Saturday, December 17, 2016

Trust, A Quality Our Union Leadership Fails To Display.

Trust is defined in the dictionary as "a firm belief in the reliability, truth, the ability of strength of someone".  In other words trust is earned when that person or group gains the confidence, respect, and the belief from their associates.  That brings me to our union leadership.  I have one simple question.  "Do you trust the union leadership to represent your interests"?  While the question is simple, the answer is more complicated. While our union has generally protected the rights of their members through  "due process", they are unresponsive to the many issues that affect the members the most important, a safe and secure environment.  Let's go back through history, starting with Randi Weingarten as UFT President and see how our union leadership eroded our benefits and  classroom autonomy and therefore, the trust of the members.

2005 Contract:
Probably the root of all our existing problems was the terrible 2005 "giveback" laden contract.  That resulted in the elimination of the following:
  1. Seniority transfer rights
  2. Bumping
  3. Grieving letters to the file
 Moreover, the 2005 contract created the following:
  1.  ATR pool
  2. Removal from payroll for "probable cause" accusations 
  3. Added time and days
  4. Reimpose circular six requirements  
The 2005 contract and the UFT inaction allowed the DOE to impose the school-based "fair student funding" that made hiring veteran teachers a difficult venture for principals who found it advantages to hire "the cheapest and not the best teachers" for their school and the consequences of the 2005 contract has had repercussions till this day.

Even the so-called benign 2007 contract had "givebacks".  PIP+,was implemented which was a de facto termination program that saw over 90% of the teachers in the program either being terminated or forced to resign or retire.  Furthermore, the categories of  "probable cause" was expanded, meaning more educators being suspended without pay or health benefits even before their 3020-a hearing! An erosion of our "due process" rights.

Randi's Going Away Party:
In the summer of 2009 Randi Weingarten was leaving for the AFT Presidency but her parting gift to the members was to browbeat the Delegate Assembly to approve a reduction of our TDA interest from 8.25% to 7% so that the members could get back the two days before labor day, something she should have never given up in the first place in the 2005 contract.  Further, the vesting period for health benefits was increased to 15 years as well for employees hired after that date. Had the entire membership voted, as they should have had, the members would have probably rejected Randi's proposal.

Bloomberg outsmarts Mulgrew:
Despite the State requirement that approval of a teacher evaluation requires a new contract.  Mayor Michael Bloomberg outmaneuvered UFT President Michael Mukgrew and got his teacher evaluation without negotiating a new contract.  Rather than taking court action and probably winning, our disconnected union leadership claimed victory instead.  The union claimed victory because they got the State to approve all 22 components of Danielson and the use of artifacts instead of the DOE's insisted seven components and no artifacts.  Of course three years later our very same union leadership claimed victory again when the Danielson rubric was reduced to eight components and no artifacts.  While our union leadership keeps claiming victory their members keep losing.

Michael Mandel's Blunders.
Because of fair student funding and the rise of the "leadership academy principal" the ATR pool remained stable at between 1,300 to 2,000 ATRs, almost all veteran teachers. Enter UFT Vice President, Michael Mandel and chief propagandist Leo Casey, the two unaccountable UFT representatives on the secretive ATR committee.  Both UFT representatives deliberately failed to discuss the issues with ATRs and made decisions based on their own political considerations and not what's best for the ATRs they were supposed to represent.  Michael Mandel, without talking to the ATRs he was supposed to advocate for, proposed to the DOE the infamous rotation system because he believed principals were getting ATRs to fill vacancies for free.   Had Mr. Mandel asked the ATRs, they would have been told him that most of them liked being in one school for the year and felt part of the school community and yes, some were picked up permanently the next year because they were able to show the Principal how good a teacher they are.  Instead, Mr. Mandel proposed a weekly rotation and the DOE jumped at the chance since it helped demonize the ATRs as unwanted teachers. Finally, both UFT representatives failed to stop the field supervisor pilot program when it was proposed in Brooklyn and now we have field supervisors for all rotating ATRs.  Finally, it was those two unaccountable UFT leaders who agreed to the DOE proposal to make all high school ATRs Borough wide rather than by the community district.

2014 Contract:
The first contract negotiated by President Michael Mulgrew made winners and losers of different UFT members.  Winners were retirees, "newbie teachers" who received an extra bump in their salary, and ATRs near retirement who took a buyout. Losers were UFT members who resigned, were terminated, and died before the end of the contract.  Moreover, ATRs were made "second class citizens" and the 25% who won their 3020-a termination hearings became "untouchables".  While most of the ATR provisions have sunset this school year, the DOE still maintains two ATR lists and only recommends principals hire from the list of ATRs from closing schools or excessed programs and not those who won their 3020-a termination hearings.  Finally, the fear of losing $50,000+ of deferred lump sum payments are causing some teachers under 3020-a charges to retire rather than risking the chance of being terminated in their 3020-a hearing.

Michael Mulgrew's Shortcomings:
Michael Mulgrew has linked hands with the racial arsonist, anti-Semite, and tax dodger Al Sharpton against fellow union members, the police, while failing to support UFT members against vindictive and incompetent principals by claiming the CSA are fellow union members.  What a hypocrite! Furthermore, Michael Mulgrew has shown to be a poor negotiator by splitting the UFT membership between winners and losers and failing to change the hostile classroom environment despite his claim that their is a new tone at the DOE.  I guess we are all tone deaf.  Lately Mr. Mulgrew an opponent of the "opt out" movement has threatened the members who support the movement that it could result in NYS losing federal funds, which he knows is untrue.  Moreover, who can forget how as a supporter of Common Core, threatened to punch opponents in the face, of course Mr. Mulgrew is not subject to those inappropriate standards. Finally, Michael Mulgrew has shown to be arrogant, disconnected to the membership, and pits his personal views ahead of member needs. Let's not forget that one of Michael Mulgrew's first acts was his failure to call Mayor Bloomberg's bluff on layoffs and actually gave up our sabbaticals for the next yeart and allowed the ATRs to be rotated, despite the Mayor losing the "last in, first out" fight.

Trust must be earned and not awarded simply because 75% of the membership didn't decide to vote does not automatically bestow trust, just the opposite.  Its good deeds,open and transparent discussions, confidence in the ability to lead, and fairly represent all the members that earns that trust Unfortunately, our UFT leadership has fallen far short of earning that trust from the membership by their very actions of secrecy and unaccountability..


  1. "Randi's Going Away Party"
    is not fully accurate.

    The biggest give back was that new members would have to contribute to TRS for their full careers (you and I only contributed for 10 years). This was huge.
    Dropping the TDA rate may be more galling, and the 5 year modification in vesting is easier to understand, but the actuaries will confirm that the pension giveback was the worst piece.

    Further, and to our collective shame, Randi did not browbeat the Delegate Assembly into accepting this. The vote was nearly unanimous in favor. I recall speaking vigorously against, and getting my back slapped later for a great speech, but all or nearly all the back-slappers had voted to sell out our future members.


  2. I found a contemporary account (by Norm Scott):

    "What tickled me at the DA was how many people genuflected to Randi for getting back the two days she herself agreed to take away in the first place. Of course she made it seem the UFT had nothing to do with it. Sort of like having someone take money out of your pocket and you thank them for putting it back.

    Naturally, the mass of delegates were overwhelmingly in favor..."

  3. Jonathan

    Tier V was inevitable since NYS was pushing all public employees into that Tier. However, there was no such push to reduce our interest rate from the State and even those teachers hired under Tier IV after the agreement were subject to the 15 year health benefits vesting.

  4. It won't do to go on about concessions that we feel, while shrugging off concessions that hurt newer members. Solidarity does not work that way.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Jonathan

    I'm not sure what you mean. The only divisiveness was the 2014 contract that had winners and losers. Moreover, fair student funding made senior teachers big losers and the greatest losers are the ATRs.

    I certainly believe in equal rights for all.

  7. We should have fought against the pension giveback in 2009. Allowing different pension arrangements for newer teachers was a fundamental breach of solidarity.

    The other changes were bad, but this was fundamental. You call it "inevitable." But that is exactly where we should have fought hardest.


  8. Anonymous4:16 AM

    They have put ATRS in a very unfavorable situation, helping the DOE to make ATRS easy targets by the field supervisors. Most of these ATRs were removed by dishonest principals, and it has to do with a purge of experienced teachers.

  9. Anonymous8:27 AM

    An amazing article! Thank you for writing it! I can't believe how people forget so fast all we have lost! I am so sick of the UFT and Unity telling us how great they are!

  10. Anonymous11:23 AM

    is the first post i disagree with.
    most atrs came from large schools which had well run and respected principals at the helm

  11. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Chaz, I thought ATRs were no longer rotated out of their districts. I was rotated out of my district and immediately sent an e-mail to atrassignment. My response was as followed:


    You have a license for Queens high school district therefore you can and will be assigned to any Queens high school.

    Kind regards,

    Support and Supervision

    Of course, no one signed it. I called uft and no one called me back. My original school district was 28 and no longer want to be sent to schools as far as LIC. Is it true that ATRs are not to be sent outside their original schools district?

  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I just need to make it 7 more years. I wonder each year if I can. These leadership academy principals seem to come armed with a mandate to fire teachers just because. I have seen five good people fired at my school over the last three years. All untenured. I have tenure, but I also hear horror stories of principals who decide they don't like someone and then make up stuff to get them in the dismissal hearings. I had two admins (who are now gone thankfully) that made up stuff about three people and fired them all in one year.

    If you're tenured, have great pass rates, no classroom management problems, always follow that stupid project-based learning crap, turn in all the mountains of paperwork on time, are never late or absent and cause no trouble for anyone, and yet the admins constantly rate you low on the Danielson's rubric for stupid reasons (like they want to low rate you then raise it later in the year to 'show growth'), is it possible to survive in this system still?

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Yah they are in the business of destruction with the help of the UFT.

  13. Anon 12:46

    If you are assigned as a high school teacher all Queens high schools are District 77. Therefore, you can be assigned to any high school in Queens.

  14. By the way. You can thank Michael Mandel and Leo Casey for agreeing to make all high school teachers borough wide.

  15. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Great post and so very true about our lack of trust when it comes to the leadership.

  16. Anonymous6:01 AM

    "A 2015 London School of Economics study that looked at over 140,000 students across a decade found that when phones were removed from the classroom, test scores went up 6 percent. For students with special needs or those from challenged socioeconomic backgrounds, test scores went up a whopping 14 percent when distracting phones were eliminated"

    Unrelated to this topic, but this was in news this morning. A study shows lower student performance when cell phones are present in schools. For special needs students, the drop is greater with phones in school.

    Is Deblasio a moron?

  17. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Live update at 2:22pm. ATR enjoying the lounge since 7:45am. Actually stated he hopes he's never picked up by a school. Love it! What a job.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Once the layoffs start all ATRs will be back in the classrooms teaching. Ironic on many different levels. I don't believe any ATR would say that publicly, especially to someone like you. Keep up the PR though, people are generally very stupid.

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      It was funny how the conversation started. At 7:45am, he was reading the NY Times while drinking a coffee. I said I wish I was you. He said it's a great feeling to have no responsibility. I walked out. At 2:22pm I walked in lounge and jokingly asked him if he needed anything, possibly a pillow, maybe a cigar? He laughed then told me what I wrote previously. The funny thing about you is that you think ATR's other than yourself are miserable. Their not. In fact all of them I've met at my school are relieved at the break they're getting.

    3. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Please feel free to mention your imaginary school. I don't know any ATRs getting breaks. We're sent into schools that can't get subs because they won't go there. I haven't taught less than 5 periods a day since Election Day. If its so great why do you think so many ATRs are miserable?

    4. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Renaissance High School on the Lehman Campus in Bronx

    5. Anonymous5:00 AM

      That is a good school. I was there one week and had daily coverages in huge music classes. You're school is an exception - walk over on your floor and visit Pelham Lab. Ask the ATRs if they are enjoying themselves.

  18. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Does that mean-if we agree to go back 2 days early in the next UFT contract-the TDA rate will return to 8.25%?

  19. Anonymous5:13 AM

    In the school im in, I get 6 working peridos per day...

  20. I'm happy at the school I am currently at. The kids are great, the teachers are alright. The AP introduces me as a teacher and not as a sub. I look for classes to teach, but I don't know about other ATRs, I honestly get bored if I have nothing to do. They tell me though the previous ATR wasn't very good and would often hide so they wouldn't have to do anything.

  21. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I am being targeted by my assassin - letters to my file - u ratings - 90 minute commutes u think this is fun ??? I'm on anti - depressants and I can't sleep thanks UFT

  22. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Ignore the fake teacher troll (2:22, 8:10) - he is the one in his mom's basement who pretends he is getting rich teaching and that ATRs don't work at all. Or he doesn't work at all and ATRs get rich teaching. His nonsensical story flip flops all the time but I think he works (in some capacity) for UFT/Unity leadership.

  23. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I have been a HS teacher since 1997 and there have always been a HS District until Bloomberg and Klein came along. D74,D78, and D77 (Queens). This was before Leo Caseys and Michael Mendel I think

  24. Then you remember when the high schools were by Regions and that's what they should have used instead of traveling throughout the Borough.
