Friday, March 06, 2020

10% Of Schools Lack A School Nurse

The DOE and Principals have contributed to the school nurse shortfall as 10% of the schools lack a school nurse and with a potential coronavirus epidemic on the horizon.   The DOE is responsible to supply every school with a certified school nurse but has failed to do so.  Compound this with principals, who control their school budget, who refuse to use their precious school funds to hire a school nurse and then ask the DOE to reimburse them.

 The DOE has required some school nurses to rotate among schools that have no school nurse, meaning that many of the schools are not covered with proper medical personnel during the school day.  The lack of a full time school nurse is unconscionable and the DOE should be sued and those administrators responsible should be fired.  However, don't look for that to happen.

Considering that the DOE budget is nearly 27 billion dollar, they certainly can afford to supply every school with a full time school nurse.  Read the New York Post article Here.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    More of our terrific students are in the paper today. They are obviously honor students because they stopped short of killing their robbery victim.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    This is because he has so many small schools. It's unclear whether a nurse is assigned to a specific school or the entire building. Also this is one of those issues that isn't a problem until someone or in this case some thing makes it a problem.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Fyi chaz, i have my admin license and I know principals do not have the authority to hire nurses. The DOE has an Office that does that. Get your facts straight. Not everything is the principals fault. The DOE does whatever it wants.

  4. 11.36:

    Not true. If the DOE refuses to supply a nurse, the Principal must hire a nurse from their school funds and get the DOE to reimburse the school.

  5. I think the problem is a shortage of nurses and the DOE pay is substandard as compared to working in a health facility or doing private service.

  6. Yeah, but it’s a ridiculously easy job. No heavy lifting like in a hospital. Anytime serious, 911

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    While the Coronavirus does not seem to pose much of a threat to young people at all, it still would be nice to have a nurse for other reasons.
