Friday, November 24, 2017

Chaz's Golden Turkey Award.

This year's golden turkey award winners are the UFT leadership who negotiated an inferior ATR buyout and bought into the fraudulent ATR placement that has resulted in little change from previous years.  Another winner is the DOE who continues to shortchange schools by funding them at 90% of their fair funding and watches  class sizes increase.  Finally, we have the continuation of "Fair Student Funding" that forces principals to hire "the cheapest and not the best teachers" for their schools.

UFT Leadership:
They, once again, negotiated an inferior ATR buyout and despite predictions of  upwards of 300 ATRs taking the buyout, only  120 actually did and all of them were retiring anyway!  Moreover, despite the union leadership buying into the DOE's new ATR policy, nothing has really changed as few ATRs have been permanently placed in vacancies.  Further, the union leadership makes sure that the ATRs lack their own chapter and real representation. Finally, the union leadership continues to ignore member complaints and practices their undemocratic actions.

Department of Education:
The Bloomberg philosophy permeates throughout the DOE,  To most teachers they are the enemy and the DOE's idea of collaboration is top down policies, without input from school staff.  Further, the DOE has starved schools with a recession era budget while their own budget and headcount increase.  Finally, despite the Mayor's promises to reduce class sizes, they have actually increased this school year.

Fair Student Funding:
Despite the negative effects of school based fair student funding, the Bloomberg managers have resisted eliminating it.  The result is that schools are forced to hire "newbie" teachers rather than seasoned veterans.  The result is that many struggling schools experience high teacher turnover and a steep learning curve for their new teachers. Not good for student learning.


  1. Anonymous4:51 AM

    It will only get worse for ATR's, the DOE wants us out! They will do whatever they have to by any means necessary to make our lives a living hell. All of this will be done as the Union allows it. The Union will look in the other direction as their members get crucified!

  2. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Bravo Chaz!! The issues for new contract negotiations are clearly stated!

    UFT where are you?

    1. End fair student funding
    2. Abolish ATR statutes now
    3. Lower class size
    4. Fair rating system
    5. Collaboration in schools
    6. Accountability of admins

    The list goes on!!

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      They are not going to change.

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Chaz....start giving Golden Turkey Awards to ATR supervisors. Justin Stark, failed APO from Queens gets my vote. Totally incompetent, never having supervised pedagogy, and is allowed to de-rail careers.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      But he us capable of doing a lot of dirty work and lie?

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      He's an evil piece of shit. I just sit there and listen to his useless "suggestions" and smile.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The "golden turkey award" should go to all the teachers who 1. vote the same uft officers in. 2. sit back and do nothing but complain (me included) and allow the abuses to continue and make life very challenging.

  5. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Principals were sent letters with instructions to get rid of senior teachers. (I got this from a reputable source). Bill Gates is in charge if NYC. He is calling the shots and putting pressure on the UFT and DOE to dismantle public education. Principals are also being told that their building are up for grabs.

    1. @1:35 a principal TOLD me "the DOE wants me to be hard on ATRs..." but "I can't do that". She proceeded to treat me as the professional that I am. She was removed from that school the next year. So I say this to say that I agree with you.

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM

    @1:35 if they change the award from "golden turkey" to "the doe's biggest a-hole name dropping moron wanna be" you would win. happy holidays.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      3:43 sit on it and rotate.

  7. Anonymous5:06 PM

    It will all come to an end POST JANUS. if there is not a mass exodus from NYSUT/UFT we deserve what we get. NYSUT as an organization has outlived its effectiveness. Long Island locals are preparing with the formation of LIFE. Growing everyday!

  8. Anonymous5:07 PM

    It will all come to an end POST JANUS. if there is not a mass exodus from NYSUT/UFT we deserve what we get. NYSUT as an organization has outlived its effectiveness. Long Island locals are preparing with the formation of LIFE. Growing everyday!

  9. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Such moronic comments.
    1. UFT should have cut loose incompetent ATRs long ago, but didnt. Any credit? No, just snivelling. Most of u couldnt be trusted to clean out toilets let alone teach children. If doe placed you slackers, half of u would retire the next day.

    2. "I got this from a reputable source" followed by some inanity. Crawl back under that rock, you squiggly slug, and thank the UFT for not tossing you in the sewer where u belong.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Who do you work for? Are you a Field Supervisor?

  10. Anon 5:32

    It's the union's fault that there is an ATR crisis. Moreover, ATRs are not incompetent but highly skilled veterans thaty have been demonized by the DOE and the media.

    You must be a Leadership Academy Principal or a Bloomberg manager to make the statements you wrote.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Thank you. This guy is definitely a Bloomberg troll. I stand by my statement. A public school principal confided to a friend of mine that she and other principals were sent letters to tell them to start getting rid of senior staff. And to prepare to give up one of their buildings to a charter school. My source is rock solid.

    2. I heard the same thing from a principal--NOT a source.

  11. 5:32,
    If the UFT could cut us loose it would have long ago. (Lots of ATRs are going to cut them loose. We pay them, not the other way around.) They swore we were going to be forced placed and offered us $50,000 to retire. Only 120 took the deal because they were retiring anyway. I don't believe there's a mandate from the Gates of hell or any letter to target veteran teachers. Most principals are hard working and would prefer to hire us over 23 year olds but can't because of their budgets. This is something the UFT could work to change, but hasn't. Why do you hate ATRs? Are you one of those dudes that are so miserable that you perspire and aspire to be an ATR? Or are you a UFT lackey? I don't really care either way, though.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      The UFT is not going to work to change it because they are also in on it. Both the DOE and UFT work for the same boss. The reformers who have been steadily weakening the union, eliminating loopholes, tightening the noose, giving principals instructions, making people into ATRs , 3020a, false charges, age discrimination, closing schools, danielsons. Do you need more proof that there's a conspiracy? Look at the ANOI list. Last count was 163. Yeah, sure. Lots of good principals. NOT!!!

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      It is about going after veteran teachers that are outspoken while the UFT looks the other way.

  12. Anonymous4:40 AM

    As an ATR, 90% of the schools that I worked in wanted to keep me, but they couldn't, due to budget and the fact that I was a senior teacher. It was disheartening to say the least. Seniority Transfers were done away with thanks to our Union. The transfer of power was evident. Then all of the other non sense began...The DOE with the help of the UFT are now following through to rid the system of ATR's as well as senior more experienced staff. So I fully agree with 6:47pm. ATR's have been put in impossible situations, after years of service helping Students throughout the city, now towards the end of our careers, being humiliated and demoralized by DOE hacks, shame on them, and shame on the Union for allowing this!

  13. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Chaz seriously what kind of individuals on your page here are commenting? What a total moron @1:35 is. Jesus Christ with the "reputable source." What a total jerk! But that's ok. There's always a few lunatics here and there, especially in the DOE so I give the turkey award to @1:35. Now at least I will give you some real information Chazzer. Obviously you know the data just came out for last years school year. Now the principals are finally figuring out that the "survey" is a game. This is how you play the game Chaz ..........
    You give out the survey and a lead teacher (probably the uft chapter leader or other veteran) tells the staff to bubble in the best possible answer for each question regardless of the truth. For example, most of the questions are ridiculous but who cares? just bubble the best answer and what is the result? The result is straight 4 bars down on every single pilar:
    Rigorous Instruction
    Collaborative Teachers
    Supportive Environment
    Effective School Leadership
    Strong Family Community Ties
    When a principal actually figures out the "game", he/she will be blessed with amazing scores (which mean nothing but look amazing). Another example, one shit school in my building has a 21% College Ready Rate and terrible scenarios day to day within the halls, etc. However if you look at their pillars within their survey, they have 4 bars straight down. A perfect score Chaz. Rigorous Instruction score of 4 bars but they have a 20's College Ready Rate and 1 bar for Regents Pass rates in English and Science, 2 bars in Math and Social Studies. So how did they do this? Great question!!!!! It's the SURVEY! The teachers get on the same page and mark the same bubbles scoring their school. YOU ARE SCORING YOUR OWN SCHOOL IDIOTS!!!! What principal hasn't figured this out yet????? Simple way smart principals and staff are rigging the survey. The DOE actually allows it's own staff at each school to score themselves and these stupid ass teachers still can't figure out the game. Not my school Chazzzzz, we have a perfect score in every damn category. You know why? Because we mastered the survey baby!!!!! Simple Simple Simple.

  14. Anonymous10:29 AM

    There are over a thousand schools so 163 principals prove they are all horrible? You’re using the same stereotypes they are using on us. I agree with Bronx ATR.

  15. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I am sympathetic to ATRS. One of my good friends was excessed by a vindictive principal and became an ATR. It could happen to any of us. I know.

    Most of the ATRs who come through my school seem to be at or even over retirement age.

    I plan on retiring early asap. I don't care if my pension is not a million dollars a month. I always ask myself why don't they get out of this soul-sucking system?

    They have the years. They could live very nicely. Downsize, whatever, but live you remaining years on your terms. That is my dream. I've made friends with some ATR's and I ask them about this.

    Every single one of them always says, 'In a few years, I want to...' But the years are slipping away. I think some of them have had their souls drained by the DOE and don't know what to do without the job.

    I have about 8 years to go to get to a 20 year pension at 57 years old. I will live in a shack in the mountains if I have to on $1200/month + TDA, + 3 years of CAR days payments, dividends from some stocks and some other side investments I'm making in preparation.

    ATRs, this system is killing all of us. If you can retire, walk away. Save your soul while you can!

    1.'re right. You are also probably one of the nicer teachers who see ATRs as fellow educators. I have met a few teachers who are rude and try to make me feel uncomfortable--all it does is show me what ignorance looks like.

  16. Dear 9:26,
    I feel how you feel. I'm not being sarcastic. It can sometimes feel like everyone is against us. Everyone would like us to disappear but there is no way a letter like that would go out to principals. If not for any other reason than it would be highly illegal. There are many principals - I would venture 163 would be about 5%. Like 4:40am said, 90% of the schools wanted to keep him but couldn't - it's been the same for me and many ATRs I know. Those principals are not monsters, they are good judges of teacher quality. The whole situation is unfair to us, the kids and the schools. UnFair Student Funding needs to go. Best of luck and I didn't mean to offend you in any way.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      OK. Let me explain further. First, there's many ways to send principals a message. The letter would state it in a general way. Then during a meeting they would be told more directly.
      You are not aware of what is going on citywide , but only in your schools.
      There are many schools that have a high percentage of senior teachers such as in my area. This is because the population is more desirable so there are less transfers etc.
      What do you think is going to happen when a school like this gets squeezed with Unfair Student Funfing? Yeah, that's right. The nice principal is going to become not nice. I am a witness to this so it's not a story.
      The letter is real. I know the principal by name. The person she told is a parent who has had 4 children go to the neighborhood schools. She knows everyone and is a good shoulder to cry on. I was confident enough about this to tell some of my colleagues. These are schools who have 75% of their staff with 20 plus years. They are getting desperate to cut the budget so the "monster" has become very aggressive. She even came right out and told us to find other jobs. Now you're going to tell me I didn't hear right. Well I did. And it's not illegal. You see there's more than one way to say things.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      They are all in it: systemic age discrimination.

    3. Anonymous7:22 PM

      So who is going to start the class action. We live in the internet age for God's sake.

  17. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I will add that the idiot that is calling me a moron is an administrator. Too bad one of your own is blabbing and the cat is out of the bag. Me thinks thou doth protest too much!

    1. @3:07 no need to try and sway that person any longer...I heard what you heard from a principal a matter of fact the Secretary was standing right next to me when the principal said it. Fools will remain fools. Not all principals are horrible. I have met 90% that are wonderful.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      They are in the business of destroying schools, and careers.

  18. Anonymous12:42 PM

    My WIFE has an admin license. She wanted to work in the DOE and took the three day mini-leadership academy course held in the Bronx for outside admins coming in.

    She told me the second day that she 'felt dirty' by the end of the second day, because, and I quote, "All they do is teach us how to fire teachers."

  19. Anonymous11:37 PM

    If you have a friend that's a principal have him or her download that email. The ATR pool is then officially over and every ATR has hit the lottery. Just send it to Sue Edleman. Unfortunately, I don't believe it exists. They can give seminars on how to get rid of teachers but unless a group is specifically targeted for a federally accepted criteria of discrimination it means nothing. It would be very easy to correlate the ATR pool to age discrimination and the UFT dropped the lawsuit. Why? The DOE knows it and had anyone taking the 50k buyout sign a waiver that they wouldn't sue the DOE. There's no fucking way I'm remaining in this travesty of a union a minute longer than I have to.

  20. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The UFT needs a good cleansing....especially the Queens UFT office. A bunch of corrupt trash-balls!
