Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Should Richard Carranza Resign As Chancellor?


When Mayor Bill de Blasio hired Richard Carranza as Chancellor of the New York City Public Schools and I was somewhat pleased.  Hiring a well qualified outsider, with no ties to the Bloomberg era, I expected the new Chancellor to "clean house" and to some degree he has.

The problem is that Chancellor Carranza is playing racial politics, replacing White female administrators with lesser qualified minorities.  At first, I supported the Chancellor as he was pushing out Bloomberg holdovers, mostly long term White females an to a lesser degree Black females.  However, it is quite obvious that he is appointing his cronies, some without proper credentials to lead highly sensitive positions at Tweed.

His policies are so appalling that seven members of the City Council'  penned a letter to the Mayor objecting to what Chancellor Carranza is doing. Also another Cararnza aide hs been reported for alleged misconduct.

Just look at the latest selection, Abram Jimenez, who was hired for a newly created $205,416 position to improve schools.  It turned out that Mr. Jimenez had an extensive disciplinary history and was forced to resign due to mismanagement. Now it seems that Mr. Jimenez has taken some "personal leave" once the New York Post wrote an article about his disciplinary record.

While I don't think Chancellor Carranza is a racist, he appears to be playing racial politics and that is unacceptable and should resign.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Yes, he needs to go. He doesn't seem to be too bright. Give it a few years and he is going to force the teachers in specialized high schools to dumb down their lessons or fix grades. Can't figure out there's a reason for the test. Just wait and see. Hiring someone because they are a minority is wrong. Jobs should go to the most qualified person.

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Chaz I don't really follow your theory that Carranza is not a racist but rather instituting racial policies. The same could be said for the white southerners of the South in the 1950's who refused to serve black people. In my mind the policies are in fact very racist. The "city council" also agrees. However, I believe the biggest impact of these policies will be had in the Asian community.. that's why they have been meeting with this dimwitted Mayor. Overachieving and hard work doesn't really count for much in Carranza's DOE. They have gone out of their way to blow the horn and scream from the mountains that education failure of minority students is a direct result of racist white teachers. I will close my eyes and ears at the bias training and listen to the rhetoric and think, "this to shall pass".

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Of course he should resign. However, he will not because he actually believes in his own bullshit and he has followers like DeBlasio to back him up. Since DeBlasio is a lame duck mayor, I do not expect any change in the DOE for quite some time. Bet on it!

  4. Anonymous8:05 PM

    There are a lot of Principals who shouldn't be in charge of our schools like Dwarka, and she has not been removed yet.

  5. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Carranza should go back to wherever and take his bullshit racist rhetoric with him.

    Goodbye Little Mariachi Man

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM


    What is next at the school? What will superintendent do to address teacher, student, and parent concerns at the school?


  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I do not see him resigning in the near future, as he will be backed by the mayor and about half of the City Council. Over the summer there will be much plotting and scheming and prob a big announcement around Labor Day to set the tone for the year. A smart group would strike an inclusive and conciliatory tone and that would work well for most people, except the more extreme elements on both sides. But, we are not living in a time of smart politics,so probably more rhetoric and a doubling down. So far the rhetoric hasn't reached a lot of schools in terms of day to day, but it probably will in some way - admins doing "equity walkthroughs" and evaluating lessons on the R's - so all the issues of student engagement or assessment will take a back seat in the bubble world of NYC, and all classes have to be about culture issues, as defined by outsiders.

  8. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I must disagree with your assessment. I absolutely believe that Carranza IS a racist. In fact, that's all he IS about. I've never seen a single sentence in any of the media attributed to him talking about anything BUT "racist", "diversity", "equality", etc. Never heard a word about "math scores", "new laboratory equipment", or anything remotely about academics. He is also forcing out white teachers and administrators to make room for minority replacements, be they qualified or not. Mostly not. His latest abuse of his office is to hire minority cronies of his for obviously made-up jobs. Why do we need his buddy Jimenez (notice he's Hispanic) in a $205,416-a-year job as “senior executive director of continuous school improvement”? Especially when this Jimenez guy has numerous misconduct charges against him at his former school? And how about the hiring of ANOTHER Hispanic buddy, Mario Trujillo, who formerly worked at Disney World in Florida, to “provide customer-service expertise and training” for $142,000? Since when does a school system need those services? This is obviously a made-up job to give his fellow Hispanic a nice cushy well paying job. Carranza should go back to playing in his mariachi band. That's about all I can see that he's good for.

    The NY State Senate has ruled thumbs down on DumblASSio's scheme to eliminate the entrance exam for the "elite" schools such as Stuyvesant. Even they can see that admitting students who could not pass the exam would not help those highly functional schools to remain highly functional, and that those students would probably not be able to keep up with the high level of work done there anyway. That's what the entrance exam was designed to do, to filter out kids who could not handle it.

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Teachers of the Caucasian faction are not going to be happy campers once next falls staff development begins on implicit bias. Good luck. How is your white Irish female AP going to deliver this one?

  10. Anonymous5:06 PM

    "toxic whiteness" why has Chancellor Carranza acknowledged district 24. (the largest district in NYC) where the highest student suspensions occur of all Hispanic students. The Superintendent is a sleep at the wheel.
    Click on 2017-2018 student discipline and analyze "sort" the DOE's own data. Yet the administration is voiceless.

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Think about the sea change in our country.

    Ten years ago people were still talking about equality and all that.

    Now it is literally open season on white people in America. We are publicly insulted as a group in the media, movies, in government and at all levels, especially in schools now where we are all labeled evil/nazi/racist/privileged/oppressors, all the time.

    How did this change happen?

  12. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I hope the teachers at PS 70 in Astoria will be next to vote no confidence in their principal, Donna Geller. That obese, degenerate slob whose perfume reeks of a cheap whore, has been engaging in dishonest and illegal tactics for years. Hopefully they report everything to OSI and SCI until they have no choice but to take action.

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

    The head of the city council education committee Mark Treyger along with other members of the council have sent a letter that supports Carranza. I find it quite surprising as one of the groups that are against Caranza are Asian Americans. Many of Treyger's constituents are in fact Asian American. Another problem with this vote of confidence is that it now divides the council into two opposing camps on this chancellors ability to lead the school system. Not GOOD no matter how you look at it. Mayor DeBlasio is in a pickle. He is dammed if he fires Caranza and dammed if he continues to back him.

  14. Anonymous6:17 PM

    5:54. You make it sound like DeBlasio is some kind of victim here. Remember it was DeBlasio who hired Caranza after the Miami chancellor debacle.

  15. Anonymous9:13 AM

    5:54 He will back Carranza for now, because he wants to use this as part of his Presidential campaign. Ironically, it will sound like gibberish outside of NYC's bubble, it is really just local news and particular to our politics here.

    But, I bet they are having some harder-edged conversations behind closed doors - lots of mistakes were made - calling parents racist in public, hiring unqualified cronies, blatantly stating ethnic and racial preferences in hiring, the lawsuits, etc. - sloppy rookie mistakes that can tarnish the chancellor and the mayor, and lead to more lawsuits and other problems, including less support in Albany.

  16. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Definitely he should resign

  17. Anonymous6:53 PM

    just hired in "da bronx" a "white" teacher. what shoots down all of your commenters bullshit is she left the doe not once but twice for greener pastures. when that didn't work out she headed back to nyc. atrs im crying for you, minorities im laughting at you!

  18. I think it's good that he's getting the racial conversation out there. Lot of us caucasian teachers are not used to this, and there's lots about the kids we don't know. Also, what determines whether the people he hires are more or less qualified? We always complain about the Bloomberg leftovers, but this guy gets rid of some of them and people are still complaining.

  19. Anonymous1:36 PM

    King Clovis if they come after you based on nothing more than being a "white person" I'm sure your sentiments might change.

  20. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Since you don't want to say that Carranza is a racist, I'll do it for you. (I'm half Mexican, half Black and English is my second language. I can do that by Carranza's warped 'logic").

    I live and work in a district 26 school that has been decimated by the policies and practices brought forth by Farina and Carranza (for both of whom I had much hope after Bloomberg's "winners"). I fear that our schools (and I mean all of them- -not just the ones in Districts 26, 27 and 28) will not recover for at least 20 years. (I won't be teaching but I'm not so selfish as to sit back not speak up).

    The superintendent and her deputy came from Bronx schools. Tell me what large public high school, other than Bronx Science, is still standing in tact and functioning well? You CAN'T! They've all been RUINED. DESTROYED. KILLED, CREMATED and had their ashes SPIT ON.

    Yet these two were sent in (by Farina but now even further empowered by Carranza) to do the same to our schools Just ask the the retired principals of Bayside, Cardozo, Francis Lewis, Forest Hills. Then ask the "new" principals who replaced them. You'll see and hear a difference (at least with the first three. Forest Hills is losing the principal who replaced the one with sense. It seems the outgoing principal who replaced Mr. Gootnik is a strong proponent of pot, looking the other way when this gateway drug is being used and, well...a fan of DeBlasio, Farina and Carranza...but not so much of discipline and standards. Thank GOD the parents of the school still care!).

    Elaine Lindsay and Leticia Pinero are the biggest bigots I've ever met. They actually have TOLD the former principal and chapter leader of one school that they were "not impressed" with that schools achievements "because (that school) only had such high stats because (it) was mostly White and Asian."

    Why does no one see that Carranza and his unqualified coven disguised as superintendents and deputy superintendents are mentally ill and very dangerous? The racism that they imagine is rife in NYC schools starts (and for the most part) ends with them. THEY must be the ones who believe that minority children are subpar and in doing so, project it on others.

    Rumor has it that Cardozo lost it's AP of Safety and Security because of a slashing that could've been prevented HAD THE PARENTS OF THE ASSAILANT SHARED WITH THE SCHOOL THAT THE CHILD HAD AN IEP (that had been utilized since elementary school) THAT CLEARLY INDICATED THAT HE WAS PRONE TO VIOLENCE. Are school faculty and staff members, now required to be psychic? Are we supposed to "just know" that a child is mentally ill? Isn't that "profiling" (something that the mayor, the chancellor and their hench-twits despise)? What is it going to take to get Carranza out? The murder of a child inside a school? Oh wait. That already happened under Farina's watch, thanks to her starting the ball rolling with the whole "having SAVE rooms is a racist practice" and "suspending a child is a bias nigh to hate 'crime')?

    DeBlasio's knee jerk reaction to EVERYTHING is to scream "racism" or "bias". He only hires people who share in his derangement.

    Our schools have been ruined by a cult of racists.

    Five years ago I would've ended with "Blessed are the cracked; for it is they who let in the light." However, I can't make light of this sad, sad situation. All I can do is weep for the children enrolled in NYC schools.

    It's going to get much much much worse...and we won't recover for a long, long time - -if ever.

  21. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Since you don't want to say that Carranza is a racist, I'll do it for you. (I'm half Mexican, half Black and English is my second language. I can do that by Carranza's warped 'logic").

    I live and work in a district 26 school that has been decimated by the policies and practices brought forth by Farina and Carranza (for both of whom I had much hope after Bloomberg's "winners"). I fear that our schools (and I mean all of them- -not just the ones in Districts 26, 27 and 28) will not recover for at least 20 years. (I won't be teaching but I'm not so selfish as to sit back not speak up).

    The superintendent and her deputy came from Bronx schools. Tell me what large public high school, other than Bronx Science, is still standing in tact and functioning well? You CAN'T! They've all been RUINED. DESTROYED. KILLED, CREMATED and had their ashes SPIT ON.

    Yet these two were sent in (by Farina but now even further empowered by Carranza) to do the same to our schools Just ask the the retired principals of Bayside, Cardozo, Francis Lewis, Forest Hills. Then ask the "new" principals who replaced them. You'll see and hear a difference (at least with the first three. Forest Hills is losing the principal who replaced the one with sense. It seems the outgoing principal who replaced Mr. Gootnik is a strong proponent of pot, looking the other way when this gateway drug is being used and, well...a fan of DeBlasio, Farina and Carranza...but not so much of discipline and standards. Thank GOD the parents of the school still care!).

    Elaine Lindsay and Leticia Pinero are the biggest bigots I've ever met. They actually have TOLD the former principal and chapter leader of one school that they were "not impressed" with that schools achievements "because (that school) only had such high stats because (it) was mostly White and Asian."

    Why does no one see that Carranza and his unqualified coven disguised as superintendents and deputy superintendents are mentally ill and very dangerous? The racism that they imagine is rife in NYC schools starts (and for the most part) ends with them. THEY must be the ones who believe that minority children are subpar and in doing so, project it on others.

    Rumor has it that Cardozo lost it's AP of Safety and Security because of a slashing that could've been prevented HAD THE PARENTS OF THE ASSAILANT SHARED WITH THE SCHOOL THAT THE CHILD HAD AN IEP (that had been utilized since elementary school) THAT CLEARLY INDICATED THAT HE WAS PRONE TO VIOLENCE. Are school faculty and staff members, now required to be psychic? Are we supposed to "just know" that a child is mentally ill? Isn't that "profiling" (something that the mayor, the chancellor and their hench-twits despise)? What is it going to take to get Carranza out? The murder of a child inside a school? Oh wait. That already happened under Farina's watch, thanks to her starting the ball rolling with the whole "having SAVE rooms is a racist practice" and "suspending a child is a bias nigh to hate 'crime')?

    DeBlasio's knee jerk reaction to EVERYTHING is to scream "racism" or "bias". He only hires people who share in his derangement.

    Our schools have been ruined by a cult of racists.

    Five years ago I would've ended with "Blessed are the cracked; for it is they who let in the light." However, I can't make light of this sad, sad situation. All I can do is weep for the children enrolled in NYC schools.

    It's going to get much much much worse...and we won't recover for a long, long time - -if ever.
