Friday, October 19, 2018

Teacher Absenteeism - More Proof Of The Hostile Environment Of NYC Schools.

Despite a new Mayor, the NYC classroom continues to be a hostile environment for teachers.  In a new report 20% of teachers were chronically absent (10 or more days) during the 2015-2016 school year.  In high poverty schools the percentage of teachers chronically absent was slightly, higher than more affluent communities.  However, the highest percentage of chronically absent teachers (25.2%) were found in the working class, immigrants communities that compose District 30 in Queens.  While the lowest (13.1%) was the diverse District 1 in Manhattan.  Last school year the DOE found that 14.8% of the teachers were chronically absent (11 or more days)..

With one fifth of NYC teachers chronically absent, this negatively affects student academic achievement and results in an unstable school climate.  The blame for the high teacher absenteeism rate lays on the doorstep of the DOE who appoint incompetent, vicious, and uncooperative principals, most from the infamous "Leadership Academy".  Moreover, the DOE implements policies that pit school administrators against staff.  Finally, the DOE is still dominated by Bloomberg holdovers who occupy important policy making positions  and have an "us against them" mentality when it comes to a lack of cooperation with teachers.

Despite a new Chancellor, the classroom teacher still thinks of the DOE as the enemy and not a  partner in educating children.  That's why there is such a high teacher absenteeism rate in the NYC schools.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I'm in my last year of teaching and I am fortunate that I have a little over 80 days in my car. I can use the half of the days to meet my goal of 30 years if I use them for Sept and October 2019. Therefore I can retire this July. In 29 years I've evidently saved but there are years I've taken 10 self treated absences. Mostly for "mental health" , working in a very stressful and often hostile school setting .I'm hoping to take a day shortly to chase the Blackfish and stripers since the boat will be pulled out of the water soon for the season .I'm waiting in till conditions are right. Its our privelege. But abusing it will only bring repurcussions so be mindful.

    My best wishes to all teachers .

    Fish on

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Teachers are also absent because they need to attend PD during the school day. These absences were not separated from sick days. Some schools for example PS 169 in Queens will either close for a full or half day staff development for the entire staff. This way it is not reported as teacher absence and their absence rate will appear much lower.

  3. retired teacher8:56 AM

    Isn't PD or attending conferences considered NA - non attendance? I hear horror stories about teachers being charged sick days and receiving letters for attending a funeral or jury duty.

  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    In Bryant High School noboy can't stsnd Dwarka, and they are always calling in sick.

  5. Anonymous3:48 PM

    as a former ATR in the nyshitty school of stupid I would constantly use 10 - 15 per year. when I received my absentee report I would call those schools and complain to the payroll secretary that a mistake was made. since most didn't care, were overworked or kept poor records I would get back between 5 and 8 days. funny the things you think of when your getting fucked over!

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm in my 19th year of teaching and currently have 108 days in my CAR. It shocks me how many veteran teachers do not have a lot of days in their CAR. These days are crucial in case of injury or sickness and can be cashed out at retirement or used for terminal pay. QUESTION: Do most teachers cash out their days at retirement or do most take terminal pay? What are the advantages of each choice?

  7. They usually cash out but I think terminal leave is best since you are considere an active member. See my post on the issue.

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I was in an elevator at 65 Court Street. Someone was holding a computer printout, and I glanced at it.

    The header was:

    “File Numbers of Pedagogues with Suspicious Absence Patterns.”

  9. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I knew a guy about to retire who said it is best to retire after the summer is over and then taking off CAR days from opening day in Sept until they run out, and then your retirement day will be the day after that. (Terminal leave)

    He said it was better than taking CAR as a buyout because you only get half the days in that case, and you don't want to miss out on the summer checks.

    What do you think?

  10. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I used to be at FHS. The faculty absences were unreal especially on Fridays and Mondays. Coverages were given out all over the place because they could never get subs. I'm at a good school now as an ATR and most of the absences are for field trips or meetings. The teachers who call in sick are really sick not just taking mental health days to get away from the stress of the school. I know too that the absences were not because of the students but because of the stress from the administrators. I've been working since I was 16 and I know that when a company or employee treats their employees like crap, you get crap in return.

  11. Anonymous7:22 AM

    If you use the CAR days for terminal leave you can only use half of them, correct?

  12. That's correct.

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Hi fellow teachers. I'd like to read about those who will retire soon .It will be a great forum. What are your plans ? Travel. Part time work. Etc .Then after we retire we can really expose the supervisors and their actions. Post their names and schools.

    I can't wait. So far the year is off to a good start .Kids are well mannered and engaged .I teach art in a special ed program for traumatized emotionally disturbed teens. I am happy and will never be intimidated again by the admins. I'm keeping my head to the grindstone avoiding controversy.

    I plan to use a portion of sick days to finish up the 30 years at 55 .


  14. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Its our right to have 10 self treated absences.

    What are your excuses to the secretary?

    I either tell them nothing then tell them I took a a "self treated "sick day.. That's it .No ones business what I do.. And I don't abuse it. Create no patterns . Ill take a Friday or Monday at my desire. Usually its a day when my schedule sucks. This year its Wednesday's.
    Never on Tuesday or Thursday because those are light days I can actually get paperwork and PA chores done.

  15. Michael Fiorillo11:27 AM

    Anonymous 5:19, as Chaz alludes, the advantage of Terminal Leave (which I am enjoying for the next two weeks, until my retirement officially begins)is that you remain on payroll, thus accruing pension credit and additional TDA contributions. The two-for-one formula is the same for Terminal Leave or deferred payment of CAR days.

  16. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Here's a question: If you take terminal leave during the fall semester, then retire, do you get one semester equivalent of summer pay, in addition to your pension, the following summer? Always looking to get more bang for the buck.

  17. Anonymous11:50 AM

    @8:41 or chaz-what if you do terminal leave feb-june,and retire first monday in sept?
    does that affect summer pay?

  18. Either way you only get half your pay. With terminal leave you stay on payroll, contribute to TDA, get credit for summer pay, get credit for pension time, and get it all over with in one year

  19. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Question about pension. I plan to retire as a teacher way before age 63. As a Tier VI teacher, if I complete 20 years by age 48 and become qualified to receive 35% of my final average salary, do I have to wait years (age 55) to start collecting my reduced pension or 15 years (age 63) to get the full 35% pension?
    I was always under the assumption I have to teach until I'm 55 or 63 years old to get the reduced or full pension but I spoke to a TRS rep and he said if I quit teaching, I won't really be listed as "retired" in the system until I start collecting. Just want to clarify this is the case. Thanks!

  20. Anonymous10:26 AM


    There is absolutely no right to use a CAR day to go fishing.

    They can use that post of yours to hang you. You are not Anonymous to the Subpoena powers of SCI.

    Don’t do it.

  21. Anonymous7:36 PM

    So if you use the CAR days for terminal leave you can only use half of them OR if you cash in the CAR days you only get half. What's the better deal?

  22. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I know teachers max out at 200 days in their CAR as far as cashing them out or taking terminal leave, but can you bank (and use) more than 200 days in the case of extended illness or injury?

  23. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I just got the break down of the UFT’s lastest joke on us with a ballot. If you vote yes for this contract, don’t complain about anything, ever again because you will deserve all the shit that will rain down on your head.

  24. Anonymous8:37 AM

    whos the jerk who thinks you will get in trouble posting personal items anonymous that they will get you if they want to...well how about a public computer then what watson
