Sunday, January 08, 2017

Too Bad Black Lives Matter Seem Not To Care About Black Children Shot By Gang Violence.

Over the last couple of years and especially after the Ferguson Missouri incident.  Black outrage against the police resulted in the rise of a new group called "Black Lives Matter".  This group was a vocal advocate of treating the young black men with the same respect as all other people,  However, the Black Lives Matter group slowly morphed into a political organization and seemed to move away from their roots.  While the Black Lives Matter movement still had a focus on anti-police action when they could exploit incidents that show the police abusing their authority and rightly so.  The movement has also taken an ideological slant that is quite disturbing to me.

For example the Black Lives Matter movement supports the Boycott Disinvestment and Sanction (BDS) organization against Israel, an anti-Semitic movement dominated by pro Palestinian, far left fringe groups.  Can anybody explain how the Black Lives Matter movement supports an organization that tries to DE-legitimatizes a Democratic country which has never discriminated against young black men in the United States?.

What bothers me the most is that the Black Lives Matter movement has been strangely silent about the escalating gang violence in Chicago that has resulted in 762 killing last year and 41 children under the age of 14 were shot. Most of these killings and the over 3,550 shootings in 2016 were black on black crime (75-80%).  Instead of protesting the occasional police misconduct or abuse, the Black Lives Matter organization should be protesting against the gang violence that plague the black neighborhoods of Chicago.  In fact, Black Lives Matter may have indirectly caused the skyrocketing of the crime rate in Chicago by stopping police from making stops of suspicious young black men for fear of being labeled a racist.

Back to the 41 innocent children shot who were in the crossfire of gang violence.  Because of neighborhood distrust of the Chicago police, only 3 of the 41 child shootings have resulted in an arrest.  According to the police, the distrust of the community makes it difficult to get witness statements even when people know who the shooter is.  Shouldn't the Black Lives Matter movement be protecting these children?  Try to clean up the neighborhood and eradicate gang violence?  Wouldn't the movement gain respectability by helping make the communities safe for families and children to walk to school and play on the street?  How about cooperating with the police to make communities safe?  Instead they continue to follow an ideologically driven anti-police agenda at the expense of the very communities that they should be supporting.

The bottom line is, if Black Lives Matter wants to be relevant then they must start with fighting gang violence in the Black communities of Chicago and not simply protesting the occasional police action.


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Since the Ferguson hoax proved to be just that, rational folks wrote BLM off as just another race baiting and racist group. A few lefty whites, campus freaks, and CNN bought in but nobody else. Of course they (BLM) don't actually care about black lives.

    More than one conservative columnist has noted Obama's relative silence regarding the black on black carnage in Chicago.

    If the Dems were smart they would avoid BLM like Republicans avoid the KKK. But, well...

  2. Anonymous5:59 PM

    And thats the trash at 90 percent of nyc schools.

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I can't speak to what's going on in Chicago-but Harry Siegel has a good piece about de Blasio's positive effect on crime stats

  4. Anonymous7:36 PM

    What your article boils down to is there are plenty of Black racists. There was a time, not to long ago, that we were told a Black person could not be a racist because they belonged to a minority group. Again the most discriminated group in the NYC DOE are middle aged White men.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Who saw, this morning on the news, the gang of black kids who went into the black barber shop, with a gun, to hold up blacks in a robbery. Same old story, blacks commit more crime than anybody else while wondering why they fill up the jails. Open the newspaper, turn on the news, its one black crime after another. By the way, the most often victim of hate crimes are Jews.

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Some of the whites who fell for the BLM hoaxes ("Hands up Don't Shoot", etc.)have since apologized for doing so. With luck they also did some introspection as to why they were suckered.

    Pointing out the double-standards of a fringe group like BLM is so easy many folks don't bother. It is like pointing out stuff about Al Sharpton. Too easy.

  7. Anonymous8:23 PM

    White flight happened for a reason in decades past. It's not because all whites and jews are racists, but because elevated crime levels come along with the whole 'diversity' package. Even liberal whites, who are huge hypocrites and don't even care, will only live among other whites like all those hipster enclaves.

  8. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Yes, elevated crime level, just like elevated STD level are in certain sections of NY

  9. The main argument of the Black Lives Matter movement is that the state should not be sanctioned to kill suspects without giving them the chance to prove their innocence by a trial and a jury of their peers. Not to impossibly stop all black deaths everywhere. For example, Dylan Roof is currently on trial because he was arrested and not shot on sight. Your understanding of the movement is lazy and your implicit bias makes me sincerely hope you are not currently teaching black and brown youth. Also, your description of the push and pull factors for white flight are also missing some key details. Namely, once black families began to move into white areas, white families AND BUSINESSES (read jobs) moved out as well. Creating economically disadvantaged, depressed, and under policed areas. Which, in turn, raises the crime rate. You're welcome.

  10. Black Voice

    First, the fact that Black Lives Matter supports an anti-Semitic movement is not an issue?

    Second, shouldn't Black Lives Matter include black children caught in the crossfire of gang violence?

    Third, shouldn't Black Lives Matter be trying to make communities safe?

    It's people like you that cry racism when one has a valid criticism of an organization that plays politics.

    Oh, by the way I worked in a 95% minority school the last two years and received an Effective rating. Too bad you will never know how to teach children yourself.

    1. First, anti-Israeli settlements onto Palestinian lands is not the same as anti-semitism. Was opposing slavery the same as being anti-Chrisistian? No.

      Secondly, again the movement has a specific goal that is at the forefront. To end extra judicial police killings of minorities. They also, by the way, have a larger more all encompassing community plan but you wouldn't know that since you literally know nothing about them from their website, leafership, or literature. Go do your homework and get back to me.

      Also, are you up in arms asking the women's March on DC what they are doing to stop white men from committing mass murder? What about what the NRA is doing abou5 the growing KKK? No because that is not their primary issue. There are several local, state, and national organizations focusing on the black on black crime you speak of.

      I did teach effectively too in a diverse area. What I can say isomething that my students know that I didn't presume what their life was all about and what their circumstances were and why. I listened. Just being around minorities doesn't make you exempt from vomiting racist rhetoric all over the Internet.

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    What happened to my comment yesterday? opposing you. You publish racist rants, but very few comments that oppose you.

  12. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You can't argue with the ignorant. We all know the real issues that keep certain groups in our society from succeeding. But again we would be called racists. You can't fix ignorance. Enjoy your high poverty and crime and high school dropout and out of wedlock births and drug abuse rates. Fools!!!!

  13. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I'm a loyal reader to your blog, but I'm highly disappointed on your stance on this topic. Especially because racism still exist, you can tell by reading some of the comments in this blog. Which are coming from teachers that are suppose to be educating black children.Its not that hard to be an effective teacher, as long as you are passing students and playing nice with administration. To expect one organization that was established to end the abuse of blacks by police officers to solve all black issues is absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Michael Brown (Ferguson, Missouri)was abused by police officers?

      So BLM does or does not care to address the primary deadly threat -young black men- faced by young black men?

  14. Anonymous5:04 PM

    To 1:35. The businesses moved because the owners of the businesses were members of the same community that was on the move. You are putting the cart and horse in the wrong order. You are saying that the crime rate only went up after the whites moved away. I have family members that lived in a major urban area in the 1930s to the 1950s. They described to me on many occasions how the crimes went up first, and that was why everyone, businesses included, pulled up stakes and ran away.

    Of course not all 'diverse' people are bad, and no one who comments here would say that. Even the poster at 8:23 did not say this. The questions are: what is your tolerance level for crime? When would you move away? When would you feel unsafe in your own home? How comfortable are you with 'the other?' Not everyone is a racist, who just wants a nice lifestyle for their families. That's why 'diverse' people want to move into white neighborhoods in the first place. Whites create order. Many Asians do too, as well as higher class latinos. There are some nice black neighborhoods around the country too, but when whites move in, the resident claim 'foul' and people cry 'gentrification' which is a euphemism for anti-white rhetoric.

    1. Really, "whites create order"? Wow. You are too far gone. Order like slavery, colonialiam, the patriarchy, the militarily industrial complex, failed lassaie faire capitalism, and now Donald Trump? Brava! You know black and brown people has established civilizations, traditions, religions, and government years before being infiltrated and decimated by Europeans right? You have studied world history I presume?

  15. Anonymous5:09 PM

    To 7:36, as a middle aged white man, I have been the victim of many latino and Asian racists, who know they run the show now in large parts of Queens and the Bronx. I was falsely given a ticket by a pair of black cops who basically told me, "Tough Nuggies!"

    As whites recede and lose all power in the nation their forefathers made for them, you will see institutionalized racism against them like in South Africa where the government is forbidden to hire white people, where white people are prohibited from receiving government sponsored welfare and where the government is debating land grabs against white farmers and businesses like in Zimbabwe.

    Don't believe it? Abandon your 'normalcy bias.' The world in the next 50 years will undergo seismic shifts!

    1. So a few bad things happened to you. Did anyone refuse you a job? A loan? Follow you in a store they thought you would steal from? Shoot you without questioning you first? Sharing power and resources is not the same as being systematically oppressed for decades. South Africa is a red hereing. You know what happened there and why. They are making amends now and the retribution will take a while to even out what has historically been a really unfair situation.

  16. Anon 4:33

    I publish all except pornographic comments.

    Anon 4:56

    If you are you know I take on all issues and that included gang violence and crime.

  17. Anonymous7:25 PM

    One persons racism is another persons realism my anon 4:56 friend. We all know the truth. Spend a few days at campus magnet, beach channel, August martin and many other schools and you will see the realism. Was in school about 5 mintues today and already heard suck my and my nig about 15 times. Heard it about 1000 by 2:20. The only racists are the people that refuse to identify the problem

    1. Racism is racism. Realism is realism. High school kids cuss, so what? You don't think white kids in the suburbs are doing the same? I grew up there. More drugs and sex than in my college. I'm done cause honestly, I should be getting paid for this HR Department type online sensitivity training. Y'all are lost causes. Have fun secretly hating the children you volunteered to teach for the rest of your careers!

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Good luck with the high crime, unemployment drug abuse out of wedlock births violence high school drop out and suspension rates. Like I said you can't argue with the ignorant but I wish you well my friend. Fake grades and govt assistance has ruined certain aspects of our society. I don't hate anyone but you get to admit the policies of liberalism has destroyed certain communities. If it makes you feel better that I secretly hate the children I teach knock yourself out.

  18. @Chaz, You are an educator, not a sociologist! You comments about BLM are opinions not facts! The sad truth is that you teach in NYC public schools where you can have a negative effect on black and brown children. It is sad that you hide behind your blog with these comments! You need to stick to education....People such as yourself is the very reason why I moved out of NYC. I don't want my children to be in a school building with bigots and racists such as yourself. BLM is only speaking up about Law Enforcement taking the lives of Black people as if they don't matter! Just like during slavery, if Africans that were enslaved never fought back, we may still be enslaved! Chaz, I have taught for 21 years and born, raised, and bred in Brooklyn, NY. You don't represent NYC, you represent Ignorance!

  19. Chaz, your an educator making these comments! Stick to what you know, and that is not being Black in America! If you don't like it, then teach elsewhere (Long Island, NJ Suburbs). Oh my Let's see if they hire you!!!

  20. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Our departing president forgot to mention the unprecedented black-on -black carnage in Chicago during yesterday's farewell speech in Chicago. Although he remembered to chastise republicans on a wide range of issues. Including race.

  21. Black Voice

    I noticed you justify the antisemitism by claiming its Palestinian land, not contest land as the UN resolutions over the decade has stated for a two State solution. I also noticed you didn't explain BLM's silence on the Chicago shootings of black children, I wonder why?

    I am an educator and well read. I can see BLM's hypocrisy and ideological agenda. If you were a teacher and you're not. You would poison children with your narrow minded political views and making everything racial. When they are wrong, they're wrong.


    I see and hear the hypocrisy of the BLM movement. Maybe you should wake up and smell the coffee.

  22. Anonymous5:47 PM

    A Black Voice

    How can you justify boycotting a Democratic country that allows freedom of religion of Christians, Jews, and Muslims while ignoring all the other countries in the Middle East that discriminates against their Christian populations?

    Chaz is correct. Your a hypocrite who sees things only in a narrow racial lens.

  23. Anonymous11:01 AM

    BLM is a George Soros sponsored organization. Without his 20 million funding, BLM is nothing. He is a NWO Stalinist who has enough resources to influence the course of entire countries. Hopefully he passes soon.

  24. Anonymous12:04 PM

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    What a disappointment. Now you see why charters are moving in. Black Lives Matters is about government sanctioned murders. There are a few organizations in Chicago that address gun violence and gangs. There are other organizations, I think in Florida, so it's important that you become informed before you write this on your blog.

  26. I find your objection false. You support the BDS movement, turn a blind eye on black on black violence, and worst of all are silent when black children are shot. Shame on you.

  27. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Another day in the rockaways and more of the same. Kids roaming the halls, cursing, smoking weed in the bathrooms, having sex in the stairwells. Not all of course and not all who are black and brown as one post already used the terminology. This kids are lost, this kids are being done a disservice by the parents. Doe, uft and the liberialism. Housing projects, welfare, fake grades and passing rates have ruined America. Single parent homes is acceptable abortion is acceptable. What happened to our once great nation. And now let's make pot more acceptable. We are fools and deserve everything we get but these kids deserve better
