Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Disconnect Between Graduating High School And Graduating College - Case Study Newark, New Jersey.

The Department Of Education (DOE) in urban areas brag how their high school  graduation rate is increasing.  The problem is that most educators know that the high school graduation rate is bogus as it's artificially inflated by phony credit recovery courses, administrative pressure to pass undeserving students and grade fixing.  Of course when some of them end up in college, an unpleasant surprise often awaits them.  First, they are required to take no credit remedial courses.  Second, they quickly find out that college is a "sink or swim" environment with no hand holding by the professor.  Either you do the work or fail and many end up dropping out.

A case study is Newark New Jersey.  The data shows that Newark's graduation rate has skyrocketed to 73.47% .  Unfortunately, only 13.7% of those high school graduates actually got a degree of any kind, according to New Jersey's Open Data Network.  According to Chalkbest, 51% of Newark's high school graduates who went directly to college, did better but still disappointing with only 39% of them receiving a degree of any kind.

The Mayor's goal is that 25% of all high school graduates receive a college degree by 2025  he hopes to do this by adding "rigor" to the high school curriculum but if the high schools still use phony credit recovery and grade fixing, the Mayor's goal is simply wishful thinking.


  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Right On! I know some schools have a policy that you can't give lower than 55 for any grade, so if a student refuses to turn in an essay or project or is absent for an exam, the teacher is required to give the student 55 instead of 0 for the grade. I know FHS has this policy, and I'm sure other schools do to. It's a shame how little administrators care about the children. If that were your own child, you would want the teacher to give your child the grade he or she deserves. What are we teaching our kids? What job let's you call in sick each day and still gives you $55 for not doing anything or for not showing up. How can they say we are preparing kids for college and the real world? The system is so hypocritical and messed up it's disgusting.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      It is all getting worse, yet the Union continue to be useless.

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I looked at Edison HS Staff directory. The wonder-boy Justin Stark was not in the line up this year, and he was replaced by a neophyte; he was there last year in June.

    Anyone know what happened?

    Did he go back to being an ATR Supervisor? Was he recognized by the Edison Admin/Staff as being ineffective?

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I bet the prick Justin Stark went back to being an ATR supervisor....once you get used to the taste of raw meat, you just need to have it.

    1. Anonymous10:07 PM

      He likes old meat.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Does anyone know the answer to this.....our union dues will continue to be deducted automatically correct? Not sure after JANUS but regards I am sticking with my union

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Just check your pay stub on the payroll portal to see if union dues were deducted out of the 9/28 check. Dues were deducted from mine.

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM


    Check your stubs from the previous retro payments.....same shit. When I asked a queens rep, they said that increased pay means increased dues. I explained that they were stoned.

  7. Anonymous8:07 PM

    But if we don't pass the undeserving students, then the admins blame us and not the lack of effort from the student. Then we are on the chopping block and eliminated until a more compliant "pass everyone" body comes along.

  8. Anonymous8:43 PM

    We have investigators that sweep investigations under the table.

  9. Shady4:23 AM

    @5:25 ... here read this article:

  10. Why bring all that drama on yourself? Give the kid a 55 and move on. Reason and practicality have no place in the Dept. of Ed. The kid who turns in no work and gets a 55 is the same as the kid that gets a 0. The only difference is the numbering. It's better to give more kids the opportunity to pass. Not for their benefit but you're own. But working in the Dept. of Ed. isn't about helping the kids. It's about protecting yourself.
