Saturday, February 08, 2020

Amy Klobuchar For President

I watched the New Hampshire Democratic debate and was very impressed with only one candidate on the stage.  Amy Klobuchar, Senator from Minnesota.  She is a moderate and has shown throughout her political carrer that she can get rural farmers, suburbanites, and urban voters to support her. 

Moreover, the minority urban core of Minneapolis overwhelmingly supported Amy Klobuchar   She is the only candidate that has widespread appeal and I believe she is also the only one of the Democratic candidates, except for Michael Bloomberg (ugh) who can get independents to vote for her.

 Finally, she is not a millionaire or is supported by millionaires like the rest of the Democratic candidates.  All three major New Hampshire newspapers support her as well as the New York Times.

Her one real weakness is her education policy which I graded her as a "C-" but she strongly supports teacher pay and improving our traditional public schools.  However, she also supports publicly funded charter schools if they don't take funding from traditional public schools and that's a no, no in my book.

To me only Amy Klobuchar, with her soft touch and sharp focus on the issues has a chance to beat Donald Trump.


  1. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Seriously? The Democrats such as Obama, Arne Duncan, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat NY legislature and their enabler Mike Bloomberg are the ones that screwed NYC teachers with Race to the Top. They are the ones responsible for School Closures, ATRs, Danielson, loss of seniority rights, longer school days, reduction in fixed rate TDA and much more.

    No way can I ever vote for a Democrat unless I get some tangible take-backs and improvements in my life. The Democrats control all levels of NY state right now and what have they done for us? NOTHING. If they want my vote I want restoration of S/U rating with one observation/year again, seniority transfer rights again, right to grieve an observation, return to the 6 hour 20 minute day, and to top it off the ability to retire with 20 years in the system like the uniformed services. If the Democrats can’t or won’t do those things then F@&! Them!

    Trump is the best for teachers.

    Trump 2020

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Sorry, Democrats have lost my vote forever. They are pure evil. MAGA for me

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    VOTE TRUMP! The Democrats are a party of clowns!

  4. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Klobuchar is just Hillary Clinton in a snowsuit

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Democrats are all losers WAKE UP
    Trump is a loud mouth who does not back down I know he does not know when to shut up but the Democrats are 1000 times worse. They are a joke . How can you take them serious??
    The Squad wants to run this country . They cant run their own households.
    Trump is not a politician MAGA

    look at..Pelosi ?? crazy bernie..Chucky cheese Schumer.the squad//AOC???.Are you kidding me?? you cant make this party Up..HAHAHAHA

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It is true Klobuchar has not lost her marbles (like ole Joe) nor is she advocating confiscating wealth (Bernie, Warren). She is obviously bright enough and is experienced enough that she could handle the job of president. As people become aware of all that I guess that means she may move up in the Democratic polls.

    In addition to that, it seems the Democratic establishment knows they're looking at a landslide in 2020. Their goal is to just lose one and not propose a 'scary' (i.e. Socialist or senile) candidate that harms the Democratic 'brand' to the extent they lose again in 2024 and 2028. Klobuchar fits the bill in that respect as well.

    You may be onto something with Klobuchar (as a Pres or V.Pres Democratic nominee this cycle.)

  7. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Why are people who live in Long Island allowed to work in NYC schools? There should be tolls placed all along the border of Queens to charge people wanting to entering the 5 boroughs, clogging our streets with your cars, taking our jobs.... get out! Just stay on Long Island and please shut up about where you live ... no one here cares... we don't want you here.
    Oh yeah... and yes I am voting Amy too!

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Amy Klobuchar looks like she should be hosting a bake sale in Minnesota for all the
    mid western moms out there...Amazing how teachers have moved away from the all appears to be hands down a landslide for Trump. Nancy Pelosi has lost her party and the only way to revive the dem party is for better leadership, not crazy Nancy.

  9. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Just to add to the insane world of politics that we now live in, with regard to the scholarship Trump offered to the young girl at the state of the union speech with her mother there turns out that the little girl goes to a CHARTER SCHOOL some where in Philly, PA! So it wasn't that she was "trapped" in some failing public school after all. You cannot make this sht up.

    1. @8;'s like groundhog day over and over and over wtf

  10. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Trump is pro-school choice, anti-union, and put Devos, one of the biggest charter school supporters as head of the Department of Education. He also put two conservative judges on the Supreme Court which severely weakened Unions and they will no doubt rule against tenure whenever that case makes it to them. For people who constantly complain the UFT does not help them, how would a weaker UFT help you more? Also, based on the evidence, how can you possibly think he's the best for teachers? Just because he hasn't specifically said anything about it? You guys are either naive or purposefully obtuse.

  11. @5:42 you are dead spot on. The DEMS caused the chaos and issues we are in today and they think Bernie Sanders is the savior hahahahahahaha.

    Even the moderate left is so far over now. The DEMS project everything and the hypocrisy is beyond infuriating. OBama was a disaster, his foreign policy alone was a joke. The economy was trash and all companies were leaving.

    Here is the nut job @8:31 sucking on long island dick again with his stupid rants.

  12. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Bye- Bye Namita.....

    FBI probes allegations of ‘deep-rooted’ academic fraud in NYC schools
    By Susan Edelman

    The feds have started looking into allegations of widespread academic fraud in New York City schools, a Queens lawmaker says.

    City Councilman Robert Holden met this month with officials in the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York after his call for a federal probe of “deep-rooted fraud” in the city Department of Education.

  13. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I wonder if the Feds will let Namita Dwarka and her hairless lap-dog Moises Morales be bunkmates?

    1. #8:29 pm that is hilarious. Who is moises Morales?

  14. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Moises Morales.....

    If you roll over on Namita, the feds will give you a better deal. Think about it.

    A trusted insider.

  15. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Moises Morales.....

    The first to squeal gets the deal!

    Think about it.

  16. Anonymous8:52 PM

    As bad as the Democrats can be, it is astonishing that any teacher would be supportive of Trump. He is incredibly anti-union and pro privatization of schools. If he had his way, he could get rid of pensions, make us pay more money out of pocket for health insurance, and get rid of all the collective bargaining rights we have left.

  17. ATR 25/5511:47 AM

    8:52 - How is Trump anti-Union or pro-privatization of schools? Sorry about questioning your delusions. Most teachers have appreciated the higher pay they take home because of Trump, or the growth of the stock market that helps out their TDA funds though. As for paying out of pocket for health insurance, that's on the State and the City chump.

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Anonymous 8:52 please do your homework! You are just reiterating what you hear and read from the fake media. Look what voting blue has done for NY??? Bail reform. Illegal immigrants before citizens. Crime through the roof. Taxes increasing because of all the FREE stuff that the middle class taxpayers aren't eligible for! Please! Stop with this Trump hating and take a good look at what he has done for this country!

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Just to add to the insane world of politics that we now live in, with regard to the scholarship Trump offered to the young girl at the state of the union speech with her mother there turns out that the little girl goes to a CHARTER SCHOOL some where in Philly, PA! So it wasn't that she was "trapped" in some failing public school after all. You cannot make this sht up.

    8:41 AM

    Charter schools are NOT what they once were! The charter schools I know of are filled with unruly students and fake teachers.
