Friday, August 31, 2018

President Donald Trump Wants To Freeze Federal Employee Raises.

President Donald Trump realizing that there will be a $700 deficit, due to his corporate tax cuts and the Congress passing a bloated spending bill, has decided to unfairly blame Federal employees by freezing their pay.  The anticipated 2.1% raise that would have been in employee paychecks on January 1, 2019 will no longer happen if the President gets his way.  Congress may still overrule the President and is currently proposing a 1.9% raise.  My guess the federal employee raises will be closer to 1% as a compromise.  Furthermore, he also wants to eliminate the locality pay differentials that reward Federal employees who work in high cost of living localities.

The military is unaffected and their 2.5% raise, the biggest in nine years, will remain unaffected.

You can read some newspaper articles Here, Here, and Here.


  1. I'm not happy for the Federal workers, of course, but this is really common sense, those Unions lambast the President at every opportunity and provide him and the Party no votes.

    Let's remember that even our Union derives some power from reminding politicians that our members vote.

    I bring that up because our Union blindly supports the Dems despite pols like Barack Obama and Andrew Cuomo screwing us, hard. Even in the primary, the UFT should have taken a closer look at Sanders last year (as much as I'm not a Dem or a Socialist I respect Sanders a whole lot more than Clinton and he would've been more pro-teacher) and it should be endorsing Nixon over Cuomo based on her evaluation system and testing stance.

  2. Nice article thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Hi Chaz, any idea if ATRs are in one school for the entire year or rotated? I don’t want to ask Mike u-Sill-ess. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous5:38 PM

    MAGA 2020

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    It is no mystery as to why Trump is not lambasted by the 1%.

    Abigail Shure

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    And why should any working people not lambast this president? He only cares about the rich

  7. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I can’t believe being a ATR is very difficult.
    My friends and I always placed in a school
    so far from your house and no parking.
    My old school where I was a tenured teacher always had parking for me.
    I think they do it purposely.
    Besides all the other bad things they do to the ATR’s like no bathroom keys.

  8. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I agree with what 7:36 said.

    It also must be remembered that not all teachers are hard core Leftists who think that the Venezuelan model of socialism is good for us here.

    I don't even think they pay teachers anymore in Venezuela, the purest form of socialism there is on the planet right now, save for Cuba or North Korea.

    (China is cheating by mixing 80% capitalism into their 20% socialism and calling it pure.)

  9. Anonymous1:20 PM

    is there anything that the nyc babysitters wont cry about!! trump has given you more money in your overpaid paychecks, created 100's of thousands of new jobs so even your un-educated street rats can work. given this country a new found respect that you babysitters don't get in your classrooms. and put the world on notice that this is AMERICA and despite the nyc school system once again were the sheriffs in town!

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    @7:44...What planet r u livin on...did u see McStain's funeral? It was a Trump Bash...Bush,Clinton, McStain, Obomba Families NOT the 1 percent? 1 % hates Trump...Obomba was the biggest 1% whore out there...

  11. @ 7:44...GB Junior passsing a candy to Michelle...??? RU KIDDIN ME...?

  12. Anonymous10:50 PM

    ...and the idiot GW Bush Jr.lovingly hands Michele a.chocolate mint...since everything is fine and dandy between the Obambas and the Bush Crime Family...? Cant u see the utter BS in that picture...?

  13. Seriously 1:22. Not to mention, any of us who aren't newbies have been enjoying a fatter check and have a refund coming in the Spring. I'm only in the middle of the scale longevity wise, I only turn 40 this year, and I'm looking at 2 grand more in child tax credit, lower marginal rates, plus the doubling of the standard deduction to 24K which lowers my taxes more AND I don't have to deal with hours of schedule A trying to scrounge for every dollar.

    Take a look at your TDA, and if you have one, your kids' 529. They've been earning upwards of 18% per year since the election. If you have your money in the 7% fixed you've been missing out.

    It's the forgotten man in the middle who's finally gotten a little bit of break. Don't get me wrong I'm not a sycophant and we could be doing a lot more (wall & immigration, trade deals like with Mexico better but not good enough) but for the first time in a long time things are starting to look better.

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    @T.J.L...Yup...and The Donald hasn't gotten one ounce of credit from the Presstitutes...Why...? They don't know whether to "s- - t, or go blind" , they are in such a hysterical state. Why...? They and their little playhouse are going down, down, down...if it wasn't for The Donald...they wouldn't have any ratings at all...even his haters are making $$$ off The Donald...

  15. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Hey...take a long drive up and down the NYS Thruway sometime soon. For as far as the eye can see, you will see lines of 18 wheelers up and down that road-more shipping means more business volume. Under Obambi...WAY,WAY, LESS. Only peeps who made out under Obambi were his Commie Cronies.

  16. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "The Resistance"=The Establishment

    As evidenced during McStain's funeral.

  17. Anonymous8:27 PM

    To TJL: OMG.. I thought I was the only one who thought this way. The UFT went out of its way to support Obama. What did he do? Put Arnie Duncan in charge of education. Then pushed towards Charter School establishment. And forced states to recognize his Race to the Top Federal funding dollars while instituting a Federal guidelines in education. Obama was the worst President for NYC teachers and the union. The UFT needs to stop back these liberal democratic idiots...

  18. Shady8:17 AM

    Yeah Obama / Clinton did nothing for us. They were pieces of shit too. At least with Trump you know what you are getting and he is a bigger piece of shit. However, Obama did nothing for us but speak a good game. He also did not say "grab them by the pussy" but Hillary did say "let's go to war" then was against war. Hillary was for big business but said she was not for big business.
