Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Michael Mulgrew Finally Admits That Carmen Farina's Failure To Clean House At The DOE Is A Problem.

In last night's Executive Board meeting, UFT President, Michael Mulgrew, finally admitted that the middle management at the DOE is problematic and none of them are capable of being selected as the new Chancellor.  It took almost four years for our UFT President to acknowledge that the middle management at the DOE is a problem.  Maybe if Michael Mulgrew had pushed Chancellor Carmen Farina to "clean house" back in 2014, there would have been better collaboration between teachers and the Central Bureaucracy at the DOE.  If you have read my previous posts, Here and Here, you would read that Chancellor Carmen Farina had retained 80% of the policymakers at the DOE.  No wonder the DOE continues to be looked as the enemy by teachers.

Realistically, the middle management at the DOE still runs the operation.  Instead of collaberation, its confrontation,  paperwork reduction has been a mirage as mandates are sent out to schools for more data mining and accountability while they are not held accountable themselves. Finally, they divert much needed resources from schools who are funded at 87% to 90% of their fair funding while the Central Bureaucracy remains bloated with high priced consultants, questionable programs that have little educational value, and programs that incentives principals to "hire the cheapest and not the best teachers" for their schools while having the largest class sizes in the State,

Too bad it took four years for our union leadership to realize that the main problem is the DOE middle managers.  Most educators knew this in 2014.  Read nyc educator and ICEUFT blogs to read what Michael Mulgrew said at the Executive Board meeting.


  1. ATR 25/5511:34 AM

    Real profile in courage! This might affect his seat at the retirement party table.

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    That pussy ass wimp Mulgrew is only saying it now because Farina is leaving.

  3. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Mulgrew must be shitting in his pants about the Janus case and consequent mass exodus of Dues paying members.
    Pass Mikey another roll of toilet paper.

  4. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Mikey and the rest of his minions should be sh*tting right now. Janus will finally put the ball back in the court of the rank and file. The thing is that we don't have to quit paying dues forever. Get us a good contract and we will stay. Get us another crappy contract and we pull dues till a better contact comes around. The ivory tower at 52 Broadway needs to be rattled. The days of the Unity Caucus hiding out while we sweat it out in the trenches are over. The time has come for the UFT to actually work for the best interests of it's members since they can't pull these mafia strong arm moves any longer.

  5. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Outrageous, so many good teachers have been pushed out by incompetent Principals like Dwarka.

  6. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Maybe w Fariña on her way out, mulgrew is getting less in kickbacks

  7. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Mulgrew is s disgrace for allowing age discrimination and harassment on ATRs.

  8. Anonymous9:09 PM

    No need for the vulgarity.

  9. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Mulgrew, what a piece of shit! He should join the Trump administration.

  10. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Siding with bad Principals, allowing Field Supervisors to harass and rate U ATRs. Just an embarrassment to all teachers.

  11. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Mulgrew is allowing Field Supervisors to violate the contract, harass and humiliate ATRs whose positions were taking away from them while hiring less experienced teachers. Let us hope all class actions lawsuits are successful.

  12. Anonymous4:34 AM

    What kind of Union do we have when many reputations are veteran teachers are ruined because of discriminatory policies agreed by Mulgrew.

  13. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Maybe it is time for the UFT to defend its teachers again, and challenge Fariña since too many teachers are leaving.

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    If enough people stop paying dues....maybe Mikey is a goner...? He would have to be blamed, no?

  15. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Sadly , UFT members are finally waking up to the reality of the unions' unwillingness to demand radical change for its members. Janus decision will force many to stop paying exorbitant dues. Just think, PSC CUNY retirees get a drug plan in retirement but not UFT members. PSC is such a small union and yet their welfare fund can support their retirees.
    Maybe UFT'ers can join the PSC CUNY union after Janus. What is the UFT doing with the money the city gives them for the Welfare Fund?

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Nothing, they buy bagels.

  16. Anonymous11:22 AM

    You only need 29 points now to pass geometry regents since they got rid of one 6 point question. So instead of needing 42 points out of 86, you now only need 29 of of 80 or roughly 36 percent to pass. Sounds like a good idea right?

  17. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Suits vs teachers is a class issue. Mulgrew either lacks class consciousness or he is on the other team.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Mulgrew is totally corrupt.

  18. Don’t tell me teachers have stopped wearing suits

  19. Anonymous7:09 PM

    It seems that the Union is leaving members defenseless by not enforcing the contract, ignoring any abuses and letting the guard down.

  20. Anonymous1:35 PM

    What have our dues got us anyway?
    I know MMs coven has gotten many a trip (non union related) off 'em
    at least one big wig has - - 2 have - - gotten gastric bypass off 'em
    lawyers (divorce) fees paid a plenty
    possibly even a business or two bought...

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    11:41 PM
    bad principals have been sided with and saved for all 26 years that i've been in service
    Can't wait until I reach "the age"
    GAWD what a twit I was when I was young and proud and thought I had my stuff together and had an advantage over my friends drifting like tumbleweed.

  22. Anonymous1:42 PM

    6:11 AM
    Farina announced her re-retirement...but when in the hell is she going to actually freaking LEAVE?
    No child is safe in our schools anymore, thanks to her knee jerk imagined bias everywhere stance
    This demented old twit needs to go!

    I didn't think anyone could be worse than Klein/Black.
    Hell I'd even take Walcott back over this witch.
