Monday, March 27, 2017

The Secretive C-30 Selection Process - The Reason Why We Have So Many Terrible Principals.

I have written about the bad principals I have encountered, read, or heard about, mostly in Queens and in the high schools. I also discussed the weakest link in the system, the Superintendents selected by Chancellor Carmen Farina to run the school districts. Far too many of them were awarded their position, based on cronyism and not competence.  Just read about these two Superintendents, Juan Mendez and Amiee Horowitz, The question is how can so many terrible principals land their position without the school staff and the community having any meaningful input in the selection?

The answer is the secretive and unaccountable C-30 selection process.  First, the Superintendent selects the five candidates that the C-30 selection committee will interview.  That's right, the Superintendent makes the decision on who to interview not the selection committee.  How the Superintendent selects the five candidates is also clouded in secrecy but I would guess its primarily based on favoritism and cronyism and not educational excellence.

If that is not bad enough, the C-30 committee's selection is only advisory and the final decision is made by the Superintendent.  In fact, Principal Judy Henry was ranked fourth out of five candidates by the Gateway To The Health Sciences C-30 selection committee but Superintendent Juan Mendez selected Judy Henry as Principal of the school anyway.  More about Judy Henry can be found Here.  For many of the Superintendents, the C-30 selection process is simply a fig leaf for the unaccountable Superintendents who put their favorites in charge of the schools.  Just look at this post! Further, just read Ed Notes Online about the disaster Principal Monika Garg has made of CPE1 in Manhattan.  Read what she has done to the staff at the school. What Superintendent allowed this to happen?

.By contrast in Russia and many other countries the school staff selects the Principal by a democratic vote.  This allows for more effective collaboration between school leaders and staff and  leads to better student academic achievement. That's not the case when it comes to the New York City Public Schools.

Unfortunately,  in the New York City Public School System the Chancellor and her cronies are more interested in protecting each other and scratching each others back then in selecting the best administrators for the schools.  Please read the Daily News Opinion piece by the Queens Borough President Melinda Katz about what's wrong with the C-30 selection process for principals. In the New York City Public Schools its children last....Always when it comes to selecting the best administrators to run the schools.


  1. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Isn't it time for Mulgrew to use some of that leverage, he got out of our pockets, to push for a change to this cult like initiation process? One disaster of a principal after another. At the very least, he should push for an end to mayoral control of the schools. No one person should have it, there are no checks and balances. Some of these same principals helped stereotype ATRs. Karma baby, NYC principals are gaining a lot of negative press, and the suburbs are taking notice. Don't try fleeing to Westchester or Long Island - they don't want you or your shower Santi or Farina's hundreds of troll like principals (that she herself admitted have no business running schools).

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Dwarka likes new teachers, that is why she rates older teachers ineffective all the time.

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Are you kidding Mulgrew? He is part of the cirruption. They defend fraud, corruption and ageism.

  2. Old news that needs fresh data on the number of people selected pro-forma AP's and principals alike. C 30 process in practice doesn't comply with regulations.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Illiterate psychopath Jose Cruz protected by Mendez

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Illiterate psychopath Jose Cruz protected by Mendez

  5. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Mulgrew does not work on behalf of UFT menmbers. He works to enhance his prestige with the DOE and De Blasio. De Blasio scratches Mulgrew's ass, and Mulgrew scratches De Blasio's ass.

  6. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Our now principal was IA for the longest time (because of a civil suit brought against her by a former employee). Miraculously she was appointed because the word came down from the DOE that it looked bad that she was still IA- gave the appearance of guilt.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    C'mon Eric, post that pic of that drunken skank Namita Dwarka from Bryant HS, Queens NY.

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    It seems like every school i go to its the same story with kids disrespecting staff, kids failing multiple classes, kids never returning anything back to teachers, halls rampant with kids walking talking and disrupting the hallways, kids in the stair wells hanging out, its is so bizarre yet its prevalent in most schools! WHy is that? The kids are all the same whether you are in the Bronx or Brooklyn, queens or Staten island the kids are all the same. For example, the NYC high school dress code consists of pants - usually dirty filthy weed smelling jeans hanging from the kids ass, the infamous hoodie and the $400 Jordan sneakers and the back pack. Yes that is right the back pack with nothing in there mind you however its part of the NYC high school uniform. Kids are crap and the bottom of the barrel human beings who have no conscious and no regard for anything including personal property. Those who believe the charters and private schools can "fix" this situation are living in a utopia paying rent to midget mickey Bloomberg. Its truly insane and this post is not about being funny or even venting but rather the truth or the unfortunate truth. So the reason I would not send my kid to a public school is not because of the teachers like Bloomberg, Cuomo, Devos, trump think but rather the kids that occupy the schools who will intoxicate my kid.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    so true

  10. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Judy Henry, again! Unscrupulous and Machiavellian. Not just the C-30. Changing answers on Regents tests;filling out school surveys intended for parents to give the impression that the overwhelmingly majority of the parents liked Science Skills high school (research school report cards for 2008-12) collecting money for the school going from D to A. Fake news! Sharing the award with her little crony circle? Theft of public funds. She made no dent on the academic performance of that School; it remained a huge disappointment for parents and students alike.
    Ms Farina, how can you leave such a principal in place and go after hard-working teachers? No one should lift a finger to keep you guys in power. Bring on Devos and lets all be damned!
