Accountable Talk wrote about one of the DOE gimmicks in closing large high schools and bringing in small schools. Therefore, lets go a step further and look at what is happening at a closing large high school. Lets call the school
Hoover High. Originally
Hoover High was a struggling large comprehensive high school that serviced the low and working class neighborhood it was located in. With a student population of
approximately 2,800 students, the school offered a comprehensive academic curriculum and various extra-curricular activities. This included a wide and varied sports program and many clubs. However, the non-educators at Tweed had other ideas for the academically struggling school. They decided to close the school and put four small schools in the building while still leaving the remaining
students of
Hoover High to graduate out of the closing school. This sharing of dwindling resources, as the total student population dropped to 900, bickering between administrators and staff resulted in a very unsettled transition and accusations of
favoritism. Worse, was that the five Principals could not work together and many extra-curricular activities were starved for funding and many of these programs were eliminated. Even updating the school library and obtaining gym equipment could not be completed because of the bickering Principals. Moreover, the new schools have
"Leadership Academy Principals" and almost all the teachers hired by these Principals were either Teach For America (
TFA) or Teaching Fellows, all
"newbie teachers". Very few experienced teachers wanted to or were selected by the insecure Principals to work in these new small schools. The result, a rise in student
discipline issues, classroom management problems, and a high teacher turnover (see graphs above). Finally, the small schools have not only limited enrollment but limited course selection and with inexperienced teachers who don't understand the
curriculum, many of them not certified in the subjects they are expected to teach in. These small schools are fated to be a dismal failure once the two year exemption of excluding special education,
ELA, and disruptive level one eighth graders are eliminated.

The DOE rather than bring in more resources to the struggling
Hoover High and strengthen the student discipline code to ensure disruptive students no longer could terrorize students and staff alike instead threw out the
"baby with the bath water" with the establishment of the
"flavor of the day" small schools at the expense of a truly comprehensive educational experience with the closing of
Hoover High.
Children Last continues.....
Thanks to Eduwonkette for the use of her graphs.
these smaller schools cost so much more money to run--just look at the salaries now being paid to administrators!
I don't see why 5 principals are needed to replace 1. where is all that money coming from during this fiscal crisis? What a scam! The doe has money when they want to, but not for what is needed. get rid of administrators, now that would be a true savings!
Without "cooking the books" these small schools are no better, and even sometimes worse than the large-school set up. Furthermore, sports teams and clubs have taken a big hit in the process.
Chaz you nailed the entire privatization scheme for urban public schools. This is exactly what is going on in Chicago as Duncan leaves to go to DC. That Obama was also present and accounted for doesn't bode well for the future of public urban ed.
I don't agree that this was just a gimmick on the part of Tweed that went awry. It is part of a national plan with Gates and the Business Roundtable and an end run around unions and the opposition to vouchers to take any hint of control of public ed in cities (suburbs exempt) out of the hands of teachers and parents. It is no accident that Leonie Haimson and her band of parent critics of Bloomklein have their counterparts in other parts of the country.
pissed off:
Right you are. Many of these small schools are top heavy with administrators that is part of the reason they want newbie teachers. They are cheap.
You are correct. In the long term they do not produce any better results and with a more restricted school experience.
I'm glad you agree. However, until we get rid of Joel Klein and gang this is the fate of all large schools.
Wow, sounds like what happened at the soon to be defunct Bayard Rustin Educational Complex.
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