attorney Keri Crossan April 2013

    If UFT Solidarity is a cult, then it's a cult obsessed with standing by members during their toughest time and I'm damn proud of the work they're doing.

    PS: If you do call, don't prank me in the middle of the night. Remember, I'm a dad and have kids at home. They're the reason you even know I exist.

    In Solidarity,

    Francesco A. Portelos

  12. As far as Michael Mulgrew goes, we have a counter leading to his last day in office and a video every teacher should sear.

  13. Anonymous2:17 AM

    I think James Eterno would be a terrific Prez. He is a seasoned veteran, he stands up for what's right, and he's not afraid to take on the Deformers. Mildew should be consigned to his very own prison cell for the unconscionable THEFT OF SERVICES he has committed. He has cleaved unto the profoundly unclean flesh of DiBlahblah, Farina, and every other criminal entity when it comes to education. For humanity's sake, we can give him a rat to keep him company in prison. I'm sure they will bond, being so very alike.

  14. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Portelos actually replies to emails sent to him. He know the contract inside out, backwards, and sideways. Most importantly, he cares for teachers and would fight for their fair treatment in the DOE if he were elected UFT president. Those who seek to slam on Portelos or claim he is an egoist are either jealous of him or do not know him. I would love nothing more than to see him and Mulgrew answer questions at a town hall meeting, or better yet, go at it in a debate during the UFT election cycle. Portelos would mop the floor with Mulgrew.

  15. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Um it is correct. Ever check out the Facebook group Portelos runs? It basically goes like this:

    Distraught teacher: Hi I think my principal is investigating me via SCI and I've already been reassigned. What do I do?

    Portelos' lemmings: We must be United in Solidarity and join the Solidarity Caucus and if you can chip in to our growing cause with a financial contribution!

  16. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Portelos is never going to be UFT President....

    An ATR will never be President of the UFT.

    His ass needs to keep rotating out there in his Staten Island bubble with his feckless caucus because his selling of hope to teachers (when he knows deep down he won't change a thing in this system) is truly a disgrace.

  17. Anonymous5:51 PM

    James Eterno is the man to run, and win , if we all actually voted.

  18. I think blasting Portelos is very unfair. He works hard for people in trouble and whether you like him or not, he has not screwed the members like Mulgrew has.

  19. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Anyone dumping on Portelos on this blog feed are no doubt Unity Caucus stooges. Yes, he is a threat to the UFT. Yes, he is a threat to the DOE, and yes, he is a threat to the ed-deform movement. This is EXACTLY why he needs to build up his caucus and get on the UFT ballot to beat Mulgrew. We are at a literal tipping point in the teaching career here in NYC. One more reign under Mulgrew could mean the end of teaching as a profession for us. Between the UFT/DOE conspiracy of destruction along with Cuomo wanting to destroy us, we need a very, very, serious force to back us. Portelos in my mind could be the backbone of that force.

  20. Mulgrew is to Portelos as Bill Cosby is to Malcolm X. He has repeatedly risked his career defending teacher rights including his own. Yet you Anonymous sleazoid detractors don't dare sign your name.

  21. Anonymous 11:30 pm, I think I found my campaign manager. Email me.

    You're right though, we can't have another three years of Mulgrew and friends. A WHOIS search will show that was bought back at a DA in March 2014. As Emil Pietromonaco stood up and shot down another resolution to support members, and Mulgrew sat there grinning, I pulled out my phone and bought that domain. "Their time is up!" I thought as I clicked the purchase button.

    Losing is not an option. I'm planning our trip to Florida in the Fall as well. Retirees have had enough of what Mulgrew has done to the union they built.

  22. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Mr. Nobile....only a fool would be willing to risk posting their name in any of these forums and blogs given then the fact that we work in an extremely retaliatory system. Portelos has already threw down the gauntlet and has paid a price for it as have paid a price...he paid a price...why should doesn't make me or anyone else a makes us common sensical. Portelos is not Jesus Christ...he is no savoir...stop kissing his ass and go write some more Carmen Farina stories as you ride your way to retirement in the ATR pool. And just to let everybody know....I am an independent...I am not a member of any caucus.

  23. If Anonymous 4:34 is referring to me as "Peter," he's wrong. I have never used a pseudonym.

  24. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Mulgrew has become much, much worse since Farina and diBlasio have gone into office. My professional life is much worse. Mulgrew will do anything that diBlasio and Farina ask him to do - against the rank and file, with ATRs on the front lines. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss Bloomberg and Walcott - at least Mulgrew wasn't bending over backward, at our expense, to please them.

  25. Anonymous3:59 PM

    New Visions Network is still booming. Way to go New Visions!! (Scumbags)

  26. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Mulgrew became Union president after he got caught having sex with a teacher inside his school building. That's right. The investigation was squashed and he was taken out of his school and brought to the Union building. Short time later he's president. Show him the same mercy when you vote as he has shown to us, the teachers. That would be NONE.

  27. In Mulgrew's sex defense, I am tempted to say--"Lay off, who hasn't made love to a teacher in a school building, or at least gave it some thought?" I tend toward the French view of amour and, all things considered, wish Mulgrew had the nerve to come clean about his Saturday morning rendezvous which would not raise an eyebrow in Marseille.

  28. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Philip Nobile have you ever thought about running for UFT president? You would make a great choice. You are always in there fighting, keeping up to date with the issues. You just may be the person I would actually consider voting for next May. Please give it some thought. Please be Noble and do the right thing and run for UFT President!
