Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Joe Biden And The UFT Leadership

Joe Biden showed up to the Teacher Recognition Day Conference, run by the UFT, and tried to claim he was a pro public school teacher and promised to increase teacher salaries and school funding.  However, most of the teachers at the conference gave him a lukewarm reception despite the warm reception given him by the UFT leadership and rightly so.

 We all remember that Joe Biden was the Vice President under pro charter school and blame the teacher when students fail academically,  Barack Obama.   The originator of the teacher evaluation system that required student test scores to be tied to teacher effectiveness.

Joe Biden and Barak Obama both claimed to have a bromance and for Joe Biden to claim he had little influence over Obama's education policy is hard to believe. Hopefully Joe Biden continues to do poorly in the debates and is out spent by the others.

There is no way I will vote for either Joe Biden or Cory Booker if they gets the Democratic nomination.


  1. I agree. Let’s see who who Randi chooses for all of us. I believe Warren will be the one - equally as bad as Biden. Whomever Randi chooses will automatically lose, but first she has to trade our votes for a cabinet position as Secretary of Education.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I’m voting Nixon, once they dig him up

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I totally agree. I don't understand why so many people thought Barack was a great president. He tried and almost succeeded in destroying public education and the careers of public school educators. Also, I can't believe Common Core is being swept under the rug without anyone being held accountable. Just sayin'.

  4. Candidates will be lining up to get UFT support - lots of free ads and mailings courtesy of the UFT. Also, at one time, the phone banks and were manned by volunteers pushing a candidate. I don't know if that would even work today since most people don't have or ignore land lines.

  5. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Teachers on the Left may not agree with what I’m about to say, but the safest choice for the rank and file is Trump in 2020. What has he Done to us since he became president? What has Betsy Devi’s done? I’ll tell you, absolutely nothings . They could care less about education, which is the best we can ask for. If another SJW President gets elected they will have all kinds of fantasy reforms to foist on us again. DO NOT forget that school closures and Danielson all happened under Obama and Biden.

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I will be voting for Trump in 2020. I don't find any of the Democrat candidates viable or realistic.

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Obama was a spy for the brotherhood and lest anyone think that this is a falso

  8. Bernie would be the best candidate, but the Dems hate him more than Trump. The second best candidate is Pence. Get Trump out via impeachment and Pence becomes president for the remainder of Trump’s term and is later elected. He’s the best candidate - many Dems secretly like him and many Repubs secretly hate Trump. Warren, Biden, Booker ,Butteege, and all the rest are like something characters out of a bad cartoon. If one of them gets the nom over Bernie - Bloomberg can buy the election , the same way he bought his third term inNYC. Bloomy is the real deal - a real billionaire, a real (diabolical) genius, a real negotiator - while Trump is a complete fraud. If the choice is between Trump or Bloomberg realize Bloomberg will devastate unions, privatize schools, curtail our diets, eliminate our favorite drugs and alcohol and make us all healthier and much more unhappy people - all while he becomes a trillionaire. If he runs against Trump - the choice will be between voting for a fake devil and a real one.

  9. Bernie 2020, the only viable choice for union members. But the anti-left UFT leadership would prefer Trump to Bernie though they will never say that.

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    @5:49 This is simplistic and mistake. Trump has placed several conservative judges on the supreme court who are anti-union and more than likely, will be anti-tenure. Trump himself is anti-union and Devos is pro-charter. All of these things affect us "rank and file" teachers. I'm not saying Biden is better, but to argue Trump and Devos don't hurt us is simply not true.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Trump 2020

  12. Obama was an utter disaster as our first bi-racial president. The economy was a slow as a slug and the stock market was going nowhere. Look at the confidence in the market for TRump. Everyone is benefiting with our pensions. As much as I disagree with him selecting Betsy Devos, Trump is the best candidate by far. When the boomerang comes around and Obama, Clapper, Clinton and the gang become exposed by the AG and IG I will be laughing so hard.

    Trump foreign policy and trade deals destroy Obama. Obama was making money selling out our country. Like his hot mic moment to tell Putin we will be more flexible. It was Obama administration who allowed the Russians to interfere. Bronx ATR needs to stop watching crazy Rachael Maddow and Dom Lemon and start to center up.

  13. Anonymous9:40 AM

    5:49 is right. Trump is not interested in education 'reform' and has made no moves about it and will unlikely change in this.

    For teachers this is the best, because as 5:49 pointed out, it is the Leftist social justice warriors who have done the most DAMAGE to our job security, working environments, and with every new 'initiative' or 'shift' they shove down our throats, whether common core, charter schools, increased testing or Danielson's - the kids lose also.

    Liberals mostly live in an emotion-based fantasy land like John Lennon's song Imagine.

    To protect education we need a president who is not motivated to change it endlessly. Trump is better for teachers right now.

    We just have to make sure to not speak too loudly about this in the Teacher's Lounge (tm) because so many sjw notwits are there and will try to get you fired.

  14. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Biden, Obama, Elizabeth Warren and Randi Weingarten were of no use for UFT teachers. GO TO WWW.PSCCUNYWF.ORG AND SEE THEIR GREAT DRUG PLAN FOR INSERVICE AND RETIREES. How can such a small union like PSCCUNY have such a great drug plan compared to UFT. UFT retirees are paying astronomical amounts for drugs.

  15. Spoiled Starbucks Sipping Millenial. Trump knows best though.11:26 AM


    Trump is adamantly against public education, and teachers. He wants to crush any and all unions. As said by another commenter, he appointed Supreme Court justices who oppose unions. Additionally, he, along with other conservatives, would want to eliminate pensions.

    The reference to Obama being "bi-racial" is completely irrelevant and calls to the point that you wanted to just call him black, but not sound racist. It has nothing to do with the argument at all. The economy was in the can when he took office following the Housing Crisis of 2008, and he slowly built it back up.

    Trump continues to "improve" the economy with a booming stock market yes(despite a government bail out to farmers after messing up a trade deal with China). But yet, most Americans have no investment in the stock market, because they are too poor to invest. Additionally, the unemployment is the lowest ever, but decades ago, families could survive on 1 income, and own a home. Now both parents NEED jobs to simply pay bills. That additional parent didn't need a job years ago. So i'm glad unemployment is the lowest ever, but Americans still cannot afford to live. I'm a 34 year old millennial who lives in a 1 bed room apartment in queens. My wife and I are $80,000 in debt from going to state Colleges. We've had full time jobs making a substantial living for 8+ years. I'm not saying Obama was the answer, but Trump is not the saving grace. And I will absolutely not be voting for him.

  16. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Since Bernie and Warren are unelectable in terms of leading our country at this point (one being a socialist and the other being nearly a socialist) and Biden is, to be kind, obviously doddering and out of touch(not to mention the Hunter issue) one would imagine a centrist Democrat under 75 should get the nod. Is there one?

    (Although the Trump=Satan crew might not realize this, Trump really is essentially unconcerned with public education and not interested at all in throwing us all out of our health care plans.)

  17. retired teacher8:10 AM

    to 9:41 - small unions can get better health plans because the costs are relatively low. CSA has about 4000 members. NYPD rank of sergeant and above have better health plans than the rank and file. When I started teaching in NYC in the late sixties Blue Cross and Blue Shield was the medical plan. That all changed in the financial crises of the early seventies.

    We once were issued checks on Friday that came with the warning not to deposit them until Monday!
