Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Why Many UFT Members Are Conflicted About Paying Dues. However, ATRs Are Not.

New York City Educator wrote on his blog why we all should be paying union dues when Janus is settled.  He correctly points out why union representation is important and despite the arrogance of the union leadership, we must stand together.  I considered myself a loyal union member and help other members with their issues.  However, its hard to be loyal to a union who's leadership cares more about themselves and political favors than the members they are supposed to represent.  As an ATR I am furious how we are treated as second class citizens and if you came out of discipline, an untouchable,  Moreover, the ATRs have no chapter representation and cannot request a change of schools.  Finally, there is no mutual consent as the ATR cannot refuse an assignment.  Let's not forget the field supervisors as well.

The DOE treats the ATR as if they are "bad" or unwanted teachers as the DOE fair student funding policy makes hiring veteran ATRs financially unappealing.  The union leadership, rather than pushing the DOE to eliminate this unfair policy, looks the other way.  Notice how the ATR issue wasn't addressed by the UFT on negotiating the next contract?

When three out of four union members didn't even bother to vote in the last union election,  How many will voluntarily pay their union dues?   60%, 70% or 80%?. Who knows?  However, when it comes to the ATRs   I suspect the majority will refuse to pay their union dues since they feel the union leadership has failed to properly represent them.

While NYC Educator is right that we need a union to protect our hard won gains, the problem is that our union leadership does not deserve the respect from the members, especially the ATRs who have been betrayed time and again by the self-serving Unity leadership.

Read ATR Adventures blog for how most ATRs feel about the union leadership.


  1. Michael Fiorillo12:19 PM

    Everything you say about the UFT mis-leadership is true, but even a bad union is better than no union at all.

    In addition, while a passive rank and file suits and is cultivated by the mis-leadership, that's no excuse for the level of apathy and ignorance among UFT members, which by default allows the Michael Mulgrews of the world to do what they please (which is usually nothing).

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Chaz the new chancellor seems like a good choice and looks like we dodged a bullet with the show man from Miami. Word is this guy is a school funding expert interesting to see how he feels about fair student funding.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM


  3. I read NYC Educator's post and found it funny because once I was at the union about to attend an executive board meeting and asked him and a few of his MORE pals about dues and whether we could opt out. He talked down to me and basically treated me like a nobody. If that's how he's going to win over the skeptics in person I see the union in a lot of trouble.

    I still haven't made up my mind yet, but as an ATR with 22 years of pensionable service and someone who has spent close to $100,000 defending myself from unlawful termination without an iota of union support, Id be stupid not to consider it.

    This system is in disarray and is only getting worse. I got into teaching after enlisting in the Army and this was my only career objective in life. I sadly see how far gone this system is and sadly see myself looking for the exit door.

    Good luck to the unionists and the idealists. I still believe in both but sadly in NYC there is going to have to be a cataclysmic event to reshuffle the deck!

  4. The new chancellor is a showman brought in by the mayor and his wife to desegregate the system I agree with the goal, but what is going to happen is a lot of tumult headed our way. This system is segregated and broken to its core and the parent UWS, UES, and Brooklyn/Queens elites will rebel, leaving teachers that are in the ATR pool as low hanging fruit in terms as a priority. It's either going to favor ATR's and hopefully a livable wage increase for all, or we'll become targets because we will be offered up as booty in a tradeoff. Too early to tell, but he seems like a lightweight compared to the other guy. That's probably why he was the second choice.

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    We will still have a union even if 30 %
    stop paying dues. There will be a union if 40%.stop.paying dues. They need to be punisjed for their condescending,.ineffectual leadership.

  6. Anonymous5:57 PM

    20 year veteran teacher here. I am not conflicted at all. If the UFT gets us a decent contract with changes to our evaluation system, I will gladly pay my dues. If Mulgrew continues to say that our current evaluation system is a "model" for everybody, I will gladly take my dues and go on a well deserved vacation next year. Ball is 100% in the UFT's court. Play ball!!!

  7. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Albert Shankar is rolling in his grave. This current union consists of those who sold their souls; and the souls of the members they were supposed to represent.....

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I wonder how many ATRs hate their status. This blog may very well be an echo chamber. I brought this point up on this blog before, to universal howling, which surprised me, because I was not trolling.

  9. Anonymous8:30 AM

    what the hell is suker talking about

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    8:12 The UFT said the same thing to us when we became ATRs. I suppose there are people that like to be mentally tortured. I can tell you I’m not one of them. I enjoyed teaching. Being an ATR is the worst job I’ve ever had and I had some awful ones in high school and college.

  11. Suker is trying to analyze what is going on. It's called higher order thinking!

    I might be wrong but at least I'm not sitting around complaining.

    As far as being an ATR, It's hard to understand why we hate our status unless your subjected to it. Basically the only way to survive as an ATR is to not care about anything and lay low until you retire. That's not why I got into teaching and prefer to spend the next couple of years of my life, so of course we hate this status.

  12. Anonymous1:28 PM

    David you’re right. 100k and no help from the UFT? Sue baby, sue. I’m retiring on July 1st. I hope to have the opportunity to stop paying dues. As an ATR who fucking hates it , I am going down to 52 Broadway and pissing on the front doors. I figure it’s time the UFT gets some of its own medicine.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Stop off at City Hall and piss there too while you're at it.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Been there and done that before Bloomberg left.

  13. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I agree, and also would never want to be an ATR, or like it if I were. But that doesn't mean that everyone is unsatisfied, or hates it.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      That’s true some people love to be slowly and painfully tortured. Those that do should become ATRs and get paid for pleasure.

  14. Anonymous4:27 PM

    If you did not go in today, you are insane. A wonderful day at work and if you're following me you know what I mean. 3 months until 120K base salary. Bring it baby.
