Saturday, March 23, 2019

Inexperienced Teachers Are Correlated With Low Student Academic Achievement

It's no secret that the New York City Public School's hiring process incentivizes principals to hire cheap and inexperienced teachers under the discriminatory Fair Student Funding (fsf) program. Despite various studies that show that the more experience a teacher has, the better students perform academically.  Unfortunately,  the DOE ignores these studies and rather shortchange schools of funding (89% of fsf) and resources and push  to "HIRE THE CHEAPEST AND NOT THE BEST TEACHERS FOR THEIR SCHOOL".

A study by the Learning Policy Institute found that the more experience a teacher had the better academically the students did. In fact, the study found the following:

 Based on our review of 30 studies published within the last 15 years that analyze the effect of teaching experience on student outcomes in the United States and met our methodological criteria, we find that:

1. Teaching experience is positively associated with student achievement gains throughout a teacher’s career. Gains in teacher effectiveness associated with experience are most steep in teachers’ initial years, but continue to be significant as teachers reach the second, and often third, decades of their careers.

 2. As teachers gain experience, their students not only learn more, as measured by standardized tests, they are also more likely to do better on other measures of success, such as school attendance.

 3. Teachers’ effectiveness increases at a greater rate when they teach in a supportive and collegial working environment, and when they accumulate experience in the same grade level, subject, or district.

 4. More experienced teachers support greater student learning for their colleagues and the school as a whole, as well as for their own students.

Too bad, the DOE doesn't understand how important experienced teachers are to student academic achievement as they implement policies that encouraged the hiring of cheap "newbie" teachers.  The DOE give principals sole discretion in teacher hiring, while imposing severe financial limitations (fsf) is a colossal mistake and will only result in wide academic achievement gaps between different cohorts.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    an experienced teacher has to be inexperienced first! through mentoring, professional cooperation, patience you get a "good" teacher. the thing is that inexperienced teacher has to be a "good" inexperienced teacher. the other thing is in the nyshitty school system mentoring, cooperation and patience are very rare.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Inexperienced teachers + inexperienced and immoral administrators + corrupt politicians = failure.

  4. This is a well known fact. Our students suffer as a result. Now what can/will experienced teachers do about this information?

  5. Anonymous8:27 PM

    For one, on the teacher surveys put strongly disagree for everything about the doe. I put strongly disagree for every question regarding the doe. I'm an ATR with 20 + years in the system. In no way do I feel respected by a system that would treat a veteran teacher who has been satisfactory/effective his whole career and then shift him from school to school. Years ago this would never have happened. Also, the doe allows these abusive principals to run schools (e.g. Ben Sherman). IF we want a chance at change, do no vote for UNITY and Michael Mulgrew. Down with UNITY!

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      The ATR Pool was created to harass teachers so they will quit or be targeted.

  6. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I takes about 5-10 years in my professional opinion for a teacher to become proficient at their job. The fact that the majority of "new hires" will not make it through this system yet alone make through 5 years proves out the point that city created an education department that they want to fail. This way they can keep costs down (short/long term) and eliminate paying pensions and health benefits and cost of living adjustments to those who were lucky enough to make it till their full pension. The biggest problem that the DOE currently has is its ATR problem. But they reasoned that they could apply so much harassment on these poor teachers that they would either die on the job, leave before full benefits, or worse be brought up on unsubstantiated charges. Now we are are in the era of a sold out UFT; where Mulgrew drives around in chauffeur driven town car while the rest of have to suffer through his blundering. If you work on the Bronx I feel bad for you because the UFT officers there are lazy and unqualified and will not have your back. I would not wait around for the return call because I can personally guarantee it will not be coming.

  7. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Mulgrew will win by a landslide, and we will all just keep crying and complaining!
