Friday, December 01, 2017

Safe Schools? Yeah Right! - Part 2

In a previous post I pointed out that weapons confiscated from students have risen an astounding 35% this school year so far but due to a lax discipline code, many of these students were not arrested or even suspended. Moreover, only 6% of all schools have metal detectors or scanners.  No wonder students and teachers feel more unsafe in their schools than at anytime in the past.

Wednesday, the DOE and NYPD sprang a spot scanning at the Bayard Ruskin Educational Complex in Chelsea and confiscated 10 knives.  They probably would have found more weapons but students used their cellphones to warn friends of the scanning.   In addition, two students were found to have handled an air gun at another Chelsea High School,  Fashion Industries.   Add the.two students found with guns at John Bowne high school last week and one can see there is a real issue with weapons being smuggled into our schools without metal detectors

Mayor Bill de Blasio may claim that the school crime statistics are going down but its obvious that the real reason is that school officials are not reporting the weapon confiscations as a crime.  No wonder school staff and students feel that their school is increasingly unsafe.


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Bronx educator found dead from drug overdose in building.

  2. Anonymous5:32 PM

    On a Friday afternoon I write to you and all your readers Chaz.
    It is a blessing to be working in the DOE right now. With all the chaos and useless positions, I feel so incredible. Of course the ATR's are getting screwed but this population is minor to say the least. 98% of teachers are not ATR's. I am not saying forget the ATR's because it is definitely upsetting but I am saying that the readers on here are in the superior minuscule minority. Most of us are happy. Most of us realize that we are earning some serious money and serious benefits/TDA options, etc. For myself and my wife (a teacher as well) we will be at $240,000 base combined salary by the end of this school year without even inserting per session and/or TDA etc. I saw myself becoming an ATR as my school began the phase out process but was smart enough to really get out there and jump ship. For the life of me, I do not understand how a teacher knows his/her school is phasing out in 4 years and actually waits the 4 years, and then complains about it. For this I say shame on you! If there is another reason you became an ATR well then it's a separate issue but to wait until your school closes and then get upset? That is embarrassing and ridiculous. Took me 2 years of canvasing to land a job as I was becoming an ATR but I had 2 years left as a cushion. Chaz how do ATR's not find a teaching position with 4 years notice?

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Yes we'll answer that question. But first you should tell us which school hired you.

    2. Anonymous6:54 AM

      You need to read prior blogs. It is obvious you are not well informed. Educate yourself. One phrase will sum it up: institutional discrimination.

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    @5:32 good for you, but please remember to stay on the sidelines and watch because the "miniscule minority" have a battle that needs people that are EMPATHETIC not PATHETIC. since you are a nyc teacher you probably know very little about history. there was the "other" minority that needed people to stand up for them, thank god they got it. I thought we were all "United" FT.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Thanks for the response 8:21. Twill get to you but first can quickly address 7:27. I worked in Kennedy High School in the Bronx for a long time and around when I was at my 15 year longevity, they were in phase out mode. I looked for a position for 2 years and had some leads but never actually lead to a position. During the 2nd to last year before closure I was able to land a position within the same building at another school inside the campus.
    As far as my comment about ATR's for 8:21, I am sympathetic. Over the course of several years of watching multiple ATR's come to my school and be degraded, I was one of t he few who would introduce myself and lend support. I engaged conversation and directed individuals around the campus etc. This went on for years until one day a female ATR told me she would have retired years ago but since she was on ATR status she enjoyed not being responsible for anything and much preferred sitting in the library watching Netflix on her laptop. At this point I realized what she meant and saw her laughing each day making top salary doing absolutely nothing. At the time I read on this blog a great piece where someone commented if you want to get rid of the ATR situation, all you have to do is put them back in the classroom under the Danielson Framework with 34 in a class 5x a day. The comment was correct and confirmed by this particular ATR. She actually told me if she was ever placed in a situation where she was back in the classroom (not in the library), she'd retire. But why retire when you can watch movies and shop on Amazon while sitting in a comfy library.
    Anyway this lead to my original point of how someone can stay in a closing school for the duration of 4 years and just "stay" with no plan and then have the nerve to complain. The choice was made to stay so I do not see how becoming an ATR can bother someone since a 4 year cushion lead to individuals taking it for granted. A similar point would be that new teachers have 5 years to complete 200 hours of PD. If a teacher waits the first 4 years and does nothing then tries to get the 200 hours somehow at the end and doesn't, then gets fired, that teacher would complain. I call it stupid and irresponsible. I do not sympathize for specific ATR's who knew their school was closing in 4 years and had the audacity to remain until the end, and complain about it. If you had 50% of your career to go, what the hell were you thinking?????

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      In most situations when a school is closing, there are no other jobs on campus nearby.
      Also, when a teacher has 15 or more years they have a bullseye pasted on their back so that everywhere they go, they get a negative response. That is what Unfair Student Funding was put in place to ensure. How can a school hire an experienced teacher when they don't have funds available. When they only have funding for cheap teachers.
      So either you are completely oblivious to what is going on, i.e. big picture, or you are a sarcastic bastard.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Not sarcastic at all and very aware of what's going on in the D.O.E. Seems like you are unaware. A school does not pay for a teacher's individual salary. It pays for the "average salary" of all it's teachers so if a school has 20 teachers with 3 years experience or less, of course the average is going to be low prob around 55/60K. If your fat ass comes along at 20+ years and gets hired, the school doesn't pay you your 108K salary. It gets averaged to the 55/60K which comes out to be an average of basically not that much more. So your comparison is off just like your teaching skills, that's why you can't get hired. you're not as talented as a teacher that you think you are. So why not blame it on FSF, sounds better I guess huh? You are wrong. Schools DO NOT pay teacher salaries, it's an AVERAGE!!!!! Stay in the library!

    3. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Unfortunately, this is what principals say to ATRS - you're too expensive. In addition, the administration's at schools do not invest their time in properly being a good supervisor to an ATR and provide ATRS with more skills and ongoing skills development like others permanently placed. Your words is to attack the victim sort to speak. It is an institutional problem and your words are offensive. If you really care to comment why don't you try to make a difference and speak to your administration and UFT. Those in ATR status have been doing this for years, but little progress has been made. Good luck though.

  5. Anonymous11:45 AM

    So excited about the 300 UFT wants to take part in the negotiations process!

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    We all have different experiences. One of the posters here is right though: if you see the axe falling, you need to get your neck out of the way! I was untenured at a school in the Bronx. Every bad thing they say about schools in the South Bronx is true.

    We had a change in administration my second year there. He hated white people and made no secret about it, giving low ratings to the white teachers regularly and high ratings to the black teachers just because. One first year teacher, a black lady, wasn't observed all year, but he gave her an "S" at the end. She was my friend and confided in me that she couldn't understand how that happened. I suspected the reason why. She was pretty too, to boot!

    Anyways, I strongly suspected that he wanted to can me. The UFT was NO help at all. I decided to man-up and have a talk with the principal in April. I told him that I would find another school, just please give me a positive rating so I could find one easier. He smiled with glee and readily agreed. (He is no longer in the DOE, by the way - he was canned for, wait for it, incompetence!)

    I also am friendly with all ATRS. As a grown-up and an old school American, I know we are all equal, as opposed to the 'white savior' young Leftist teachers who think they are 'Freedom Writers' personified, and that any white man over 35 is a racist Nazi who must be ignored and snubbed whenever possible.

    I have met ATRs who also expressed they could retire any time they want. For the life of me, I do not know why they stay in the hellhole. Even though they often have less responsibility and 'can watch netflix' at work, can't they think of a better place to be? Is money when you're old all you think about? After 25+ years working, haven't you saved anything that you need to keep working? So your kid is still in college, can't you downsize? You have a mortgage? Get a less expensive place! Move to a cheaper state! Take freedom and run with it!

    I plan on going out when I have just 20 years service credit. I'll be 57 and can get the heck out of Dodge and live 25 or more years on my terms, doing what I want and not being in a 'hive of scum and villainy.' I just don't understand.

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Have to agree with 1PM. I don’t believe you were ever an ATR. I cover 5 out of control classes daily and have for the past 5 years. No one can hire me because of salary. Kennedy campus is one of the worst by the way - very unsafe, open drug dealing, fights, and most days I was asked to cover 6 classes a day at 4 out of the 6 schools there.

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    If you went for a job in the same campus and they hired you, you are probably a bonafide butt kisser or they wouldn't have hired you. If you think 98% of the teachers are happy, you are delusional.

  9. Anon 2:42

    You are wrong! Hiring a veteran teacher with a low average teacher salary will raise the average teacher salary. While hiring a "newbie" will lower tha average teacher salary of the school for the next year. Leaving more money for the Principal to use for other projects.

    Read my post

    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Chaz I cannot believe you responded with this. If you go back to my post at 2:42, you will read that I never wrote that the average salary does not change. In fact I wrote the average would go up but "not much more" as you make it sound. I know plenty of principals and they all say the same thing. They are not opposed to hiring veterans because they do not pay the full salary, only the average. Why are you writing that I am wrong?
      Let's break it down easier for the ATR's on here who have difficulty comprehending. If you have 20 teachers on staff making 60K each, then your average salary you are paying per staff member is 60K. If you hire an ATR at 100K you now have a staff of 21 teachers and your average salary per teacher climbs a whopping 2K to an "average" of 62K. You are NOT PAYING the salary of 100K to the ATR. You are paying just 2K more on average. Chaz I'm sorry but I am correct and this is a fact. You are confusing people on here. You are telling me that principals are going out of there way to save 2K or 4K or 7K? C'mon man! A school budget does not get busted up by hiring 1 ATR or veteran staff member. It's just not the truth Chaz.

    2. sound like you are impressed with yourself. I hope you don't make general assumptions often. I have met "teachers" like you and they make me laugh. Good luck and please continue with your enlightenment and awesomeness--very entertaining to me.

  10. Anonymous8:56 PM

    One teacher at a higher salary will not move the needle all that’ much.
    Esp Divided among 13 or more teachers.

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    It will raise the average salary by just a little. So most schools can hire veteran teachers with no problem because eventually some retire, new teachers are added, all equals out. I've personally seen veteran teachers hired with no problem. If you're good,you will get hired.

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Chaz hiring a 20+ veterain teacher will have a miniscule impact on a schools payrol.
    if avg salary is say 65k even hiring someonne at 113k dosent have that great an impact as it is one person amongst at least 13 teachers(if a small school- if a large school the impact is even less).
    then when you consider that atrs are ratioed free one year, 50% the next , 20% the third
    the reason they are not getting hired is casue they dont want to.

  13. I will repeat. Even a slight increase in the average teacher salary by hiring a veteran teacher is still too much money for most principals. Moreover, by hiring a "newbie" thew average teacher salary is decreased and more money for the Principal to spend on other things.

  14. Anonymous2:04 PM

    chaz vet teachers such as myself, eterno have gotten hired.
    I know of many who have provisonaly been hired in and out of district/ borough.
    my school has hired 3 atrs in the pst 3 years.
    again- anyone not getting hired is cause they dont want to

  15. You are delusional. While they are some exceptions, few re hired permanently. To assume that ATRs don't want a position is wrong. Either you are an administrator or just plain ignorant. Even the disconnected union leadership would tell you that.

  16. Anonymous3:29 PM

    At my school the principal does NOT hire ATRs. In addition, she goes out of her way to remind us that so and so is an ATR like as if it's a scarlet letter.

  17. Let's also mention that veterans speak up and out. Some younger principals do not want someone who may know more than the principal
