Sunday, July 01, 2018

Queens High Schools That Students Avoid.

The 2md Round of 2018 high school student vacancies are now available and you can see the list Here. What is quite obvious is that the most student vacancies are in schools with a 90% or more Black and Hispanic student population.  Moreover, these high schools are academically struggling and many students are subject to poverty.  In addition, these schools have high ELL and Sp Ed populations as well as having high teacher turnover.  Finally, some high schools refused to show vacancies by claiming they are continuing to recruit students. To check other years from 2015 to 2017 you can find them Here, Here, and Here.

This is the list of Queens High Schools with the most student vacancies in the 2nd round.


Long Island City.....................................535
John Adams...........................................455
Grover Cleveland....................................420 
William Cullen Bryant..............................250
August Martin.........................................170
Martin Van Buren....................................160
International HS For Health Sciences........150 
Humanities And Arts...............................145
Pathways Collegiate Prep Academy..........120
George Washington Carver......................105
Mathematics, Science, and Tech..............100
HS of Law Enforcement.............................80
Benjamin Franklin....................................80 
Fredrick Douglas Academy VI....................80
Richmond Hill...........................................65
Excelsior Preparatory ..............................60
Queens Preparatory Academy...................60  
Rockaway Collegiate.................................60

If you look at the list you can see many of the schools are in Southeast Queens and Renewal Schools.

It needs to be noted that these vacancies are the minimum available since the DOE list stops at 40 vacancies.  Some of these schools might have double the amount of vacancies listed on the DOE website.

Read my other posts that list the Queens high schools that students avoid 2017, 2016, and 2015..  Here,  Here, and Here.


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I’m looking for a position in the Bronx. Can someone list the high schools to avoid or at least a few of the good ones (besides Bronx Science)? Thank you

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    All the unscreened Bronx high schools are to be avoided at all costs.

  3. Anonymous8:58 PM

    So if there are too many Asians at the specialized high schools, are Asians avoiding these vibrant schools with 90%+ black and latino populations?

    In the new Amerika where white students are a dwindling minority, will the definition of 'segregated schools' be expanded to include schools with few Asians?

    It does seem that we have imported a new over-class of people from Asia who are now the people with the money and drive to succeed. (When whites do it, people like Obama say: "You didn't build that," and Leftists say our success is because of 'unearned privilege' or oppression of minorities.

    We already know that there just are not enough white students in NYC anymore to meaningfully 'desegregate' any school in the city. How many white kids do you see when you travel around the city? I have not seen a white baby in months, and when I see a white teen on the street I stare in wonder.

    I laugh at leftists now, because they usually either choose not to have kids (high minded egoism) or they put their kids in private schools.

  4. @1:55 Avoid Clinton at all cost. Clinton's principal is mentally challenged and sick. On the other had if you do not mind going to the newspapers on a principal then go to Clinton.

    There is a strong small school with a very strong principal in Clinton. Something international with a principal named Hernandez. Martin Hernandez is a very strong principal and also very ethical.

    Avoid Lehman but Theater Renaissance in Lehman Campus is a good school with a very strong principal.

    Alesandro Weiss forget the name of his school is also very decent and an amazing school.

    Other than those schools avoid the whole borough of the Bx. This year the Bx has 32 students murdered. Go to Manhattan.

  5. Long Island City? Flushing? Bryant? Are their principals normal? Long Island City's is nuts - Vivian something Greek. She was a network leader and a Tweed favorite. Now, she is running a renewal school where she can't figure out which way is up or down. Horrible results.

    Flushing is named after a toilet. Enough said. Ten years in a row the DOE blames the poor teachers and administrators. Any idiot willing to go and work there need to be institutionalized.

    Speaking of insanity and mental hospitals let's discuss Bryant's principal. She has been in 3 or 4 mental institutions every year for the last 5 straights years. Reason I know we shared a room 3 times.

  6. Anonymous12:47 AM

    @1:55 ; Avoid most schools in former large schools. Also any school that is with a middle school, these are often very bad. Also any same gender school. The very worst schools are those with same gender and that also have a middle school. Any school that has a lot of vacancies is guaranteed awful. Try another boro if possible. Beware of the Bronx, it's out of control in and outside the schools. The police can't hide the figures anymore. There have been three murders on my block near MS 80 since April and then we had the murder inside a truly awful high school by the Zoo. Whatever you do never become an ATR in Bronx, I am violently sick every Monday morning and take 6 mg of Xanax a day. I won't be giving the UFT my money to allow me to be abused anymore and that is the one thing in what's left of my lousy career that gives me some satisfaction. I hate the UFT more than Klein, Wolcott, Bloomberg and Hitler combined.

  7. Anonymous1:35 AM

    I was posted in a lot, if not most, of these schools during my years as an ATR. They are violent hellholes, with hardly any of the students there interested in learning. The schools squeak by with a lot of "credit recovery" and online "courses", which is doublespeak for pure baloney. The only subject all the students would be sure to ace would be Cell Phone 101, because playing around with those things seemed to be the only thing they were truly avidly interested in. There is little respect for teachers from the students and, sadly, many of the teachers in those schools had nothing but contempt for ATRs and treated them badly. I will have the last laugh, as some of them have become ATRs themselves by their abysmal school having closed. A few teachers manage to develop some sort of rapport with their students, but positive relationships are far and few between. The only way most of these schools have not been closed long ago is by sleight of hand by administrators and principals. They manage to keep one step ahead of anyone coming around to evaluate or inspect the schools.

  8. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Dwarka is going to really completely destroy that school. Carranza needs to remove her.

  9. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Principal like Dwarka makes good school becomes worst. Her policy of terminating experience veteran teachers result in the decline of regent performance year after year. AP classes are a joke when they are being run by new teachers.... Would you like to have your child attend at her William Cullen Bryant HS?

  10. Anonymous5:57 AM

    @8:56 your mind is all over the place but points to one glaring conclusion racist. to think you might be an influence... OMG!

  11. Anonymous6:02 AM

    The office of student enrollment has a lot to do with these schools being low. As the same time these schools are running well below their capacities, a handful of schools in Queens are packed at 140%--200% capacity. Lewis, Cardozo, Bayside, Forest Hills are the best examples and two of them are getting annex buildings added to furher increase their overcrowding with yet more students. Fixing these low enrollment schools is hard work that DOE avoids. It's easier and contractors make money when they just keep packing and building in the already overcrowded schools.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    At Flushing, one student was able to appeal not one not two but 4 of her Regents scores and was able to attend graduation. I know her highest score on The ELA Regents was a 36. I looked online and it says you can only appeal up to 2 Regents scores and the lowest score can only be 52, yet this student was able to get 4 appeals. It says WG on her transcript 4 times for exmas and she had below 52 on each of the exams she appealed. How was this possible? Flushing isn't drama or comedy, it's science fiction!

  13. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I love the names of these awful schools. The best is law enforcement. Oh no the best is Excelsior Prep. Joke.

  14. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Really the office of student enrollment? How about the reputation of these schools and the culture of violence and disresepct. Most parents that give a fig about their children will never enroll them in these hellholes. And anoynomus@8:58 come to the South Shore of Staten Island to see many white teens. Yeah there are still some left in this city lol and to anonymous @6:02 - why is his/hers post racist? It speaks the truth!

  15. Anonymous10:58 PM

    It is so wonderful Chaz the way you support the people that are trapped in schools with difficult populations, poor leaders, and mediocre to terrible working conditions. No teacher has any control of what students are assigned to their school or classroom or who is in charge of the school. Everything you say perpetuates the lie that it's the teachers' fault for everything. Some union solidarity.

  16. A very good article. Thanks to the author.
