Saturday, August 25, 2018

Pity The Tier VI Teacher.

A new school year will be starting in September and approximately 5,000 "newbie" teachers will be thrown in the classroom.  The question is how long will they last?  With Charlotte Dainelson, inept administration, and lax student discipline rules, many of these "newbies" will end up quitting.  At best, maybe 50% of the "newbies" will be still in the classroom.  Moreover, 80% will no longer be teaching in the school they started in.  Finally, only 33% will make it to vesting for a pension and less to receive retiree health benefits.

Below summarizes the comparison between the two tiers.

Tier IV.
Vesting for a pension, between 5 to 10 years.
Employee contribution 3% first 10 years , then 0% beyond ten years.
Highest three consecutive years for determining the pension.
Five to ten years to receive retiree health benefits.
Multiplier, 1.67% per year for less than 20 years,  2% between 20 to 30 years.
1.5% per year for years beyond 30 years of service.
Age Reduction Factor, 0.73 to 0.94 from 55 to 61.

Tier VI.
Vesting for a pension, ten years.
Employee contribution 4.5% to 6%, depending on salary. 
Highest five consecutive years for determining pension.
Fifteen years to receive retiree health benefits.
Multiplier, 1.67% per year for the first 20 years. 2% for 20 years or more.
Age reduction factor, 0.48 to 0.94% from 55 to 62.  

To show how unlikely these "newbie" teachers will make it to full retirement, please play my Tier VI retirement game Here


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I am a Tier VIer and have been working for the DOE for the past 3.5 years. Yes, 3.5. I know I have an eternity to make it through.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Cynthia Nixon wants to do away Tier 6 and still the UFT will not endorse .

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Because their boss is Bill Gates.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Thank God I am in in tier 4 and will retire at 55. I feel so sorry for all the newbies that have to work till 62. (If they even make it that far)

  4. Shady2:16 AM

    You have to feel sorry for any teacher entering teaching in any state. I was talking to a scientist who claims teachers will be extinct by 2044. He has written a book which claims teachers will be extinct for these reasons:
    1. Diseases and STDs such as PD. Many teachers will die of PD in the next 10 years. One principal was quoted in the book having killed over 30 teachers with PD. He is like a serial killer. Nothing more and nothing less.
    2. Invasive Species such as clueless administrators and politicians invading the education system.
    3. Lack of food - every see what happens when teachers are offered food to attend a PD? Some have stabbed their colleagues for bread and water.
    4. Pollution - you have idiot teachers backstabbing each other, ratting each other out and even willing to opt out of their own union to support big businesses trying to kill them off.
    5. Teacher/Human Predation - enough said.
    6. DeShawn has told me at least 7 teachers quit teaching because of him & his friends.
    7. Carmen Farina and Mr. Farina
    7. Climate Change
    8. Closing schools

  5. F.U. two5:10 AM

    Mr. or Ms Shady:
    Please do not quote me or my book ever again unless you are going to quote the correct information and data. In my book titled, "Teachers Will Be Extinct", I did mention by 2044 all teachers in all states will be extinct. However, in chapter 2, I also included data showing Bronx teachers are an exception to 2044 and will be extinct by 2020. Currently, there are only 140 Bronx teachers surviving. They are an endangered species. Following Bloomberg/Klein's trend Mr. Farina Carmen attempted to kill them last year but was unsuccessful. Some have hung around.

    You can purchase my book online or on Amazon. Ask your principals to buy you a copy but please do not use my book for PD.

  6. Shady5:34 AM

    I sincerely apologize for the wrong info and would like to share with you something I wrote a few years ago regarding dying teachers and I really hope you can use this in your book:

    "Teachers are members of different generations, teachers came from completely different backgrounds, and competed at the highest level of education. But teachers shared, for all their differences, a fidelity to something higher-the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed. Teachers saw our political and educational battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home and schools, and to advance them around the world. Teachers saw this country and saw education as a place where anything is possible - and citizenship/education as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.

    "Few of us have been tested the way teachers are, or required to show the kind of courage that teachers do. But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At teachers' best, teachers showed us what that means. And for that, we are all in debt to teachers. Michelle and I send our heartfelt condolences to all teachers and their families."

    Rest in peace: John McCain - a true hero and a man of class.

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Tips for new ATRs:
    Welcome,my comrades in Arms,please review the the following, there'll be more to come here if our host permits and I'm starting my own blog soon as well.
    1) Never call the attendance roll out loud.This will only end in disaster and is more physically exhausting than you realize. Doing this 5 times a day will lead to sore throats,pounding headaches,and that's before class even starts! There are no more kids named David,Mary, Susan,or Tom. Everybody has "unique" 1 of a kind ethno-specific,six consonant in a row tongue twisting challenge and they will nastily snap at you for mispronouncing their precious monikers, often translated as 'Descended of Kings','Great Warrior', etc. Win this battle easily by: 1. Standing at the door,handing them a pencil and nicely asking each kid to put a check by their name. They love doing this. 2. Start an attendance sign in sheet and ask for "A helper",never say 'I need help' 3. If all fails, leave the frggin thing blank- nothing is worth starting your day with a free for all.
    Tip #2: Greet males as "Sir",females as "Miss", no exceptions until you've established rapport. Make solid eye contact and learn as many names as you can as soon as you can. Kids rejoice in annonimity- being able to call them by name (once you've overcome the pitfalls in tip 1) is powerful and you'll begin earning street cred.
    Tip 3: You are about to enter an alternate reality. You will see and hear things every day that call out intervention,but you must not intervene,for correction,but you must not offer to correct.Here are just a few things I've seen on the traveling circus of ATRdumb: 1)
    A school that prominently and proudly displayed a large poster featuring an NYPD armpatch in the center of a Rifle Scope;2) Many schools where there are no,as in zero- portraits of Caucasian leaders,inventors,war heroes,explorers, philosophers-nothing,with the obvious message being"The human race has advanced to where we are today due soley to the contributions of people of color, understood?" 3) I've "pushed in"(that means forced to join another teacher to 'help them',even though in my 18 years of teaching before being excessed no one ever came into my classroom offer me "help") and witnessed wrong history,wrong English,falsehoods and race baiting political correctness,calls for the assassination of sitting elected leaders,anti police,anti white,anti male,and anti American rhetoric taught as accepted fact.
    Tip 3: Join the ATR Alliance email list
    Next post:
    1) The most important thing you will do each day as an ATR
    2) Keys,keys,keys! How to easily get your own without reducing yourself to a grovelling third class citizen.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Here’s the correct way of taking attendance:

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    My ATR assignment is in SESIS (Sunday 1:00). Hope it doesn't change - CL there is very good (although he suffers from extreme TDS)

  9. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Hi Chaz
    If our lump sum payment is on our October 15 check, do we max out our TDA the first week of September?
    Also, the lump sum payment will be on our October 15 check or our October 31 check?

  10. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Under the leaderships of both Albert Shankar and Sandra Feldman none of this nonsense would go down. This UFT does not have your back. If I were called on a 3020-A I would hire my own attorney. It is a disgrace how they have treated ATR's and the General rank and fle. It is now every man for himself. Good luck and God bless.

  11. The lump sum payment is in our October 15th check.

    The max out of the TDA occurs when you hit $18,500 for ages under 50 and $24,500, 50 and older. This occurs, based on how much is taken out of each paycheck. Therefore, if you have been putting in the max, the lump sum payment will probably put you at the limit in October or November.

  12. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I think the question needs further clairification. If we want additional money taken specifically out of the check with back pay then do we request it now to ensure extra comes our of that check?

  13. Blergh9:50 AM

    I don't think you should pity us Tier Sixies, honestly.

    If we didn't know what we were getting into, we should have done more research. It was all publicly available information.

    If we knew what we were getting into, then it's only our own fault.

  14. Chaz I think 12:06 was just referring to people who temporarily put in the max percentage, not all year, for tax (or other) purposes solely on the retro check.

    Since Payroll Portal is so picky and things have to be done in advance, I would probably just do it ASAP in September, provided you can afford it, and keep it at max until the retro check is issued.

    My 529 and WageWorks have been held hostage since early May because I didn't get my desired changes in before Payroll Portal got closed down for the summer. Not making that mistake again this year.

  15. Update: I actually was making changes anyway, and the change I put in today is for the 9/28 check. So you need to do it soon if you want to change your TDA contribution for the retro check.

  16. Anonymous12:16 PM

    @ shady we can only hope the prediction is correct. I hope its only nyc teachers though, then the children of the city will have a fighting chance at education and future success!! I also hope duhhhshawn turns his life around and also becomes a nyc teacher wink wink.

  17. Anonymous3:11 PM

    @12:41 you sure can spot a nyc teacher and or an ATR a mile away. your grasp of the written word is horrible at best felonious at worst. you have the sentence structure of a 4th grader and the punctuation 2nd grader from district 75. thank god your in nyc and not upstate!!!

    1. @3:11: Following your idiotic logic, you are either "a NYC teacher and/or an ATR" because it's "you're" NOT "your". Bloop bloop.

  18. I believe the lump sum payment was already calculated but you can contact TRS to see if they would do it.

  19. Anonymous7:40 PM

    1:11 PM Where on sessis do you get your ATI assignment?

  20. Anonymous7:41 PM

    1:11 PM Where on sessis do you get your ATI assignment?

  21. &:41

    On the upper right hand corner. But occasionally it changes.

  22. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Tuesday 130 pm. Nothing in Sesis

  23. Anonymous2:08 PM

    @3:11- It's 12:41, what's your fetish with D75, are you a graduate? Our host makes numerous grammatical errors and they are rightfully ignored by the community as most of us realize the true point of being on here is to help and support each other.
    My post was close to 400 words and all you could do was point out typos that are all but unavoidable when using a cell? So while I'm here, let's have a look at the dozen or so glaring,bonehead rookie goofs in your 30 word response, shall we?
    First sentence: Failed to capitalize NYC(names as well as abbreviations of cities are to be in caps, buddy)
    Next sentence:"Your" needed to be capitalized since it was the first word in a new sentence, ace, but that's not all, later you failed to place a comma,thus separating the items "horrible", and "felonious,"as commas are required when separating items in a sentence, professor.
    Next sentence:Once again the "you" in "you have" should have been capitalized since it was the first word of a new sentence- still don't get it yet,hang in there, much you need to learn, You then go on to use numbers instead of correctly writing out all ordinal and cardinal numbers up to twelfth,well played, Skywalker.
    Last sentence,where to begin? 1.Failed for the fifth time in as many sentences to capitalize the first word of a sentence. 2. Failed to capitalize "God",both impudent as it is disrespectful 3. Used the contextulally incorrect possessive "your" instead of the correct contraction of "you are",which is written "you're",and then,(at least you're consistent) failed again to capitalize NYC. Finally, as if to confirm your stupidity,you use triple exclamation marks, a habit confirmed by academics as futile,chidish, attention-seeking and pathetic.
    So besides not willing (you have nothing of value to say) or not able(you are an incompetent) to engage properly on a public forum, at least your post provides the world a towering exemplar of your high command of the conventions of standard English,my sincere congratulations.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Many trolls use a type of strawman to deflect their losing arguments. The most pitiful is always from the grammar queen. If you misspell or use irregardless instead of regardless - it’s proof positive your argument(s) had no merit.

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    @2:08 WOW what a mess of grammar AND spelling errors that was!!!!! I seem to have hit an educational nerve that is full of truths. your stupid is showing as is your frustration. it must be the end of the summer and assignment time. good luck in the school year im sure the uft will make it all better!!!

  25. @8 am: Lol...please just stop writing or have a friend read your texts BEFORE you hit send. LOL.

  26. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Wednesday a quarter to 4. No atr assignments in Sesis.

    Any ideas ?

  27. TRS sent a message out today in regard to setting one's contribution rate specifically for the retro check. I edited out the window dressing; here's the important stuff:

    Dear TRS Member:

    According to our records, you may be receiving the upcoming retroactive payment under the United Federation of Teachers contract.

    The Department of Education has informed TRS that this payment will be made on October 15, 2018.

    If you participate in TRS' Tax-Deferred Annuity (TDA) Program, this payment is an opportunity to make a "painless" one-time deposit into your TDA account.

    By increasing your TDA contribution rate (the percentage of your pay that you invest in TDA) in advance, you can invest even more for your retirement.

    Changes to your TDA contribution rate normally take effect about 30-45 days after you elect the change on our website, so here are the dates to remember:

    When You Make Your Rate Change Online
    When the Change Takes Effect in Your Pay

    Through 8/31
    9/30 (one paycheck before the retro payment)

    9/1 through 9/15
    10/15 (when the retro payment is scheduled)

    9/16 or later
    10/31 or later (too late for the retro payment)

  28. Anonymous11:54 PM

    I love the idiot guy who comes on here to say "at least you are not teaching upstate". Doesn't this idiot realize we are just as qualified as upstate? How sad is this person's life? He has to come on here to bother us.

  29. Anonymous7:51 AM

    If you want to increase TDA for retro check coming on Oct 15th, you have to make change with TRS between 9/1 and 9/15. UFT sent an email with info.

  30. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I am in Tier VI. If I work for 20 years, my pension will be 35% of my final 5 years of salary. However, I'll only be 48 years old. All the age-reduction percentages I see start at 55 years old. How much of my pension will I get if by 20 years, my FAS is $120K?
