In the ever continuing saga of the " dare to be remarkable" school with its "C" rated PrincipaI now present you with a teacher nicknamed "delusional Bob". This teacher has been teaching over 30 years and is quite effective as a teacher. His extensive experience on curriculum and classroom management make him a valuable member of the school. Over the last few years "delusional Bob" has put up with many of the questionable administrative decisions by the "C" rated Principal that seemed at odds of what was good for the school and his students in particular. However, as he is now thinking of retirement in the near future he is no longer willing to take the "C" rated Principals garbage directed at him.
"Delusional Bob" is quite a character who sees the world a little bit differently then most people and once you get to know him, you take his non-educational advice with a grain of salt. However, despite his unique way of seeing things he has been an effective teacher to the students and a mentor to the string of "newbies" that come and go and that is what really counts.
This year "delusional Bob" has already been given two Letters-To-The-File (LIF) by the Principal for such outrageous actions as sitting on a radiator in the lunchroom and for not teaching his class when he had only six students for a period while the rest of the class was sent downstairs to do a non-educational activity mandated by the Principal.
In his first LIF, "Delusional Bob" was on cafeteria duty and when he saw that the students were calm and eating lunch he took a break and since there were no available seats, he decided to sit on the radiator. Unlucky for him, the "C" rated Principal just happened to walk in and saw "delusional Bob" sitting on the radiator and gave him a LIF for not properly doing his Administrative assignment.
The second LIF was when 24 of his 30 students were asked by the Principal to participate in a non-educational activity for the school. With only six students left "delusional Bob" decided that teaching them a lesson was ridiculous so he gave them a test preparation assignment to do. He instructed the six students that if they have any questions to raise their hands and he would come over to help them. Days, later the "C" rated Principal called him into her office to accuse him of "not teaching the entire period". He first tried to explain to her how he had only six students that period and he gave them a test preparation booklet to do. When the "C" rated Principal did not even acknowledge what he said and then asked him if it was true that he was in the classroom the entire period and did not teach. "Delusional Bob" responded "that is a lie. You can ask the teacher next to my room that what you said is untrue. She will tell you that she covered my class for part of the period because I had to take a shit". You can't make this stuff up.
There will be more stories about the "dare to be remarkable" school and the "C" rated Principal that makes decisions that is good for her but not for the students.
I would imagine it was a value-added shit.
Please tell me that the teacher at least differentiated the shit for the visual and auditory learners.
Not to mention olfactory learners.
...and those who learn by feeling.
I heard most you saying (including Chaz) that layoffs would not actually happen. Now it looks like a sure thing. How long will it take to hire back all these laid off teachers?
I don't think think it is a sure thing. I believe that the Mayor may issue pink slips only to cancel it during the summer.
Do teachers that get laid off still get paid through the summer or do they come off the payroll and have to be put back on when rehired?
The summer pay is for the school year before. Therefore, they do get paid, assuming they worked the full school year.
Just goes to show you that when a principal want to get you, they will. For all you new teacher's with your wonderful principal's "just because you have a wonderful principal now doesn't mean you will always have a wonderful principal". I went through 5 wonderful principal's until I eventually ended up with one vindictive principal from hell.
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