Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Our Union's Complicity In The ATR Crisis.

It's been over a decade since our union negotiated the terrible and "giveback" laden  2005 contract.  The union leadership has claimed that they're not responsible for the ATR crisis and blames it entirely on the DOE.  However, a UFT sponsored report " Case Study In Partisanship" shows the union's complicity in the creation of the ATR pool.

On page five of the above referenced UFT sponsored report the union was well aware of the potential damage the contract will cause excessed teacher and the potential discrimination of all veteran teachers..

"The UFT negotiating team warned the DOE before the 2005 contract was signed that the new Open Market Transfer System would result in a growing number of unassigned teachers (ATRs) but the DOE said it was prepared to pay the price for the changes it wanted.  The UFT raised concerns about the waste of money and talent but the DOE did not seem to be worried at the time".

Interestingly, the report states that the UFT leadership was getting more concerned about the potential effects on the ATRs and all veteran teachers with the DOE's school based "Fair Student Funding" budgeting process and on April 7, 2008 filed an age discrimination lawsuit, only to quietly drop it in negotiating the 2009 ATR Agreement a year later

The union leadership was well aware that the combination of the "givebacks" iin the 2005 contract and the Fair Student Funding budgeting process made the ATR pool top heavy with older veteran teachers.  In fact, according to the report, 81% of the teachers in the ATR pool were 40 years of age or older while for the UFT educators as a whole. it was only 57%. Fast forward to 2017 and the age of the ATR pool is still about the same while the average age of teachers is decreasing.

In 2006, 44% of the newly excessed teachers had between 0-3 years experience while 22% had 13 years or more.  The next year, only 25% of the teachers with 0-3 experience were still in the ATR pool while 42% of those with 13 years of experence were still in excess.  A complete reversal from the year before and proves that principals were discriminating against veteran teachers.

So when the union leadership tells you that they never expected the DOE to demonize the ATR pool, don't believe them.  They knew what the DOE was planning to do before the 2005 contract was signed and still they agreed to the DOE's demands that made the ATR pool what it is today.


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Anybody can become an ATR in this day and age. The UFT does not care. It is every man for himself these days. Teaching morale is the lowest it has ever been in the 20+ years that I have been with the DOE. Drive by observations, overcrowded classes, no discipline. Everybody wants out these days. Janus around the corner. Who the Hell knows what the teaching profession is going to look like soon.

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    On the money again!

    Bill P

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    The ATRs are discriminated against due to their age.
    There is a disproportionate number folks of color in the ATR pool.
    They are discriminated against because of the racism of the DOE.

    The average age of an ATR is approximately 54 or 55.
    The average age of a non ATR teacher is approximately 41 or 42.

    These numbers can be deduced from the TRS reports available online.

  4. Anonymous8:01 PM

    At the end of the day, there is always the opportunity to make things better. No matter what the opinion is towards the UFT and the actions that led to this atrocity of the ATR pool, let's continue to work together to improve this situation. That should be our focus. The venom that has infiltrated the DOE will take a long time to undue, but let's continue to make things right so that both students and educators can have the school environment worthy of praise.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      We cannot work with a UFT that is collaborating in getting rid of veteran teachers.

  5. Anonymous9:08 PM

    The UFT is going to pay a huge price for not doing their work for a long time now.

  6. Anonymous1:15 AM

    And when DeDumDum gets re-elected because the vast majority of NYC residents couldn't be bothered to tear themselves away from their idiot box or cell phone and go to vote, what then? The horrendous conditions under which people have to teach will become yet more entrenched and institutionalized. The "education" received by students will be further diluted and dumbed down to fit a libtard agenda. What little discipline still allowed by teachers in classrooms will be memo'd away as forbidden, so the whole thing turns into a meaningless free-for-all. Teachers will be treated even worse, with especially draconian measures rarely seen outside a Communist bloc country inflicted on ATRs as a "Final Solution". The entire NYC education system will become even more of a hopeless morass of corruption and fraud, with the resultant collapse of authentic grades--just pass-everybody Hail Mary's executed by teachers who want to keep their jobs. Thus, it will become nothing more than a very expensive exercise in futility, and some politician will call for more charter schools. Cue the last glimpse of a sinking ship with some appropriately sad music.

    All sown by apathy on the part of all the participating players at some point.

  7. Anonymous4:52 AM

    @5:37 You are 100% Correct, that anyone can become an ATR. As I walk into buildings as an ATR, with a tremendous amount of Teaching experience in my Subject Area, there are many times I feel the stares as well as the contempt by colleagues and others because im titled as an ATR... Some of those casting Judgement have taught maybe a year or less! They are as naive as they come, not knowing that they can become an ATR at any moment. I'm so glad to be retiring very soon!

  8. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Pink, pink, pink. Wear pink today. That is all I am hearing from the teachers at my school. It sure would be nice if folks could wear black in support of ATR's for once.

  9. Anonymous6:00 AM

    The UFT has agreed to all the discriminatory practices that has led to abusive practices of administrators including abusing the observation process to target veteran teachers. Also the UFT is looking the other way when these teachers are abused. There is a need to open several investigations.

  10. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I agree with 6:44
    If you are discriminatory against teachers, it shows
    you are discriminatory against students too because
    it shows up on drop out rates and graduation rates.
    My former principal said age discriminatory remards against teachers
    and against students. Teachers look away and one or two teachers
    that said something got in trouble(3020a). Remember discrimination
    is not a defense in a 3020a but it should be if you going
    against a discriminator.It wasn"t aloud in their 3020a.

    1. There is something seriously wrong with the above post.

  11. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The UFT will regret sleeping with the enemy !

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    On top of everything ATRs are being harassed and U-rated by field supervisors who ate coming with an agenda.

  13. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Yes, field supervisors do have an agenda. Rare the one that is there to truly assist you and your profession.

  14. Anonymous8:43 PM

    The UFT is Vichysoisse & Quislings.

  15. Anonymous9:27 PM

    5:37 hit the nail on the head: right now it is every teacher for him or her self.
    All that talk of 'We're a team, blah, blah' is totally meaningless right now.
    All that matters is your Danielson's rating and MOSL.

    Funny story: our principal was addressing us and asking by team what we wanted our MOSL to be for our discipline. Math and English are required to do Regents scores (we are a portfolio school for the rest - what a joke). So all other teams chose either NYSESLAT or Portfolio pass rates (We pass 100% of them).

    The principal then lectured us how we were a team and he was sad we all didn't agree to be rated by the Math or English Regents scores. (Those pass rates are terrible in my school.) We all just sat stone faced. Sad but true, we are all in basic survival mode now. The lunacy that passes for administration and educational 'reform' is off the charts.

  16. Anonymous10:02 PM

    @4:52AM - Completely agree with you. Good for you to be able to retire soon.

  17. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Field supervisors are doe sheep. They work maybe 3 days a week bc they are retired.

    The doe talks about how they spend 150 mil on ATRs.

    It would be nice if mulgrew gave the medi info on how much the doe wastes on field supervisors

  18. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I don"t understand how a bunch of
    educated teachers let the BOED push them
    around.Make their lives miserable, age discriminate
    and racial discriminate against them.

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The only mission for Field Supervisors is to harass ATRs, unfortunately our disgraceful Union is on their side.

  20. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Where to start....before the 2005 contract my file did not have one disciplinary letter. I was loved by students and staff. I loved my job. After the contract a mere month later I got a letter to file regarding my being 10 minutes late. Then the school I worked in was split into "learning communities". They hired new staff, namely the new grad interns that were already there. They gave these newbies the best caseloads, classes, etc. Harassment began in earnest in 2006. I fought the good fight years of letters to file, clashes with two principals, witness to test grading fraud and diploma mill practices, six years of hell including a six month stay in a rubber room. I was unable to do my job. I was removed from my school and sent to several schools where each Principal was already drafting a new letter to file. My file probably has more pages than "War and Peace". Finally was placed in the worst of the worst a suspension site where it was day after day of chaos. When I wouldn't give in and quit, 3020a charges were filed against me. Yes I had missed days and been late. After a while my life was unbearable. I tried to look for another job within the system no one would hire me. My only regret is that I didn't just leave and take any office job I could find. I was making over 90K, didn't want to lose my benefits. Single mom of two children. I stayed without thinking that it could happen but it did. When charges were filed they were bogus, using a student I hadn't seen in years charging me with treating them unfairly as in biased behavior. Yep, I was done. I gave in and decided to just resign. The complicit UFT directed me to an NYSUT lawyer who just basically encouraged me to sign a settlement. I would get my insurance for a few months and some money, not much. I just wanted out, I was told I would never again be able to apply to work at the DOE again. But at that point I didn't want to. Here I am six years later and I've been blacklisted. I have not been able to find a job anywhere due to a combination of a bad economy, being over 40 and the mess of my last job. The UFT failed me, it continues to fail all of you. I don't speak out because unfortunately I still have to deal with the system and I've learned that they have no qualms retaliating against children. I don't want mine to suffer more than they have. Oh and how I've been supporting myself? Unemployment and savings ran out, temp work along with food stamps and public assistance. I have developed PTSD, anxiety and panic. They took everything from me. Unfortunately I blame myself for not getting out sooner. My advice? Get out now. If you are a "veteran" making too much money they will get you out. Sure some of you will get to retire after all they can't screw everyone over, gotta keep a few token veterans. Don't count on your co-workers either, they will throw you under the bus to keep their own jobs. Sorry but that's my reality and after reading this blog and seeing first hand in some of these schools the average age of the teaching staff, it seems like its a common reality. Good luck.

    1. @4:05...sounds like this ugly system got a hold of you and wouldn't let go until it was ready. I have walked in your shoes and know of another and another who have done so too. Good luck to us all.

  21. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The 2005 contract for all intensive purposes, created a new tier called 'homeless teachers. The DOE systematically forced older or veteran teachers into 'selected shelters' across the city as these professionals had very little say in the process and they became second class citizens. The UFT were the enablers and the real enemy with their lack of action and support for all ATRs.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Many administrators and field supervisors are acting in bad faith manipulating the observation process.

  22. Anonymous7:05 PM

    to anaon 4:05
    I learned along time ago just pass everybody. They cannot read, write or do simple arithmatic. I do not care. I just pass them all. Is it wrong. of course. But this is the only way to survive.

  23. Anonymous11:36 PM

    @4:05PM - The UFT failed you and NYSUT failed you just like it has so many. Truly felt your pain which everyone that is conscious of what is going on can relate to.

  24. Anonymous7:41 PM

    To 7:05 and the others. Dittos here.

    I hate that I have to pass everyone, but our Admins will draw a huge target on your back if you dare to 'hold them accountable.'

    This is our situation, and they have fired teachers at my school (1-2 each year, newbies with stars in their eyes and social justice on their brains) and the rest of us get the message real quick. "Credit accumulation" is the mantra our admins intone.

    It's getting so bad, we are graduating kids at my school who can barely speak English and don't know how to do two-digit addition and subtraction. During our regents tests, the math teachers actually go into the rooms and give the kids the answers, and many staff members turn a blind eye when the students talk and share answers.

    And our school is now held up as an example of excellence.

    We know the truth, but we suffer in silence because the climate is all about treating teachers worse than burger flippers and firing them to keep future pension costs down.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      If you do not pass everybody they may go after you.

  25. So when we see teachers being targeted by admin please don't further ostracize them by ignoring them. Let's treat them with compassion. I've seen teachers not sit at the same table or ignore these targeted staff all together. Remember tomorrow it may be you.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Dwarka has been praised for getting rid of experienced veteran teachers. They just promoted her to a coach position.

  26. 4:40 PM. What the hell is an intensive purpose? It's Illiterates like you that makes the DOE confident enough to walk all over us

  27. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The DOE enjoys harassing and discriminating older teachers because they have become expensive.

  28. Anonymous7:04 AM

    It is very sad to see good experienced teachers wasted because they are the result of being targeted by bad administrators.
