Thursday, February 16, 2017

ATR Update, Rumors, Rumors, And More Rumors.

Since I broke the story about the rumor back in January that the ATR rotation may be coming to an end and that the new ATR DOE leader will start to place ATRs in vacancies, little has actually changed.  In fact, even more rumors and disinformation are being spread about the ATRs.  While I know no more than the rest of you, I do know that some of the rumors are downright wrong.  Here is what I know and don't know about each rumor.

Rumor #1 - Rotation ends:
According to the UFT leadership and ATR Assignment the rotations will continue next month.  Both claim that the ATRs are not being placed in one school to the end of the year,  While Randy Asher did tell principals in a meeting that he was intending to eliminate the ATR rotation and place some ATRs permanently in vacancies, he was vague on how he was to achieve it.

Rumor #2:  Forced placed in vacancies:
ATRs have been forced placed  for years and nothing changes. The few vacancies that do exist after the outside the system January hiring are few and far between. Some schools hide vacancies or find excuses to keep the vacancies unfilled.  How Mr. Asher's proposals will significantly affects the ATR hiring process remains unknown if at all.

Rumor #3: Double Observations:
I find it highly unlikely that a school administration will have the time or inclination to add to their paperwork by observing ATRs especially if the ATR is only there monthly or is not provisionally hired for a long-term leave replacement or vacancy.  My understanding is that the field supervisors will continue to rate the ATRs in rotation not the schools.

Rumor #4 Danielson Rubric:
The ATRs are observed using Teaching for the 21st century and not Charlotte Dainelson.  The union would have to reopen the contract to change the ATR evaluation system.

Rumor #5: ATR time limit:
While I don't trust the union on many levels one issue they have been rock steady on was no ATR time limit.  An ATR can be in that status for the rest of their career.  Can the union give up the ATRs in a future contract?  Possibly, but the two unions that agreed to an ATR time limit, Chicago and Washington D.C. found themselves voted out of power and our union leadership knows that.

I do agree the union leadership should have sent out a mass email either debunking the rumors and informing the members what issues are being negotiated with the DOE concerning ATRs.  This lack of transparency and secrecy has allowed the rumors to spread throughout the ATR community and is it any wonder that most every day there is a new rumor cropping up and the blame must be laid at the feet of our disconnected union leadership who continually fails to get input from the ATR community on issues affecting them.


  1. Next month's (March) placement will end June 28th.

  2. Anonymous6:50 PM

    alot of the rumors i think come out of the principals weekly memo with a specific feb 15 deadline to hire atrs for vacancies. after that date it states it will not be possible. why is that??

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM


    I think asher is a whole lot of nothing. It's political stuff to show the DOE and Uft are trying with regards to ATRs

    The issue I see is why would a principal want an atr when they can hire and bully a newby?

  4. Anonymous10:53 PM

    One sham after another sham.

  5. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Actually a lot of the rumors came out of blogs like this. ThanKS Chaz

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I bet a new atr agreement comes out today just before the vacation. Enjoy your drive home

  7. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Hey 1:19

    He did say it were rumors and don't you think our union should be talling us about any changes?

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The systemic discriminatory practices will continue against senior experienced teachers. Only a class action suit will straight out the issues.

  9. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Sorry to go off topic, but I remembered something that may be of interest to subs. Almost 20 years ago I met an older day to day sub who she had put together enough time to retire. She was still subbing, but was able to get a pension and maybe medical. If you're in this position, or know someone who is, it's something to look into.

  10. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Here's a fact! There is a new sheriff in town and his name is Asher!

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    When are we getting together for this class action suit. This is age discrimination and we are sitting down and allowing this to happen.

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    They just extended the deadline beyond Feb. 15 to hire younger teachers even though they are not certified. It is systemic age discrimination.

  13. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I'm a teacher at one of the large campus high schools. There's a great guy who's a licensed social studies teacher that has been with us for about a month. We have a vacancy, but they make him sit in front of the girls bathroom all day. Yesterday for some reason they had him sitting in the classroom while five unlicensed and inexperienced youngsters came in to do demo lessons. They never asked him to do one or interview, and they treat him like he's a piece of shit. I asked one AP why don't we hire him and he said he's too old, too set in his ways,and too expensive. I told the AP they are free. He said if you believe that one I have a bridge to sell you. The ATR got his new assignment yesterday. The schools will not be hiring ATRs for anything other than for provisional positions, and then only if they can't find anyone else.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      The Union is well aware of age discrimination, they are part of the problem.

  14. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Good! I wouldn't want to work at that school anyway. They can hire all the 22yr olds they want. Let them have all the stress I'll just sit and open the bathroom. If that's how they want to play this game who am I to object. They can keep the corrupt system. 2 more years and I'm done. Hope I make it!

  15. We should have been updated by the Union, on what is occurring...why weren't they letting us know? Hmmmm.... The union should not allow Age Discrimination Perpetuated upon its members!

  16. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I had a colleague forced into ATR status at the end of last school year by the vindictive principal and AP. She had been our Union rep (tenured) and actually stood up for our rights. Her designation was some kind of media arts license, though she had been doing English classes. They just excessed her butt out of there even though they didn't have to. She said she is happier now moving from school to school because of the reduction in immediate stress. (Our school is one of THOSE schools - reformy-crap, social justice claptrap, data, Danielson's, Common Core and all that). I have 7 years to go before I can retire at 55 with a reduced pension (which I am planning to do). I kind of hope to become an ATR too, but I doubt it will happen. The punitive nature of our admins is off the charts.

    1. Anonymous4:53 AM

      They will probably start to target you, so you do not get a full pension. That is what principals like Dwarka is doing. She even admits that experienced teachers are lazy.

  17. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Like I've said so many times, the easiest way to eliminate the ATR pool is to actually put them back into the classroom. We are witnessing something incredible here. ATR's who have been roaming from school to school, lounge to lounge, library to library, hiding and resting while watching Netflix, etc are slowly being placed. It took the DOE over 5 years to realize that ATR's are HAPPY! They would certainly remain an ATR FOREVER. The DOE just realized this when we said this years and years ago. NO ATR wants to be "placed". Hysterical! They actually might have to work now. 5, 6, 7, 8 years of doing nothing while earning full salary about to go back into 5 classes a day of 30+ students with the Danielson rubric. Priceless!

  18. Anon 4:01

    You must be delusional. Few ATRs are being put back into the classroom, despite the DOE claims.

    The principals have refused to heed Mr. Asher's pleas and its business as usual.

  19. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Many ATRs want to teach again. The amount of abuse we take covering classes in terrible schools is incredible. Just because you, 4:01 Renassisance HS teacher are in a good school, you have absolutely no idea what you're taking about. You're in a place where teachers rarely take a day off, not where there's a 40% teacher absentee rate daily. Many of the schools I go into are dangerous, where staff are frequently assaulted. Now if that's happening to their regular teachers, how do you think the kids are treating ATRs? It took me most off the day to get over yesterday, it was that fucking bad. Ask a kid to stop blasting their cellphone and its 'Suck my dick, nigga' . Even the music blasts it over and over. How would you like that, Renassisance? Do your students treat you that way? I was in a decent school this year for exactly 2 weeks. I was rotated out of it because the school I'm in now couldn't get subs. They won't work in this school. It's been that way for me for the past 3 years. I want my own classes, where I know the kids and have a set routine. None of us are quitting. Get your head out of your ass and walk over to Pelham lab and sit in on some of those classes with the ATRs over there, tell Mr. Wagner, the best ATR he ever had there recommended you.

  20. Anonymous8:51 AM

    ....and lets not forget about the seniority that comes with the ATR veterans...another reason they will never get hired.

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Age discrimination has been going on in NYC for a long time, our Union is well aware of it.

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Yeah many kids act this way in most of the schools I rotate into. I try to avoid telling the kids anything. Many are extremely rude and obnoxious. ( trying to be politically correct. You know how they act you can't say zoo or they act almost animal like but the behavior is deplorable. You can't reference the pigment of the students skin but we all know who the kids are. They don't act this way based on the skin pigment but nevertheless the poor behavior and academics speak volumes. I was told numerous times it must be my fault that the student sense I'm a racist or that I'm old and should retire but we all how absurd that sounds. Get this I was even lectured about the the impact of historical oppression and white privilege. It's a strange time in our nations history. The culture war is impacting every segment of our society. The students and our society need us to stand stronge and push back against the tide of political correcttness and educational apathy. I wish all my fellow teachers good luck and hope we all make it out in one piece. Why listen to me I'm just an old man who is constantly cursed out by students for attempting to enforce simple school rules. Why listen to me I'm just a 22yr veteran who is part of the problem.
    Could you please sit down- fuck you
    Could you please start the assignment- suck my dick
    Could you please put your phone away- your getting me tight
    You all know the rest. God Bless

  22. Anonymous6:51 AM

    So, you broke the story of the rumor, and its subsequent falseness. I'm not sure about how much praise you deserve here, old buddy.

  23. Anonymous2:52 PM

    You've gotta wonder why asher left tech. Could it be that 3 teachers under his watch have had sexual relations with students? And he pleads ignorance

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Maybe they want to figure out how to push out the most experienced teachers. So they continue to hire uncertified fellow teachers who get paid less.

  24. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Atr supervisors are also starting rumors too
