Thursday, November 29, 2018

While Schools Scrimp For Funds The DOE Wastes A Million Dollars On Unecessary Travel Expenses.

It's no secret that schools suffer from near recession budgets and only receive 89% of their fair funding.  By contrast the bloated DOE does not worry about funding when it comes to their travel, wasting almost one million dollars on questionable travel and poorly documented proof of their educational value.

According to City Comptroller Scott Stringer, the DOE wasted almost a million dollars on lavish and unnecessary travel for example:

• $14,023 in blatant overpayments, including $11,913 to the glitzy New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge.

• $233,167 for meetings in hotels and other venues with no effort, as required by the rules, to find free or low-cost space in city school buildings — including $12,883 for a staff retreat at the posh Tarrytown House Estate on the Hudson.

• $269,684 in purchases that lacked required written bids including a $17,847 catering bill.

• $14,956 in credit card charges with no supporting documentation, including $2,821 in charges at the lavish Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville.

This is just another example of the bloated and wasteful DOE using money for their own needs while stiffing the schools of much needed resources.  Francis Lewis High School Chapter Leader Arthur Goldstein said it best  in the Ne York Daily Mews.

"Teachers have to beg for money and these educrats are staying at the Marriott. Shame on them," said Francis Lewis High School teacher and teachers union rep Arthur Goldstein.

"They don't have any money to reduce class sizes but they have money to over-pay hotels," added Goldstein, who said he teaches 34 students stuffed into a half-size room. "Where are their priorities?"

This is where the DOE's "children last"  policy came from with the DOE's wants and needs coming first and the students get the leftovers.  Read the entire Daily News article HereThe New York Post story is Here.

Let's see how many educrats are terminated due to the lavish travel fiasco?


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    My school is co-located with 2 other schools. We are all regular DOE schools. The other 2 schools have a yearly overnight retreat at a nice hotel in Westchester. Those retreats must cost thousands of dollars for each school. Why? Why can't they hold their retreats in a DOE building? Seems like a massive waste of money to me.

  2. This is linked to --- Fair Student Funding!

    Some of those expenditures are principals organizing retreats for their schools (what a hideous practice!) - and over-spending. I've never been on a school retreat, and hope I am never forced (or "urged") to go.

    But the independent school budgeting, the same process that encourages discrimination in hiring against experienced teachers, it also makes some principals think they really control their own budgets and can spend them as they see fit (and they forget the part in parentheses about following DoE spending rules).

    Yet another reason to return to units and to end UNfair student funding.


  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Another nycdoe debacle and does anyone think that this organization could be the most dysfunctional organization one could ever imagine.

    The way this organization runs is really mind boggling in the sense that the employees are treated like shit, millions of dollars spent like drunk sailors on bull crap yet our school has no paper. If it was not for a contract we would all be driving taxi cabs for a living.

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    The UFT supports Fair Student Funding. If they deny it, why aren’t they fighting it?

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    The Comptroller's Office should audit what's being spent on Danielson-related activities Citywide.

    How much money is being wasted on observation/evaluation procedures?

    Who is benefiting by Danielson evaluations other than The Danielson Group?

    Observation reports were, and still are, valueless.

  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    at an elementary school in parkchester I volunteered for breakfast and lunch duty to get out of extended Monday and Tuesday PD. (some principals are flexible). as a student was getting ready to throw away an still wrapped PB&J sandwich I took it and ate it. the next day an AP comes over to me and says the kitchen staff told me you took a sandwich and they wanted 6 dollars. I was surprised but not shocked. we walk over to the kitchen staff where I explained that this child was going to throw the sandwich away so I made use of it then I told them all to go fucked themselves (not those words, I was raised right) then walked away. just a long winded ATR story to say get those people to manage the taxpayers money instead of the greedy self entitled idiots that we allow to do this!!!

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I had issues with one of the cashiers in the teachers’ cafeteria in my high school. She grabbed a container of milk out of my hand because I had the audacity to take a container from the back of the row (where the “use by” dates were better) rather than from the front of the row.

  7. Anonymous12:01 AM

    The school I am at does not provide tape dispensers for it's staff. Staff gets the roll of tape and a scissor to cut it. They also get the tape wite-out instead of the liquid version. There's more....

  8. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Hello, off topic does anyone know about a decent elementary, I can apply to for the upcoming school year.

  9. I truly appreciate this article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.
