Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Queens High Schools Students Should Avoid

The 2md Round of 2019 high school student vacancies are now available and you can see the complete list   What is quite obvious is that the most student vacancies are in schools with a 90% or more Black and Hispanic student population.  Moreover, these high schools are academically struggling and many students are subject to poverty.  In addition, these schools have high ELL and Sp Ed populations as well as having high teacher turnover.  Finally, some high schools refused to show vacancies by claiming they are continuing to recruit students. To check other years from 2015 to 2018 you can find them Here, Here, Here, and Here.

This is the list of Queens High Schools with the most student vacancies in the 2nd round.


Long Island City.......................................505
John Adams.............................................395
Grover Cleveland.....................................350 
August Martin.........................................170
Martin Van Buren....................................165
Humanities And Arts...............................165

William Cullen Bryant..............................145
Mathematics, Science, and Tech..............100
Pathways Collegiate Prep Academy..........95
George Washington Carver......................95
Excelsior Preparatory ............................90
HS of Law Enforcement...........................80
International HS For Health Sciences.......60 
Queens Preparatory Academy.................60  
Rockaway Park.......................................60
Rockaway Collegiate..............................60
Fredrick Douglas Academy VI.................60
Benjamin Franklin.................................50
Richmond Hill........................................50

If you look at the list you can see many of the schools are in Southeast Queens and the now disbanded Renewal Schools.

It needs to be noted that these vacancies are the minimum available since the DOE list stops at 40 vacancies.  Some of these schools might have double or even triple the amount of vacancies listed on the DOE website.

Read my other posts that list the Queens high schools that students avoid 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015.. Here, Here,  Here, and Here.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    On an unrelated note, I just checked the school calendar for next year. We don't have off for the Muslim holidays or Lunar New Year, but they are making us come in Monday, Dec. 23rd and then giving us off from Tues. Dec. 24th to January 1st. Can anyone verify if this is true? This is absolute lunacy. That day will be a total waste. Nobody is going to come to school that day and do you know how many teachers will call out?

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Be a part of it!!! The Great Sick Out of 2019!! Stand up for yourself and tell the DOE and the UFT you are sick of being treated like a clerk at Macdonalds!!! We are professionals with Masters degrees!!!! Take the day and take a stand!!

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    These articles you post serves no one well, especially teachers who are working their asses off in these various schools. You are undoing all of our hard work with these negyive posts. How are we supposed to turn our school around if you publicize our failures and none of our successes. And you claim you are pro- teacher?
    Chaz, who is this article supposed to help?

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM


    I believe it was Shakespeare who wrote "doth protest too much." I am suspicious that you are a teacher. The real teachers in these schools can see reality and are not offended by the truth. They are working as hard as they can despite corrupt and incompetent administrators.

    If you do not recognize and acknowledge the disservice these schools are doing to the teachers, students and communities, then you are part of the problem, ergo an administrator.

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    ummm seems like he is helping students and teachers when he posts this, glad you're working your butt off but i still don't want to transfer to a nightmare school nor would I send my kid to one, keep working till you are off the list, transfer, but don't expect people to come waste a career or chance at an education because you are working hard...a shitty school is a shitty school

  6. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "Chaz, who is this article supposed to help?"

    How about all the teachers, students and parents looking for opening/vacancies!!!!! But nah, this article couldn't possibly help them...

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Sandra Feldman was the last great UFT leader. Since that time, no one stands up for the "rank and file" teacher. It wasn't until recently (with the vote on opting out of the union) did the UFT actually treat its constituents with the respect and service that they deserved. It is now mostly a desgrace. Veteran teachers have targets on their backs, ATR's, etc. I wish we could have cloned Feldman or Shankar. Mulgrew and his cronies are no good. Especially the inept Bronx UFT office. What a joke!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      These UFT reps are told not to do anything.

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    There's my old school near the top of the list for another year. Part of the EFFECTIVE bunch, excessed to ATR land because we were older than the ones who remained behind. And I interviewed to stay (silly me - what was I thinking? I must have been a dedicated appointed teacher back then).
