Saturday, June 01, 2019

Why Does The DOE Continue To Shortchange Schools?

   Since 2008, the DOE has shortchanged schools when it has come to funding.  According to the City budget for 2019, only the now discontinued Renewal Schools received 100% of their Fair Student Funding (FSF).  In fact, most schools received far less with a minimum of 87%,  To fully fund NYC public schools under FSF, it would cost an additional 750 million dollars.

The FSF is broken down as follows:

Fair Student Funding Fair Student Funding (FSF) is $6.1 billion this school year and is used by schools to cover basic instructional needs. FSF funding usually comprises between 60 to 70 percent of an individual school’s budget and Principals may spend it at their discretion, with the ability and flexibility to decide how much to spend on teachers and other instructional needs. 

 The FSF formula allocates funding to schools through five categories:  

1.Foundation, which is a fixed amount of $225,000 for each school and may be used at the principals discretion for administrative staff, teachers, or other services the principal would like to provide. 

 2.Grade weights, based on student grade levels; 

 3.Needs weights, based on students’ needs; 

 4.Enhanced weights for portfolio high schools, which include CTE and transfer schools; and 

 5.Collective Bargaining,related to increases for staff funded with FSF

 While Mayor Bill dr Blasio committed to fully fund the public schools and lower class sizes, he has failed to achieve either one despite a $4 billion dollar City surplus.

Obviously, the Mayor and his Chancellor rather use the money for other needs then to  help the students by reducing class sizes, hire more teachers, and fully fund the schools.


  1. Anonymous5:11 AM


  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The ONLY reason to maintain membership in the UFT is because your dues will pay for your attorney if you get brought up on 3020a charges. Other than that, the UFT a union in name only.

  3. Between Mulgrew and our union, Diblasio as mayor, Cuomo as Governor we are in bad shape to say the least. Meanwhile its usually the LIberals who are causing these issues. California and New York are disaster zones. WE will be lucky if students have a 4th grade reading level in HS in the next 10 years.

    If we do not build, 20-30 new schools around the city no doubt in the next decade overpopulation will be as bad as the rats in the subways.

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM


    Overcrowding will not be a problem in the future. Families with children are leaving NYC in droves. Even with all the new development, the new buildings are not family friendly, (studios or 1 and 2 bedrooms) nor are they anywhere near affordable for families.

  5. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Many teachers who get charged on 3020a use private attorneys and not union weaklings. I have saved union dues for well over 10 years due to their ineffectiveness to support classroom teachers. Best decision I ever made. Be smart and follow suit now. JUNE is the time to enact change in dues collection.

  6. Anonymous5:11 AM

    If you do not pay union dues are you still covered by Welfare Fund? Can you still pay for other services Union offers? What about the Catastrophic Insurance?

  7. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The DOE would rather waste millions- make that billions- on pet projects rather than fully fund schools under its own funding formula. They never tire of coming up with new wasteful projects- Renewal, Respect 4 All, Discovery, Showcase Schools, AP for All, Diversity Training, the Office of Whatever. Fully funding the schools to 100% of FSF would take power away from Tweed (they feel).Even federal Title I and CTE funding gets diverted or perverted to fund their pet projects. It's not about blaming the State. The money is there- it's about the priorities of the Mayor and DOE.

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    It doesn't matter how much money my school gets, my principal will find a way to waste it. We do not have the scores or honest diplomas to account for the millions my school receives.

  9. Anonymous8:24 AM

    do not listen to the trolls from chalkbeat posting here trying to get members to resign from uft or withdraw dues. MInd you these are people who work for the koch bros and the waltons choose wisely my friends

  10. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The UFT is allowing discrimination against older teachers. The UFT is useless.

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Don't forget all the millions wasted on The ATR pool when these teachers could be easily placed, but that would make too much sense.

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The UFT is working with the DOD to get rid of senior teachers.

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

    They like to hire cheap, and make older teachers targets.
