Wednesday, March 18, 2020

DOE's Remote Learning Is A Joke

The DOE has hastily pushed teachers to set up Google classroom so that students can do remote learning and I expect the results will be disastrous.  I can't see many students having the discipline to work on the assignments on their kitchen table or living room with screaming siblings running around the apartment.

Worse, will parents actually guide their children in their assignments?  Moreover, how many computers are there in the apartment?   Finally, how do you teach severely disabled students who need hands on instruction?  Read the New York Post article Here.

I see nothing but disaster when it comes to the DOE remote learning program.


  1. Shady5:21 AM

    Of course NYC DOE remote learning is a joke. The whole DOE is a joke. Only problem it is not a funny joke. This is serious.

    Had dummy mayor planned we would not be in this mess. We could have planned last week. Now, we are running around last minute trying to help bail dumb mayor out of this mess. Meanwhile mr dumb fuck wants to figure out how to sell drinks to-go???

    WHO would pay for a 15 dollar drink to go when they can go and buy a bottle of vodka and mix their own drink? Is this really what we are dealing with in NYC?

    How can we impeach this idiot? He doesn't deserve to finish out his term. No mayor could be this dumb. My 18 year old students with 2 credits (all in gym) can do a better job running this city at this point.

    To be associated and be represented by this man is a disgrace. Mulgrew on the other hand is another fuckin loser. Instead of advocating for teachers to stay home he had us reporting. The CSA principal union guy was the only decent human being and true leader. He called out the mayor and the whole city, Once he did that Mulgrew grew ONE ball (not two) but one ball and tried to jump on the bandwagon.

    You know I have always supported UFT but sorry this time UFT SUCKED. Couldn't stand up to a weak ass dumb incompetent mayor??? how much is he paying you???

  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    What do you suggest? This is unchartered territory for us all!

    Our school had one hour training yesterday. Not sure what we will be doing today.

    The DOE and schools have yet to inform parents on how remote learning will proceed.

    Computers and free internet are to be given to all students who are in need.

    Again unclear on guidelines and procedures!

  3. Anonymous7:21 AM

    @shady for all your crying this home thing could help stupid children like your son and the other mostly stupid ones. You know what I mean. This gives them a chance to get they're grades
    up since they don't have the capacity and work ethic to do it in a formal school setting.

    1. @7:21am: LOL. You're calling some children stupid? It is their NOT "they're". Shady did NOT mention his son. Your reading comprehension needs improvement. Look in the mirror before you decide to use the word "stupid". You probably made a typographical error but I'm not giving you the benefit of doubt, just as you don't give to Shady and the students.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I have been doing this job since I’m 23 and I’m now 40.

    People, don’t you ever learn? The doe is all about ‘show.’ They love to say ‘well, look what we did’, but they really don’t care.

    It’s easy to sit there and nod, smile and say,’that sounds great, boss!’

    Next week, I’ll put up some lame lesson with a few notes and a webquest. None of the kids are going to do it. We all know this, too.

  5. Well said, Shady.

    This guy...da mayor. Goes from wanting to keep schools open for the homeless kids to doing an about face and wanting to pull the city on total lockdown. He literally has no clue what he is doing, and yet, in a time of crisis, his incompetencies are being put out on full display.

    1. Social workers, guidance counselors and nurses are being assigned to learning centers. I guess it's okay for them to possibly catch Covid 19 and take it home to their community. Maybe they will be provided masks. Idk

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    You know what's going to happen if the schools stay closed all term. We will have to give all the kids the benefit of the doubt and pass them saying we can't hold the Coronavirus outbreak against them. The mayor will love that the graduation rate will shoot up because of this. It's not going to matter if the kids do the work or not. Only the parents who truly care about their kids receiving an education will make kids do the work. Also the College Board cancelled the May SAT and they are thinking of doing the AP exams online. How in the hell that will work I don't know? You can't even be sure it's the right kid taking the exam.

  7. @Shady... love your posts & agree with you 100 percent

    Bars selling drinks to go are called liquor stores, Mr. Mayor.

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Thinking the same thing @8:54AM. The mayor went from stating he was keeping the schools open due to homeless students, health care workers, city workers, etc. Now, he was a complete NYC shut down. This whole situation is very sad. Something else to plan in case there is every another need for virtual instruction.

  9. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I agree with chaz about the remote learning. Do you remember in 2013 when they graded the Regents exams on-line and what a disaster that was? This will be the same only a million times more a disaster.

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I told you guys months ago to buy a gun, invest in gold and stock up on water and canned food. Now get out of the city and go upstate or rural ASAP. Once the warm weather hits the shit will hit the fan.

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Chaz can you confirm info 2:12pm just gave us on Social Workers, GCs, and nurses?

    1. @4:42pm: It was in today's NY Daily News. I hope it's not true.

  12. I remember when the DOE implemented Ilearn with great fanfare and carefully selected motivated and high achieving students to take the remote learning course and liked the results. Of course when they expanded it to all students in more schools the results were disastrous and was discontinued.

  13. Replies
    1. The NY Daily News got it wrong... again

  14. Anonymous7:10 PM


    You’re spreading fake news.

    1. @7:10pm... blame the NY Daily News.

  15. Page 8 "Special sites for kids of key workers"...NY Daily News article about SW, GC and nurses. More BS I guess.

  16. Shady7:31 PM

    @waitingforsupport thank you so much for responding to that idiot... This idiot claims to be a teacher but can't tell the difference between "two, to and too" and now can't tell the difference between "they're and their". However, continues to call students stupid. How sad of a life does this miserable person have?

    1.'re welcome. I calls it, as I sees it. Lol

  17. 18 years in, robbed of a paternity leave, this is incredible one month minimum escape. Already lost thousands on per session, but if this school year is basically over take it. Survive and advance in game of DOE.

    You have to be the dumbest fuck if you ever believed in this incompetent POS mayor. Has the audacity to believe he is even worthy to be a candidate for presidency. Gotta cancel regents, what happens to the seniors who need 11th grade regents to graduate?

  18. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Seems pretty obvious we'll post some weekly assignments and some kids will do it and some will not (for a hundred valid and invalid reasons IMHO).

    Actual grading of assignments turned in will prove essentially impossible and unit exams will be nonexistent. Which means final grades for all kids will be a "P" across the city.

    Just that simple. Keep it that way.

  19. Anonymous6:27 AM

    @waitingformyparentstobeproudofme so glad shady finally found a girlfriend.

    1. @6:27am...i wish you and your family safety during this time.

  20. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I hope this goes without saying, but in times like these I am glad we have James eterno and Chaz.

    For years, I have been getting my information from them that is more accurate than the rumors and fake news teachers spread at work.

    Yesterday, I was told by a guy retiring that de blasio is gilding to now pick and choose who gets to retire and gets pension and that ATRs and paras won’t get paid anymore. FAKE NEWS I RESPONDED. Sadly, people at work believed it.

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    These centers will not have any protective gear for students and "volunteers". Be very careful.

  22. Anonymous3:10 PM

    How are ATRs supposed to report their attendance at their schools. Have no clue as did not go in these last two days.

  23. Anonymous5:17 PM


    Schools are closed until at least 4/20/20.

    Atrs reporting o. Attendance? What does that even mean?

    As an ATR, check your emails and stay safe.

  24. Anonymous5:42 PM

    There is no wipes at my high for cleaning to
    kill the virus. Why did I go in.

  25. Anonymous5:43 PM

  26. Once kids get credit for this phony remote learning
    It will set a precedent that will be the beginning of the end for public schooling as we know it. 10 years from now there will be as many students getting educated at home as there are now in charter schools. Maybe we can compel the 5% of kids making life miserable for everybody else to be involuntarily educated at home

  27. Anonymous10:36 PM

    If teachers didn't show up at their school this week (3/16 - 3/20), will they be marked absent?

  28. Interesting article from Pennsylvania...Closed Philadelphia Schools, Citing Inequity, Won't Teach Students Online

    Pass them all. Seems every student will graduate. Regents most likely waived again for graduating seniors. Oh boy!!!

  29. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I heard that my school administrators have access to my account on googleclassroom; that the tech teacher at my school set it this way. Does anyone know if this is possible?

    Teachers were instructed to attach the admins to their googleclassroom and that they would be monitoring us by looking at the lessons we posted and the instructional conversations between the teachers and students.

    The UFT has agreed to this?

  30. 10:3

    Yes, unless you have a doctor's note that you are quarantined.

  31. Anonymous9:51 AM


    If your google accounts are through your school, school pays for the domain, and they create usernames and emails, then everything associated with those accounts are school property. They can see all emails, everything students write or email. IT is THEIR domain.

    However if you use your own, then YOU set your own restrictions and have complete control over everything.

  32. Anonymous10:27 AM


    We were mandated by my school to use googleclassroom set up by our school tech; it was not a choice. We cannot use our own google accounts.

    I am most disheartened that there has been no UFT statements about all of this online work.

  33. Anonymous11:01 AM

    @10:36 AM: Please contact the union about the absences this week. NYC website on coronavirus is advising to stay home even if showing mild symptoms, to stay away from medical offices and do not get tested. This forces members to utilize sick days when in reality due to the state of emergency staying home if mildly sick could have saved a life. Should we be penalized for it - NO. Let your voices be heard.

  34. ONE thing I know for sure is this society is incredible at whining and complaining even with validity.

    At least this happened nearly 3/4 into the school year. Working from home next month minimum still great even if your admin are listed on your google classroom. If we do not go back until September, we have 6 months with no students and tons of down time.

    I get it life is different because of the assholes in China, go read about the Harvard doctor they paid 50 grand a month 15 million total to help with this virus in Wuhan. WE have so much technology, shows etc at our disposal. If this was 1940 or even 1960 prob suck way more.

  35. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Trump cancelled all standardized testing for the year including Regents exams and AP exams. I guess we'll all get a free pass on ratings this year since they can't possibly do a MOSL. Also, not everyone got all their observations.

  36. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Correction to an earlier post. Trump said states can cancel standardized tests. AP exams will be done on-line and will only be 45 minutes. Easy way to get someone else to take the exam for you.

  37. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Article in Chalkbeat: NYC stopped confirming coronavirus cases at schools, but teachers headed to their campuses anyway
    By Christina Veiga

    This is dangerous. Are the statistics available?

  38. Anonymous9:07 PM

    So upset at de Blasio for keeping the schools open. He knew how dangerous it was because look at him now how the city needs to be shut down and that opening NYC schools by 4.2.20 would be very difficult to achieve. Due to his incompetence, he exposed students, their families, and all school staff to this pandemic.

  39. Regents exams are not canceled yet . Since they are directly related to graduation requirements. Nysed is still trying to figure out how to award credits and diplomas. They will release guidance on regents when they figure that all out. As of now, they are not canceled..... Yet...

  40. Anonymous5:52 PM

    @11:01 a.m. Thanks for your response. The teachers at my school were paid per session for coming in this I guess no absences for being out.

  41. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Now, after keeping schools open to provide childcare to essential workers, the City is supervising those children with volunteer teachers working unpaid second shifts:

  42. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Now, after refusing to shut schools so that essential workers had childcare, their solution is to provide that childcare using volunteer teachers working an unpaid second shift:

  43. Anonymous10:24 AM

    5:52: I don't know why you were told you were getting paid per-session. Per session can only be paid outside your regular work hours. Otherwise it's double dipping unless your principal lied about the actual times you worked.

  44. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Anyone have a regimented schedule given to them by their administration? An 8:00 to 3:00 outline with class time, office hours, and meetings?

  45. The Principal at Francis Lewis High School tried to do it but the Chapter Leader and the UFT complained and the DOE stopped the Principal from doing a bell schedule.
