Previously, Tweed came up with this idiotic idea to have students come in the morning of June 14th, when Regents were scheduled in the afternoon (12:45 pm). The result was very few students showed up and the ones that did were there to say goodbye for the year. Despite a Tweed edict to provide instruction, very little, if any instruction was provided as teachers were preparing for the Regents and to coordinate their proctoring schedules. Anyway, there were very few students willing to show up to be instructed! Now that was dumb!
However, even dumber Tweed required all high school juniors and sophomores to take the PSAT's on a school day. Instead of holding classes in the morning and giving the test in the afternoon, Tweed gave the test in the morning and tried to hold classes in the afternoon. The result? I had 11 out of 32 students in my official class (where attendance is taken) 7 out of 34 and 5 out of 25 students in my other two classes. What a waste of time, energy, and money. Worse yet, they made the freshmen sit for almost three hours in the cafeteria and hear the administrators drone about college (fours years and an eternity away), discipline, and school spirit. The seniors, of course were savvy enough to stay home.
Tweed, instead of doing the logical thing like having a half day of classes in the morning, decided they can squeeze more money out of the state if they claimed a full school day. "Penny wise and dollar foolish" should be the Tweed motto.
I guess when they made the movie "Dumb and Dumber" they must have had the people at Tweed in mind. I can only cringe knowing that the dumbest from Tweed is yet to come.
I was on reserve, and to punish me for being the first to show up, they sent me to cover for a colleague who didn't bother. About an hour in, they sent a secretary in to instruct me to walk around while I proctored. She was fortunate to escape with her life.
I later apologized, as she was, after all, just the messenger.
At 11:10, the principal announced that the next period would begin at 11:15. My test ended at 11:14. I then had to stand in line behind a dozen teachers and hand in my tests.
I showed up ten minutes late for my own class. I am never late for my own classes. I then got a phone call asking me for a seating chart, which I did not have and had never seen.
I then taught another class, and received several frantic calls seeking this vitally important chart. I could not get anything done and my mood was getting very foul.
Fortunately, the next period was my hall patrol, where I could relax with all the find students wandering the halls and cutting class--the cream of the crop.
Thank goodness Unity got us that contract. Without it, I might have eaten lunch, written lesson plans, or gotten into who knows what mischief.
Thank goodness we have Edwize to tell us what's happening in Darfur, and thank goodness they censor my impertinent comments. It makes me proud that my union works hand in hand with all the wise men from Tweed.
I was smart enough to be one of those teachers that did not show up. I was given an 8:00 AM assignment, even though I have a 9th period class. I requested a change, but it was not given to me. I figured the day would be chaotic and I didn't need the aggravation. Since I was only going to see 2 classes anyways, why bother? My two afternoon classes would probably be whining about going to the pep rally, taking place on the field outside the room. I have over 100 days in my bank. This day off was one definitely well spent.
I just left a friend who has been given a hard time by a parent of a special education student. Although he was entitled to extra time, he showed up to take the exam in her room. No one ever mentioned extended time to her and she didn't give him any. She's been put in the awkward position of explaining how this happened to parent.
This friend also pointed out conflicting instructions, from College Board and from the school. Of course, our school was doing something wrong, doing it wrong to make life easier for them. Ms. Tweed, who walked around and made sure the school was in compliance, thanked her for finding the problem. I'm sure Principal Suit was not as happy.
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