The actions of that bully, Chancellor Joel Klein, just gets worse when it comes to the New York City Public Schools. Now the Chancellor has sided with an exclusive Charter School, founded by wealthy hedge fund managers, and giving them more school space at the expense of the autistic program, the most vulnerable of the children in the school system.
The Chancellor has invoked his emergency powers to overrule the State Department of Education decision not to expanded the Charter School, Girls Preparatory Charter School at PS 94. He falsely stated that he used his "emergency powers" to protect the health, welfare, and general safety of the Charter School students (how is this true?) while ignoring the more needy and vulnerable autistic students at PS 94.The Chancellor's rationale for invoking his "emergency powers" is just a blatant example of his abusing his powers to protect the billionaire hedge fund managers that support the Charter School at the expense of the special education program at PS 94. The NYC Public School Parents Blog wrote an excellent article on the interconnecting of all the big players in the NYC Charter School support group that led to the Chancellor's decision to use (abuse) his "emergency powers" in this case. The New York Times also had a good article on the wealthy founders of the Charter School.
The Chancellor's continued contempt of parental input is obvious here as the parents of the autistic students could not get an audience with him about the elimination of the program. Interestingly, only the DOE media mouthpiece, the New York Daily News editorial staff (Pravda) supported the Chancellor's abuse of power.
While the Chancellor really cannot be put in jail for abusing the use of his "emergency powers" his judgement against the autistic students is morally wrong and the State should have a hearing on the Chancellor's decision. Furthermore, the parents should file civil charges against the Chancellor for his picking on the school system's most vulnerable students, the autistic children.
The Chancellor's actions only show that it is the "privileged children first" and the rest of the public school students last. For the public school students it is always "children last" when it comes to the Chancellor and his non-educator cronies.
On another note, does anyone have any take on what happens to the ATR financial hiring incentive that expires this November. Will it be renewed?
Yeah, put Klein in jail. Let him get passed around for a pack of Newports.
He is much too ugly to be passed around..except as a punching bag.
They should lock up Eva with him so they can live happily ever after.
We can't expect much change positive actions for the children from this chancellor.
He's much like our national education "chancellor," Arne Duncan, who restructured Chicago schools, and possibly contributed to a spike in youth violence there.
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