Friday, June 08, 2018

Only 22% Of First Grade Students Survived Success Academy To Graduate With A High School Diploma.

 If you relied only on the New York City newspapers one would think that Eva Moskiwitz's Success Academy Charter Schools are a success.   The truth is that for every student that started in first grade eleven years ago, over three left the school due to various reasons.  In the first graduating class 16 students graduated out of 73 first graders.  That is a measly 22% graduation rate.  What happened to the 78% that left Success Academy?

I venture to guess that the majority of students left, as the school counseled them out. Many students who academically struggled were probably threatened to repeat the grade and behaviorally challenged students were simply kicked out of the school.   Others wearied of the intense academic pressure, including summer homework and having few, if any extracurricular activities that makes school a pleasant experience.

Regardless, the "drill and kill" culture of Success Academy Charter School is not for most students and if your child is an English Language Learner or self contained Special Education student, then Eva Moskowitz's Success Academy would counsel  you that the public school is a more appropriate environment for your child.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I think they've been highly successful at eliminating collective bargaining, pensions, and the intellectual freedom of the so-called educators who work for them. Wasn't that the point in the first place?

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    sounds more like sour grapes! the students that failed to make it are the same idiots who make the nyshitty school teachers lives miserable, only the charters have enough "balls" to get rid of the dead weight. now dumblasio want to dumbdown the entrance exams so the poor poor stupid children can brag "im in Bronx Science" then stupid up the school. kepp crying teachers I get such joy from your pain.

  3. Michael Fiorillo8:54 PM

    Anonymous 4:06,

    Highly Effective...

  4. I'm no Moskowitz fan or a fan of how they treat their employees but I don't have much of an issue with the substance of Chaz's post.

    If only 22% of the students deserve a diploma after 12 years then so be it. If someone is too lazy to do the summer reading, oh well, "Bye Felicia!". If a kid isn't able to behave in the classroom repeatedly, then the student should be expelled.

    Our high schools were once gems, this is because doing no work and/or misbehaving weren't tolerated. If you got into fights you were expelled and sent to the 600 school.

    While I do think the statistics presented in the newspapers are unfair, the answer is that we in the public system ought to hold students accountable as well, rather than force the charters to do all the stupid crap that the DOE mandates.

  5. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I agree with everyone. The only reason that Success Academy succeeded is because the kids wanted to succeed. Motivation makes all the difference. The school failed with the other kids who left. Out of 73 students, you can easily have success with 16 of them. Success Academy is a misnomer. It should be Success for those who want to Succeed Academy.

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    If public schools could just kick out the behavior issues and low performing students then they would be considered wildly successful. Obviously if you can get rid of all of the crap kids you'll do well. We don't have that option. And if success academy took over every school in the city then they'd have very student in the city. They'd probably perform much worse than public schools if they had to teach everyone. It's like saying a cancer treatment is super successful but we kicked out all the participants who had cancer from the study. 100% of the patients remaining at the end of the study were cancer free. You don't say...

  7. 8:08 and 11:54 I agree, it's not fair when people make apples and oranges comparisons. Our schools, if we had rules, could enjoy the same success.

    However I don't think the answer is to make the charters dumb themselves down, we should enable public schools to play by their rules. Daily detention like the Catholic schools have. Bring drugs or alcohol into school, you're out. Touch a teacher, you're out. Hurt someone, you're out. No more "restorative justice" or hiding behind fake IEP "disabilities".

    The key is to get rid of the laws regarding compulsory education. There's no right to education in the Constitution. Treat it like a privilege, just like driver's licenses. You commit too many violations, you lose your license.

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM

    At least those 22 kids now have a shot in life, whereas, we produce, for the most part, 100 % (fill in the blank)__________________.

    The grade inflation currently in , what, 75% of the schools, make us all frauds. However, it's the majority of decent kids who are truly getting robbed , since the system refuses to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM

    So, a real NYC public school with numbers like this cohort - 73 / 16 graduate would be grounds for closing of the school. However because its twit moskowitch and her fake news schools they are praised. OMG what has happened to this country.

  10. Also I feel like part of why the special schools do so well is they filter who is a legit good student and who has a high grade but it's inflated. Good for the charters they excel at what they do and they get away with it.
