Shockingly the Bloomberg administration has agreed to a tentative contract with it's largest union (DC37) that apparently does not contain union givebacks. This development is of extreme importance because it "sets the pattern" for the next contract for the teachers. For people unfamiliar with municipal bargaining in New York City. Once the city agrees with one of the major unions (usually DC37, the largest and weakest) on a contract. All other unions are subject to the parameters of that contract. For teachers to get more than the DC37 pattern, the teachers usually have to give up days and work extra time during the school day. Therefore, lets see what the general outline is of the DC37 contract.
The DC37 contract gives the union a 3.15% raise for 13 months (July 2005 to August 2006), a 2.0% raise for the next 6 months (August 2006 to February 2007) and a 4.0% raise for the last 13 months (February 2007 to March 2008). By compounding the interest it comes out to a 10% raise for a 32 month contract. The extra 2 months were added so that the city could give the union's welfare fund a much-needed cash infusion of 23 million dollars. Interestingly, the union won a very important takeback, the right to live in the New York State suburbs, as long as they pay the New York City Income Tax. This takeback (given up in 1987) is based upon the reality that the average DC37 employee (annual salary of $28,000) cannot afford to live in the big apple.
Why did the city give such a relatively (for them) generous contract to a union that they have used previously to impose a "pattern" on the rest of the unions? Simple, its politics, and the city's ever-growing budget surplus. First, Lillian Roberts is in serious trouble as head of DC37. She is outvoted on the executive board and has made enemies of the other unioms with her approval of a vastly inferior contract that was short on money and long on givebacks, which of course established the "pattern" for all of the other unions. Second, the city's ever growing budget surplus, presently 5 billion dollars! The tentative contract for DC37 was payback by Mayor Bloomberg to Lillian Roberts for saving the city millions of dollars in the previous contract when the city was claiming a budget deficit (it turned out the city had a budget surplus of 1.3 billion dollars). Further, Lillian Roberts is up for a tough reelection campaign later this year and the Mayor is supporting her reelection and this contract will help her immensly. Finally, by comng to a contract with DC37, the city has set the "pattern" before real negotiations with the tougher unions (police & teachers) get going.
What will this contract mean to the New York City teachers? First, the New York City teachers contract expires on October 7, 2007 and the teachers will receive the same 3.15% raise starting on October 7, 2006 that DC37 will get in their first year of their contract. Logically, the city is willing to give a 4% raise to the teachers for the first year (October 2007 to October 2008). This is the "pattern" set by the DC37 contract. Any increase in that number will be associated with givebacks, a situation that is not likely to be receptive to the teachers. Therefore, the 4% value seems to be a reasonable value for the first year.
The problem arises with the second and third years of the contract. Since DC37's contract will be ending and unless other major unions have settled a long-term contract (highly unlikely), the final two years will be based upon the city's financial condition, Randi Weingarten's willingness as leader of the Municipal Labor Council (MLC) to agree to give the city a less generous Tier V pension for the newbies, and/or paying a percentage of the salary (1 - 2%) for health benefits. Obviously, if Randi caves here, all the municipal unions will be getting significant raises (up to 5% if both are implemented) by giving back on the pension and health issues. However, if the MLC refuses to giveback on the pension & health issues the question is how much will the city offer? This is difficult to say. First, it depends on the city budget surplus/deficit. Second, what other givebacks the city wants from the teachers? A sixth period? More time during the day? Less time off? Required coverages? Randi has already said she will no longer exchange time for money and has committed to a three-year, 4 -5% per year contract to try to catch up to the suburbs. Therefore, unless the city is willing to pay the teachers close to what Randi wants without givebacks, the best the teachers can probably do is a 2-3% raise without the givebacks previously mentioned and that's assuming the city has not fallen into a budget deficit.
Personally, I expect one of two scenarios to occur. First, and the most likely scenario, the MLC caves (Randi caves???) and allows the city to start a Tier V pension and/or a 1-2% employee contribution to pay for health benefits, allowing the city to give the unions a 3 - 5% raise, based upon the status of the city budget surplus/deficit. The second scenario is that the MLC does not agree to the pension and health givebacks and the city may just decide (quite likely) to fake negotiating until either Bloomberg's term expires or the State finds the city bargaining in bad faith. In which case look for the city to offer a 2-3% raise with some very minor givebacks to save face.
In conclusion, it would appear that without the city receiving major givebacks in the pension and health area don't look for a contract anytime soon.
Standing with Federal Workers? Or backing Trump?
21 hours ago
Very thoughtful--I think it would be great if we got the two pre-Labor Day training days back as a takeback.
I'm not holding my breath, of course. And Lillian Roberts deserves to be tossed out for agreeing to that first crap contract.
Another factor here, though, is Randi is up for re-election. This might motivate her to come up with someing better than that pile of crap she negotiated last time.
In fact, considering her willingness to sell us down the river at the drop of a hat, it's hard to imagine she's motivated by any other factors at all.
I want those two "training days" in August back too. I know I'm a minority here, but I thought the days giveback was the worst of all the givebacks. It set up the precedent that school starts in August before Labor Day, it provides the opportunity for more days to be added in subsequent contracts (i.e., teachers are already back on Thursday, why not just start the week on Monday like the APs do) and it took five full days away from summer since Labor Day comes after the return to work.
I don't know about you guys, but I need my summers. I relish my summers. And I am greedy about my time off. My time off allows me to rest, rejuvenate and restore myself physically, mentally and emotionally. My time off makes me a better teacher. That's why I hated the days giveback most of all. Not to mention that my school is a scorching 98 degrees in October, let alone August. The heat really leaves me feeling drained and spent after a few days of sweating my butt off and it sure ain't cool in August on the 9th floor of the oven I teach in.
What I want in the next contract:
1) Give me back those 2 days in August- I was sick about that when we gave them back, and now that reality has set in, I am downright despondent. As far as I'm concerned, Labor Day weekend for teachers is gone- because while everyone else is enjoying time with family and friends, we'll be setting up our planbooks for what is essentially a full week of school.
2) Give me my due process back!
3) Whatever salary increase the city can "afford", what with its current 5 billion dollar surplus.
I agree that a necessary takeback is the two days before Labor Day. However, unless the negotiation committee holds firm on that takeback, look for Randi to look for the money at the expense of the length of the school year.
Unlike me Randi does not work summer school.
Caz, you're working summer school? For teachers working summer school, the two added days in August are absolutely awful. Summer school teachers used to get about 18 days off between the end of summer school and the beginning of the regular school year. Now it's down to 13 or less. Howthe hell are these teachers expected to remain sane and productive with a 13 day summer vacation? Obviously it is people who have never taught on a regular basis who are making these concessions.
Weingarten is a lying, cheating piece of shit in my book. I wish the UFT membership would make her pay for that last contract abomination, but I doubt they will. And I still worry that she'll add even more days and time next time around, no matter what she says now. She'll get an extra couple of percentage points, but so what? 2% of my salary works out to about $600 bucks after taxes. Is that the kind of money I'm willing to take to work an extra three days and 10 more minutes for the whole 191 day year???
I'm enjoying my first summer off in many years, and I don't relish going back two days early to listen to Klein's spin on what a great job he's doing.
I'd be absolutely willing to come in teaching from day one and get rid of that useless nonsense. That, for me, would be a great balance for getting those days back.
If you recall, when Klein came in, he made a big noise about reducing the number of teacher prep days. He then reinstated and expanded them.
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