Friday, August 03, 2018

The Superintendent Of The Patchogue-Medford School Distrtict Supports The "Opt Out" Movement.

The "opt out" movement is alive and well and still going strong despite NYSED claims that fewer students "opted out" last year.   While statistically that's true, still 19% "opted out" statewide last year and 51% on Long Island.  In solidly white, middle class communities on Long Island, the "opt out" rate saw close to 3 out of 4 students "opt out".  By contrast, NYC had a 3% "opt out" rate as both the UFT and the DOE discouraged parents from "opting out".

Now in an opening salvo to NYSED, the Superintendent of the Patchogue-Medford school district  has sent a letter to teachers telling them that the State tests were useless and should be thrown into the garbage.  The school district had a 76% "opt out" rate last year and it may be higher next year in light of the Superintendent's letter.

The student growth scores are based upon  "junk science"  and the State must eliminate this useless metric,  Renumber, "garbage in, garbage out".

For more information about the "opt out" issues and the teacher evaluation system you can read my posts Here, Here, and Here.


  1. What's sad reading the Post article, is reading the quotes from the Astroturf organizations like "Students First". Not because they exist, but because they are saying all the same nonsense we hear from our own admins and the higher-ups at the DOE.
    "Evidence shows...his team must do things differently". Where have we heard this before? Junk science so-called "evidence". The "team" - I will vomit the next time I'm referred to as being part of a "team" - doing things differently than the established effective norms for 1000 years, because everything must be "data-driven".
    Several Supes on Long Island have participated in public forums sponsored by Stop Common Core on Long Island. Why can't we have Supes like this in NYC?

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Because most of the administrators in the NYC system are products of the NYC system and have never had the opportunity as a student, teacher and/or administrator to experience how a school system should function.

  4. Shady9:01 PM

    In NYC opting out is a crime. I tried to opt out my son, DeShawn, and was threatened by the principal and by the principal's superintendent. DeShawn's superintendent called my principal's superintendent and had my superintendent threaten me as well. I ended up having to see DeShawn's principal in person to let him know that if DeShawn has to take the test then I can't promise you that DeShawn will behave. Long story short - I was then commended by the superintendents. DeShawn still failed 7th grade and will be repeating 7th grade for the third time. However, his notebook is full of some of the best 7th grade lesson plans in NYC. He plans on putting them on Ebay in late August.

  5. Anonymous11:38 PM

    NYC public school leaders participate in corruption and lies instead of calling it what it is like in LI - it's junk science. NYC is too busy trying to harass it's educators instead of being true leaders. The Bloomberg Era is being exposed as a contributor to the problems that are seen today.

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    @shady at least someone can benefit from your son's stupidity, I will be looking for that 7th grade notebook on ebay. my daughter is going into the 2nd grade this fall and might use the kinds of things they teach 7th graders in nyc.

  7. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The DOE should hire this guy instead of rejects from New Rochelle.

  8. Shady1:30 PM

    @8:43 contact me... I am sure your second grader would benefit from his 7th grade notebook. He also has great math handouts that she can use.

  9. Shady1:32 PM

    @11:38 Come on please stop blaming the Bloomberg era. Bloomberg came and left. Carmen promised to change the system but went further than Bloomberg. Bloomberg made up stats, small schools and lied. Carmen came in and did much worse. Carmen had a kid murdered in the Bx. Bloomberg kept schools safer.
