Since my previous article on the age discrimination at the Queens Teacher' Reassignment Center (TRC). Things have been getting worse not better at the Queens TRC as more and more older teachers, most of them over the age of 50, have been sent to the "rubber room". Apparently, this is occurring citywide as all the "rubber rooms" are reporting an influx of older teachers at their sites. While Tweed gives the Principals the "green light" to remove older teachers Randi Weingarten's lawyer says there is no age discrimination issues. Adam Ross stated at a meeting in March that the union had looked into the age discrimination accusation and found no basis in the claim to file a lawsuit. Ron Isaac, to his credit, tried to bring up the age statistics that was given to him by the Queens TRC liaison, only to have the statistics dismissed by Adam Ross. Further, Leroy Barr, Randi's Chief of Staff, who was also at the March meeting and was aware of the ageism issue, said nothing.
How can our union allow the age discrimination to continue? Unfortunately, when the higher-ups pretend that there is no age discrimination and ignore the statistics that say otherwise, it is easy. With a union that fails to take seriously abuses by the DOE and allows Tweed to break any agreement that they see fit. One can only wonder when the UFT will draw a line in the sand and stand up for their members.
everyone who is in the rubber room and over 40 should contact the division of human rights. Send one letter of complaint after another until they wake up and do something. Then take it higher. Many voices need to be heard and heard NOW!
Ha ha ha!
You don't even know the wolf in sheep's cloth! NYSDHR is a brutal place, they are the waterboys for employers. Go and try to solicit help from them, see what will come out of your complaint?
I agree with anon 1:41. The NYSDHR puts up roadblock aftr roadblock. They do not seem to want to take on the DOE on age discrimination. I know a person that has sent them letter after letter documenting the age discrimination only to have the NYCDHR investigator request more documentation and then loses the papers.
Hi, Chaz:
NYSDHR or EEOC for that matter are inheritantly pro toward the establishments, They will do what they can to confuse, obsorb or weaken any complaint against DOE or the Cityhall. The only chance we have is to have a trial before our peers, a JURY trial in court, however, it is a steep uphill battle to get to a jury trial as there are a lot DOE can do to hamper your demand for a jury trial after filing the complaint in court.
I agree that the divison of human rights don't do anything, but everyone should send complaint after complaint to them and make them crazy! Then if they reject you, send the next letters to the commissioner of the division of human rights.
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