Sunday, March 01, 2020

Chancellor Carranza's Folly

Chancellor Richard Carranza oversaw the well deserved demise of the ill-fated "Renewal Schools" program but he has replaced it with a more undeserving program called the "Academic Response Team" (ART).

The ART was formed in September to provide struggling schools with administrative supervision to help the Principal with strategies to improve student academic performance.  The DOE provided 10 million dollars for the school year.  However, for the first three months the 69, six figure salaried  person ART group never set foot into a school as the CSA objected to the surprise visits and what they saw was a wasteful allocation of money, with no tangible academic improvements.  Many principals rather had the money spent in the classrooms for more teachers and paras.

One of the Deputy "Leads" is the infamous Ben Sherman who alienated staff when he was Principal of Forest Hills High School and was forced to resign due to the publicity in the media.  Few, if any, of the 69 person staff are teachers and I suspect they are administrators who were removed from their school positions due to incompetence, discipline issues, or could not get along with school staff that caused morale problems. I wouldn't be surprised if they came form the Renewal Schools program.

Susan Edelman of the New York Post has a complete article on the ART program and is a must read on Chancellor Richard Carranza's folly..


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    At my school, we call them the FART Squad.

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I find it a funny coincidence that ART is an anagram for ATR and both are a big waste of money. When are they ever going to learn that the money should be spend on making smaller classes which has been proven time and time again to be effective at increasing student achievement.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I think it has become increasingly obvious that the goal of the DOE is not student achievement.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      It is a corrupt system that have crooked lawyers, and investigators that do not investigate.

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    if Dick Carranza's goal was to waste money, upset every race, every student, every DOE employee (except his cronies) well then he did a fine job! enjoy your new office Dick compliments of NYC taxpayers.

  5. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Have we ever had a chancellor that did a decent job?

  6. Anonymous7:44 PM

    we have had chancellors do bad jobs, mediocre jobs, and great jobs. the absolute worst will be our current R. Carranza. He has done so much damage in a year and a half. All of his actions are based solely on hooking up his buddies and looking at people's race rather than their experience, education, and talents. The incompetent people promoted under Carranza love him. The talent that he pushed out plus most whites and asian (he calls them yellow or white adjacent) hate him. No wonder he had to double his security detail.

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    @7:44 Thank you so much for speaking for my community and letting me know that myself, and most fellow Asians hate this man. S

  8. If they would have supplied 200 million into hiring new teachers, paras, support staff etc class sizes would be smaller or at the very worst have better support.

    Doctors, lawyers, dentists, you name it work one at a time, we are asked to work with 30-34 kids at a time with 1/3 there pay.

    Diblasio wife mental health program went to shit too, where did that 700 million go? His pockets for his stupid presidential bid?

  9. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Carranza is making $345,000 a year plus whatever perks get thrown his way. In three years, he will make over a million dollars.

    How is this man not embarrassed and humiliated by what is going on in the schools? Will there ever be a chancellor who is intelligent, honest, cares about children, has pride and dignity? I suppose anyone with those qualities knows too much to take the job in the first place.

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Imagine if NYCDOE has to close the schools across all would it play out? Would we lose out on summer vacation? Its scary to think about the issues that can play out regarding our schools if this violent virus comes into nyc schools...are we safe in our schools? how long would the schools be closed? would we still get paid? car days drained? The media is not helping the matter and quite possibly using the corona virus to help collapse our society, our economy all for the sake of keeping old fart nancy pelosi in power.

  11. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Having teachers work during the summer would never work. They will just let the kids slide along like they always do. Who cares if they miss 2 months of school. Apparently you can miss 90% of high school and still get a diploma.

  12. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Does anyone take the NYC DOE seriously? Can Carranza get more incompetent?

  13. to 9:36 am - the city can be very creative in making up time. They could cancel Spring recess and keep the schools open to the last day of June. The real draconian measure would be to extend the school day somehow.

  14. I sometimes wonder if I should have been an administrator. Where else can you be completely incompetent at your job and get PROMOTED?
