Sunday, February 02, 2020

Biden Or Bloomberg For President? Neither One

It increasingly looks like the Democratic center will be between Joe Biden and Michael Bloomberg and if the moderate wing of the Democratic party wins out from the progressives, the question is who would I vote for, assuming that moderates  Buttgieg or Klobuchar do not get the Democratic nomination?

Despite some people (Randi Wiengarten) who believe Joe Biden has mended his ways and is pro public schools I don't believe him.  He was instrumental in supporting Barack Obama's pro charter school agenda that also blamed teachers for student growth using "junk Science"as his vice President.  Moreover, he still supports public charter schools.  Finally, he was a strong advocate of all charter schools back as a U.S. Senator Here. While some naive people believe that Joe Biden has changed his ways, I don't and he will not get my vote for President.

Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire and education deformer darling is unapologetic for his past and present support of charter schools.  He has shown contempt for teachers, parents, and schools by under funding public schools and  using existing school buildings for new charter schools.  He is a disaster for public education in New York City and was responsible for closing 156 schools, despite community opposition..  I'd rather vote for Donald Trump, who's education agenda has been ineffective as long as the Democrats still hold the House of Representatives than Michael Bloomberg,

If either Joe Biden or Michael Bloomberg become the Presidential candidate, neither one will get my vote.


  1. Bernie is the only way I am voting. I'd vote for Trump over Bloomberg. Biden is just too out of teach with everyone.

  2. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I will NEVER vote for Bloomberg and I cannot stomach a vote for Trump vs
    Bloomberg. So I guess my vote will be for Bernie. Race to the top was a disaster for teachers. To get rid of Trump I would have to consider Biden if he is the nominee.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    bloomberg was a pimp he never could have our fought santino

  4. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Biden has a Zero chance of beating Trump - same as Warren, Buttawhatever and any of the other misfit toys. The only one that can beat Trump is Bernie (if Bloomberg doesn’t beat Bernie first). The Dems prefer Trump over Bernie. All knives are out.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Rumor has it that the voting Dems in Iowa realize Biden is and always has always been an awful presidential candidate (last time he went to Iowa he dropped out after getting less than 1% and the previous time he dropped out in tears just prior to the Iowa caucus over his plagiarism scandal). Came in 4th or thereabouts this year. Turns out that if you previously stunk as a presidential primary candidate and now you are widely considered to be a bit senile and widely considered to be a bit corrupt you have absolutely no chance. I guess the Ukraine scandal was the coup de grace for the old codger.

    Establishment Dems are completely shell-shocked by the Iowa results. LOL.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Three, THREE other times he ran and did poorly, and the media hyped Biden like he was inevitable, the most electable, and he struggled to get 15%!?!
      Bernie is on a roll!

  6. You are really a POS if you would even consider Biden over TRump, I get Bernie fix, Bloomberg was the worst for teachers he should not even be a second thought if somehow he goes against Trump.

  7. I know biden isn't much of an improvement over bloomburg (i could NEVER vote for him) but ill vote vote for him if Bootigieg doesn't get the Nom. If bernie or warren get the Nom, the election is already lost...he'll win in a landslide.

  8. I agree with you about Amy Klobuchar. Not one comment even considered her as above. She’s the one candidate who makes the most sense to me
