Sunday, October 01, 2017

Weapon Seizures At Schools Increasing Under Mayor Bill De Blasio.

 Since Bill de Blasio became Mayor and weakened the student discipline code while allowing students to have cellphones in the schools, which has resulted in schools becoming more unsafe. The result is that more students are carrying weapons to school.  The New York Post reported that weapon seizures have increased by 3.3% since last year and 27% since Bill de Blasio became Mayor of Ne York City and weakened the student discipline code.

  According to the article there were 2,120 weapon seizures at New York City schools in the 2016-17 school year and compares to the 2,053 in the 2015-16 school year and 1,673 in the 2014-15 school year.  According to  Gregory Floyd, president of the school safety agents union, Teamsters Local 237, blamed a lax disciplinary system that discourages arrests and suspensions.
“They don’t arrest kids for these offenses, which means children are bringing weapons to protect themselves,” Floyd said.

Under Bill de Blasio as schools become increasingly unsafe and metal detectors are frowned upon by the Mayor (only 88 schools have them) students will continue to bring weapons to school and the stabbing at the Bronx school may no be an isolated incident going forward.


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Two years in a row, on the first day of school, a gun was confiscated in our schools. It takes a death for the city to put in metal detectors. This could have been much worse. Wake up, Deblasio, before another tragedy. The UFT is silent as usual. Janus, throw your lance into the heart of the UFT.

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    far to many school safety flunkies are in the vernacular "down" with these students. at a cluster of middle zoos in the north bronx the school safety flunkies would let several kids pass with various banned items. when I asked how did that get past the metal detectors the student would say "I got it like that". there is a lot of blame to go around!!!

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM Im work at wildlife for 3 years this tragedy could;d have been avoided. I posted a public video on my facebook breaking down how the current admins at wildlife systematically didn't listen to teacher , students and parents about bullying. I talk about how they systematically removed pillers of support this past year , clubs, programs such as blue engine , kidtalk , turnaround...remove effective rating teachers... 80% of the staff have been remove since the end of 2015... the students and parents need our support.
    RIP matthew

  4. Anonymous4:56 AM

    The Kids that they are redistributing into the "Good" Schools, will lead to more weapons, violence in the so called better schools etc ....I see it! What will these so called "Good Schools" look like in a few years, if this continues? Are they doing this to make the Bad Kids Good? What I am witnessing is that the entire school is getting worse. It is appalling what the DOE is doing.

  5. Anonymous6:15 PM

    every school needs metal detectors. - it is the world we live in - like it or not.

  6. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Too much politically correct bullshit and not enough of facing reality. I believe in the right of the second Amendment. There needs to be a designated person in every school. The head of Security of every school should be armed. Mandatory two teachers in every classroom, not because of special ed or esl, but because of safety reasons.

  7. Anonymous9:38 PM

    The nonsense neoliberalism of DeBladio and his stooges make the schools dangerous.

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I recently sat down with my daughter and told her if she wants to be a teacher then go ahead.

    However I will not contribute a dime to her going to college for it.

    It is by far the worst profession out there

  9. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Listen all members.

    Yes the UFT has gone off the wall but the fact of the matter remains in that we must all stick together to avoid a total destruction. Any member who does not pay dues is playing right into the hands of the people who are actually bringing the case to court.

    Don't be fooled into thinking that no union is better than the union we currently have. Janus and the people backing this case want everyone to leave their union so don't do it as I have said you will be playing right into the hands of the reformers.

    Yes we are pissed at the UFT but if we had a choice of UFT or Bloomberg who would you side with? If we had a choice of UFT or Scott Walker who would you side with. IF we had a choice of UFT or BEtsy Devos, who would you side with. Get the point!!! Do not leave!!! Do not let emotion get the best of you and do not let emotion make your decisions!!! This post sent from a NYCDOE social worker. Thank you

  10. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Chaz any way to show posts during the day. Reason being that by the time you show the posts in the evening, no one can respond to any posts and by then people are moving on to other issues. So, a nice update to your site would be posts going public more in real time rather than waiting for the evening to see other posts and if anyone responds to your posts. This site is lacking a conversation among the people placing all the posts and no one is really responding to any postings. Thank you.

  11. Anonymous5:06 PM

    To 9:37, sadly, I also try to dissuade young people from going into teaching. I just do not want to see them get the mental torture that we now get.
