Monday, August 07, 2017

Tweed Continues To Award Questionable Contracts.

The Daily News reported today that, very quietly, the DOE is set to award a $669,375 contract to an ex DOE administrator for a program that he developed as an employee for the City. In fact, the Ex DOE Administrator,  Joel Rose, called it "The School Of One" and the DOE allocated an astounding 9 million dollars to develop and fund the program.  The program has been shown to be a failure and a colossal waste of money as only 4 schools throughout the City are actually using the :School for One program.  Yet, the DOE is set to approve the renamed program. as a Math program called New Classrooms.

This is just an example of why it was necessary for Chancellor Carmen Farina to "clean house" of the Bloomberg policymakers at Tweed but failed to do so.  Hopefully,when the proposed contract goes to the PEP at the end of the month, the blatant "conflict of interest" and apparent favoritism will push the PEP to refuse to approve the contact. The statement by Leonie Hainson of Class Size Matters in the article is a must read and listed below.

 “The city is paying hundreds of thousands for these programs. Why do these things hang on at the Department of Education for no reason? These crony contracts,” said Leonie Haimson, founder of the advocacy group Class Size Matters. “It’s inexplicable.”

I certainly agree with Ms. Hainson


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    We gave you guys $250 in Teachers Choice and this is how you repay us?! Keep it up and we'll send you to the Bronx! Bridget is looking for slaves and she knows how to treat you ATRs,
    The UFT/DOE

    (Just kidding, keep up the good work, Chaz)

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    There is so much waste of money, yet people that do honest work are getting harassed, discriminated against, brought up on bogus charges and given 3020a's by administrators just to get rid of pensions, veteran staff and weaken the union. This is waste. There is a surplus of 'consultants'. Put the funds where they belong - into student resources and paying for staff salary to educate the students.

  3. Anonymous7:57 PM

    "Livin' In America"...

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Never mind the Cronyism and Corruption... Just make sure that we ATR's are following Danielson's Framework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!! What a Joke!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Stringer's got to look at these contracts. Schools are going without books, paper for copy machines, excessing teachers and these people who have never taught before from Nebraska to Australia are doing their rendition of the Uncle Floyd show for millions of dollars without the sock puppet - that's us.Farina has to go. She's retired on the job. Enough is enough - I don't care how much Mulgrew likes her. She's a copy of Klein. That walking penis did so much damage to our schools and hurt so many people and his philosophy is still here. Come on Mulgrew, what the fuck is up with you? Does someone have a tape of you with doing something? How bad could it be? No never mind, I don't want to know. No more COPE for you, dude. Hear that everyone. - tear up your COPE checks! Order chicken Mc nuggets, Mike, instead of filet mignon. Eva will make you a principal some day unless you start to grow a spine.

  6. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Now you know why so many teachers have literally checked out and just try to keep their heads down, stay under the radar and survive just another year. The DOE is literally a 'hive of scum and villainy."

    We have all seen egregious examples of unchecked corruption, inefficiency, waste, graft and outright idiocy. You cannot win if you try to push back against them. The shredded careers of better teachers than us are proof of that. Idealism dies in the chasm of corruption.

    Now it's keep your mouth shut, design 'collaborative lessons' where the students basically do feel-good group work and 'present' it to the class, even while most learn nothing from this approach, and then get as much per session as you can so you get out of debt and maybe escape this dying career before Tweed and the 'reformers' make it a temp-job like McDonalds.

  7. Anonymous8:23 PM

    DOE is right now going through Facebook with a fine tooth comb looking at veteran teachers accounts. I know. Be careful.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    To 8:23

    The smartest people don't use Facebook or any social media apps.

    Your warning is correct. We are entering police state territory where everything you say or write becomes a dossier to be used against you. Leftists are the main culprits in this regard (Zuckerburg, Bill Gates, Google, SJWs, etc).

    The few good people I know at my school (good = mature people who respect others and don't try to undermine others) all say the same thing: watch your mouth, keep our head down, stay out of sight."

    We had a major purge four years ago when a new administration came on board and drove away over 80% of the staff in one year. I have seen how the DOE gestapo works, and it ain't pretty.

  9. The DOE has been, more than anything else it purports to be, a contract mill since the Bloomberg reign of bullcrap. I saw it with my own eyes teaching (yes, a lowly position to be in) with the constant stream of developmentally inappropriate, educationally unsound workbooks, IEP programs, attendance programs, and the queen of obvious corruption, my resource room attendance book. In the resource room attendance book I was supposed to record the attendance of each kid in my resource room classes, and it was bundled and sent out once a month. I was suspicious, because in the book itself on one of the pages was a description to where it was sent-somewhere up in Binghamton, NY. I figured out that it must have been a friend of the Bloomberg administration who landed this meaningless contract. There was one month where I forgot to record all the attendance in this book so I just ballparked it and made the whole thing up. It was just a shell contract for someone's friend that went literally nowhere. The books weighed about 5-6 pounds, by the way. I figured that one out with my detective alter ego. DeBlasio is too inept to stop this nonsense and I think a number of the rest are somehow profiting from the DOE contract/diploma mill
