Monday, September 16, 2019

Maspeth High School Cheats For The Illusion Of Success

Maspeth high school has been accused of cheating to jack up their academic success.   This Queens high school has been written about previously in my blog and others  for the high percentage and abuse of untenured teachers along with financial shenanigans.  Now columnist Susan Edelman of the New York Post has written an article that exposed the school's manipulation of the school's graduation rate and Regents passing percentage..

Despite the various issues at Maspeth High School over the years the DOE has never bothered to seriously investigate the founding Principal, Khurshid Abdul-Mutakabbir or his assistant principals despite the various questions about how the school is run by parents, students, and teachers.   I was at Maspeth High School for a month a couple of years ago and read my experiencel Here. 

Maspeth high school will cheat to continue the illusion of success and the DOE will do nothing about it.  Read the New York Post Editorial Board opinion.

Read one student's story how the school graduated him six months early despite hardly attending class.


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Oh please... Can someone name a school not doing this type of so-called cheating? This is what the city wants principals to do.

    Look at the head of CSI's comment: Coleman declined to comment, but Holden learned her office referred allegations to the city Department of Education’s own investigative arm.

    Enough said. Nothing to see here folks. Let's move onto another school doing the same thing.

  2. Anonymous6:08 AM

    No surprise Chaz, admins have been using Denielson to coerce teachers into raising grades for a while. Now that people see that cheating and grade fraud is pervasive even at "Blue Ribbon Schools", will the Post cover the extensive fraud happening in other boroughs?

    If only the public knew how kids are learning nothing in schools today as admins demand that teachers do not teach but "facilitate' or "coach". In the meantime Rosa and her merry band of Regents are talking about eliminating state exams while this is all happening. Can you say MORE GRADE INFLATION?

    The DOE "will do nothing about it" cuz SCI allows them to self investigate, "Coleman declined to comment, but Holden learned her office referred allegations to the city Department of Education’s own investigative arm." Corrupt AF.

    Chicago ain't got NOTHING on NYC.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I say Kudos for Sue Edelman who is the only one who brings these issues to the public eye. I wish someone would investigate my school, Flushing High school where we can't give zeros to students who plagiarize an assignment or who don't turn it in. They have to be given 55. That's grade inflation. Also, there was rampant cheating on the Regents. Our principal brags about the graduation rate going up to 70% when we all know it's all grade inflation. The kids now are just as bad as they were 10 years ago, but as long as you have the numbers, that's all that matters to the d.o.e. He also hired a ton of untenured teachers so they'll do what he wants. The ends justify the means.

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The D0E and the Union never do anything.

  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The first thing this school did when interviewing a candidate I know was hand them a form asking whether or not they would pass a student based on data provided. More will come out about this schools practices. I know this is nothing new, but this school goes above and beyond.

  6. Anonymous7:50 PM

    So what is the solution? If we go back to real standards and holding kids accountable then the black/latino graduation rate will plummet again, and no one wants that again, especially DiBlasio who is still running for prez.

    Some cultures value education more than others and no amount of Professional (under) development or Danielson's tyranny will change that.

  7. Why are the main stream media never cover these stories?

  8. Anonymous2:24 PM

    3:27 The solution is smaller class size. Smaller class size has proven to be effective. Instead they spend money on consultants, useless pds and curriculum and the ATR pool. They know the solution but nobody wants to do it. Is it better to leave these kids go to battle in the real world without a sword and shiel? We're telling them the sun is going to shine for them everyday and we know it won't. I did well in college because my teachers in high school were tough on me. When students write me or send emails they tell me thank you for pushing me and for being tough on me. They don't say thank you for doing the Socratic Circles and Fishbowls in class.

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM


    It's an election year and right now the New York Times and chalkbeat are basically the PR arms of the Democratic Party. The line everyone that everyone has to tow now is "charter schools are evil." Look at how they turned on Cory Booker for his past support of charters. While I'm not a fan of charters, I can see how the game is played.

    The mainstream press won't publish anything negative about public schools because it will provide ammunition for the pro-charter advocates... UNLESS the news is about too many Asian students getting into a specialized high school or gifted programs. In that case, attacks on the them and the programs they participate in are fair game.

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM


    Wait until they excess your ass and nobody wants you.

    Spend money on people to have jobs. You are in a union.

    Either you are a doe shill, a millennial or just clueless

  11. Anonymous9:42 AM

    too bad we all thought it was a great school but only to be mislead by leadership letting us to believe that the leadership there knew how to get kids to perform and not like a lot of other nyc schools who have not been able to do that....jeez louise we live in a fake society where image is everything and substance is crap

  12. Anonymous7:38 AM

    How about a school that every regents week tells teachers to identify failing students and give them a packet of work to do for a passing grade in the class. Every regents week, they call if boot camp.

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

    7:38 Yes, and who is to know if the kid actually did it him or herself or paid a friend or had a parent do it. Look at the kid from Maspeth in the Post who said he was given packets but had someone else complete them for him.

  14. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I was a student at Flushing high school last year. I did NOT want to graduate. I did not even pass a single Regents Test. I was behind in credits. Why would I want to graduate? Smoking pot in the boy locker room and in the stairs. Go to class?? Heck no. Teachers don't teach an I learn nothing from all the F$#$^& group work crap. I would never pass a Single Regents test because my group members are not their to let me copy they work.

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  16. Anonymous9:30 PM


    Principal Marie Guillamare & Assistant Principal Donald Sexton threatened me on SEVERAL OCCASIONS that my license will be stripped away if my colleagues and I didn’t follow through With grade inflation Etc. THERE IS ALOT OF CORRUPTION, HARASSMENT & HOSTILITY GOING ON IN THIS BUILDING
